
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

3rd Person

A broad shoulder man with fiery red hair stood sternly. His face was partially covered by his white mask, but the mask still couldn't hide the man's handsomeness.

The man stood with an aura of mystery and gave off a cold feeling.

His face was void of emotion and many felt like his gaze could freeze you. He was slightly frowning.

On his left side, he had a black and red colored sword which gleamed under the sunlight.

The man was none other than the Crown Prince of the Arna Kingdom, Felix Arna.

However, no one expected Crown Prince Felix to suddenly break out into a wide grin and run towards Jace.

If anyone who knew him saw this, then they would surely faint due to such a large gap moe.

The very well muscled and tone Crown Prince ran towards Jace like a baby.

"Daddy!" Prince Felix Arna exclaimed, grinning as he crushed Jace in a bear hug.

"I'm not your Daddy!" Jace yelled, trying to get the Prince off of him.

"My name is Felix Arna."

Jace's eyes widened in astonishment and recognition.

"Shit," Jace muttered.

"I've missed you." Crown Prince Felix said with hidden emotions in his eyes.

Jace couldn't help but look into his eyes.

It was like they were lost in their own worlds, not giving a fuck about the audience around them.

Meeting Felix again caused suppressed memories to come back to Jace.

6 years ago

Location: Count Linden's Estate

"Dark Lord, heed my prayer. Please..." An old maid yelled, clutching a small child of about 11 years old to her chest.

The old maid began to cough up blood violently.

"Dark Lord, heed my prayer..." The old maid repeated.

"Interesting." Jace, the God of Death said.

"The old lady seems like she really needs you Jace." Ajax said.

"Oh alright, Mr. Timekeeper." Jace said as he left his home, the eternal darkness.

Jace appeared with a cloud of darkness surrounding himself.

"What do you need, Human?"

"Please, save my young master. Raise this child as your own."

"Well, in return I need your soul."

The old maid nodded.

Afterwards, Jace grabbed the boy's hand.

The young boy was shocked to see his maid die in front of him.

The young boy stared at Jace in shock.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Cassius, the son of Count Linden."

"That is a very nice name. However, for now on, you will have no name. If anyone asks, you were born in the slums as an orphan."

The young boy nodded and Jace took him back to his home.

There, Jace raised the young boy for about a year.

A year later

"Hmmm..." The King of Arna muttered. "He does indeed resemble my late son Felix. What is this young boy's name and how old is he?"

Jace smiled.

"This boy was raised in the slums and thus never had a name. He is 12 years old and an orphan" Jace said.

The King of Arna grinned.

"Perfect. Can he act?"

"Yes, your majesty."

The King looked at the poor boy with no name.

"For now on, your name will be Felix Arna, the 6th prince of the Arna Kingdom. My son, the original 6th prince, suddenly died from a fever and I can not bear to tell my family the truth as he was doted on the most because he was born sickly.

"Now boy, will you take this task? I will make sure you will be treated the same as my other sons and make sure you have the finest clothes and jewels. I will offer you riches beyond your wildest dream. Heck, I will even appoint you as crown prince." The King questioned, outreaching a hand towards the boy.

The poor boy looked hesitantly towards Jace.

"Daddy?" The young boy questioned.

"Go on. I am not your daddy anymore. This man is the King and will be your new father."

The boy put his small hands into the King's hands.

"How much do you need?" The King asked.

"Nothing much...just your soul." Jace said calmly.


"Well, a piece of your soul to be exact. I'm quite hungry you see."

"Well, okay." The King agreed.

This is how the poor boy born in the slums with no name became the crown prince overnight.

Determined to make sure the King would not regret his decision and to make his Daddy proud (Jace), the young boy began to study in various aspects.

He became the number 1 genius praised throughout all of the four great kingdoms.

No one knew the truth of what transpired that night except the King of Arna, the poor slum boy and the God of Death himself, Jace Nightshadow.

Well, Rowan also knew, perks of being reincarnated by the goddess of reincarnation.

Back to Present

To Jace's shock, he felt a tear escape him.


Crown Prince Felix wiped his tears.

"Please don't cry."

"I'm sorry for what I did to you, Felix."

"Don't worry, I know you did what you did because you cared for me."

They pulled back from the hug.

"But, how did you find me?"

Crown Prince Felix grinned.

"I sensed your presence on that boy. At the hunting grounds."

"Huh? Are you talking about Kai?"

Felix nodded.

"Yeah, although I may have given him the wrong idea because I stared at him too long." Felix chuckled.

"But that is not possible, no one should be able to sense me, I am a God." Jace said

Felix smirked.

"Heh, maybe it's because I'm your soulmate."

"W-what!" Jace sputtered out, clearly embarrassed.

"Why don't you ask your friend, Aphrodite?"

Jace hit Felix on the head.


"Don't say such things! I'm the one who raised you!"

"Whatever you say, Daddy."

Jace's face turned red and he was flustered.

"And stop calling me Daddy! It sounds wrong!"

"How so?" Felix questioned as he got closer to Jace.


Just realizing that they had an audience, Jace quickly got off from Felix.

"What are we going to do with them?" Prince Zale asked.

"How are we going to take them back? We ran out of teleportation crystals." Prince Perseus added.

"How about Perseus, Felix and me carry Kai while Jace and Zale carry Caliban?" Rowan asked.

"Sounds good to me." Jace replied.

A little while later, the group made their way through the forest.

Jace and Zale were walking behind the group, carrying Caliban.

Prince Zale turned towards Jace.

"I didn't know a God could cry." Zale said.

Jace looked at him.

"I did not cry! You must be seeing something!"

Zale laughed.

"Hey, what are you the God of? Let me guess. Lust?" Zale wiggled his eyebrows.

"What! Don't compare to that minor God! I am the God of Death, a major God!" Jace shouted, outraged.

Zale's eyes widened in shock.

The man who was just crying his eyes out was the god of death? Zale thought.

"You're the god of death!?" Zale couldn't help saying.

"What? You don't believe me?"

Zale shook his head. "I do."

"How long do you think it will take to reach the hunting grounds?" Zale asked.

"Hmm...at this rate, maybe around 2 days. This is not good. Kai and Caliban are in need of medical attention." Jace said.

"Hey, does anyone know of a shortcut?" Jace shouted to the men in front of him.

"Oh! Yes I do!" Felix yelled back. "Before I took part in the royal hunt, I memorized all the routes leading out of the forest. Follow me!"

Thus, the group embarked on the journey and in a little less than an hour, they made it to the hunting grounds where the Royal Family of different Kingdoms were located.

"Rowan!" The Queen of the Silvan Kingdom exclaimed when she saw a limp body in her son's arms. "Is that...?"

Rowan nodded.

The group placed both Kai and Caliban on the makeshift stretcher.

The Queen shed tears and with shaking hands, gently caressed Kai's face.

"What happened to him? Why is he so bloody and pale?" She whispered.

"Kai and Caliban were fighting with the dragon and they were both badly injured." Rowan informed her.

The King of Silvan who stood silently behind his Queen finally said something. "Let's take Kai back to the Silvan Kingdom so he can recuperate. Our Kingdom is the most advanced. We have the latest technology invented by our most talented people. They call themselves Reincarnators. Plus, we can give him an x-ray scan."

Well, that was news to Rowan.

Apparently, in the Kingdom of Rowan there were many who were reincarnated there.

Rowan looked at his father, confused.

"Um, father, mother, I think Kai would appreciate it if Caliban came with us." Rowan said.

"Nonsense!" An angry voice shouted.

It was a young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties, but she was in fact 36 years old. She had pink hair with matching pink eyes.

It was none other than the Greyscale Duchess.

"Caliban is not allowed to go!" Lyna Greyscale shouted.

"He can just face call Caliban then," The King of Silvan stated.

"But father!"

The King of Silvan shook his head.

"We have no control over them as they are not part of our family nor our subjects." The King of Silvan said.

Rowan could only stay silent.

Rowan frowned when thought that when Kai woke up, he would be very saddened not having Caliban by his side.

To everyone's utmost shock, they heard something that they thought they would never hear in their entire lifetime.

"Let him go," A male voice said calmly.

Everyone turned to the sound of the voice.

A man who appeared to be 25 but was actually 35 spoke. He had dark navy blue hair and ice blue eyes. It was the Greyscale Archduke.

"Freon? Whatever do you mean?" The archduchess asked with a shocked expression.

Archduke Freon Greyscale raised an eyebrow.

"I do not like repeating myself, Lyna." Archduke Freon said with killing intent in his eyes.

Archduchess Lyna eyes widened in fear and she ran away with tears in her eyes.

Archduke Freon turned towards his son, Caliban who was out cold.

Archduke Freon's eyes widened when he looked closer at Caliban.

"Black wings?" Archduke Freon questioned.

Archduke Freon, who had never shown his true feelings felt his façade cracking.

"Lailah...you.." Freon said weakly but when he noticed the audience looking at him, his cold expression came back and it seemed like his moment of weakness never occurred.

"Cover those hideous pigeon wings! Place a blanket on him!" Archduke Freon snapped. "Take him away to the Silvan Kingdom and don't ever let me see him again! Such a disgrace." He commanded and walked away.

"What my younger brother said is correct," The King George of Asten said. "It will be best if that illegitimate child is sent elsewhere, he is tainting the royal family's pure bloodline.

Unknowingly to others, when the Archduke turned away, he was silently crying.

"I'm sorry Lailah."