
I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball

Nagasawa crossed to Naruto Universe and was bound to Konohagakure. If Konoha is severely damaged and destroyed, Nagasawa’s lifespan will be reduced. He panicked at the thought of the upcoming Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's attack , and the thought of Konoha getting destroyed left him in despair. Fortunately, while bound to Konoha, he can obtain templates of powerful characters. At the beginning, He got the Whitebeard template! Since it's the Whitebeard from the Summit War of Marineford, he can use Tremor-Tremor Fruit's ability and Haki. Facing the Tailed Beast Ball, which terrorized Konoha Shinobi, Nagasawa leaped and shattered the Tailed Beast Ball with one punch! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/strongbeast Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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292 Chs

Conflict Reemerge

Dang! Dang!

The two instantly exchanged blows dozens of times.

Suddenly, Nagasawa's speed increased. He swung Murakumogiri at Hanzo's head.

Hanzo did not expect that Nagasawa, who was affected by his poison, could still move at such a speed. For a moment, he could not react. He did not have time to use Body Flicker Technique to dodge, so he blocked Nagasawa's strike with his sickle.


Nagasawa used his right hand to push Murakumogiri and overwhelmed Hanzo, while he generated a quake bubble on his left hand and punched Hanzo.

Hanzo was racking his brain to stop Nagasawa's attack.

However, after seeing Nagasawa's punch that destroyed Amegakure, even if Hanzo used the chain on his sickle to stop Nagasawa, it would not be enough.

Hanzo had no choice but to clash head-on with Nagasawa's fist.

However, Hanzo was not the kind of Shinobi who was good at fighting head-on.


The impact caused by the powerful vibration force sent Hanzo flying, and he spat out a mouthful of blood as he was sent flying.


Hanzo slammed into the ground, and dust flew all over the place.

"Cough cough!" Hanzo quickly got up and coughed up blood again.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Hanzo quickly used Body Flicker Technique to dodge Nagasawa's attack.


A huge compressed air blade struck the ground.


Hanzo immediately rushed towards Nagasawa at a breakneck speed.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Hanzo quickly threw the iron chains attached to his sickle, attempting to wrap it around Nagasawa.

However, there was no way Nagasawa would let Hanzo do it so easily. He repelled Hanzo's iron chain with Murakumogiri on his right hand.

It was as if the iron chain struck an insurmountable barrier, and it was struck back toward Hanzo.

However, Hanzo had already expected that Nagasawa would do this, so he threw his sickle toward Nagasawa with all his might.

With the combination of the two forces, the sickle became even faster that it instantly reached Nagasawa, cutting his chest.

After a successful attack, Hanzo quickly backed down and once again formed hand seals to use Water Dragon Bullet Technique.

Because Nagasawa cracked the ground, the water that Hanzo created with the Great Waterfall Flow Technique earlier was absorbed into the ground. And since there was less water he could use now, his Water Dragon Bullet Technique was much smaller.

However, Hanzo already knew that Water Dragon Bullet Technique wouldn't be enough to defeat Nagasawa, but his sickle was laced with his salamander's venom!

And since Nagasawa had been poisoned earlier, even someone like Nagasawa would not be able to last long.

Now, as long as he bought enough time until Nagasawa died from the poison, he would win.

Just as Hanzo expected, although Nagasawa managed to strike down his Water Dragon Bullet Technique with a knife, he was much weaker compared to before.

Moreover, he panted more often. It was obvious that Nagasawa was not as strong as he was before.

"Cough cough." Hanzo suddenly coughed out blood. Hadn't he reacted at the last moment when Nagasawa punched him earlier, he'd have been killed by Nagasawa.

Hanzo clutched his chest, he could feel his body getting numb.

He knew the reason. When he had been punched by Nagasawa, the poison sac in his body had been ruptured.

This weapon that had always led him to victory became the thing that led him to his demise.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" Knowing that he was going to die anyway, Hanzo decided not to dodge. He stood in place and used all of his Chakra in his body on this move.

A huge amount of water gushed out in front of Hanzo, more than the last time, more turbulent.

A large amount of water swirled around Hanzo, finally forming an extremely huge ferocious water dragon.

The huge water dragon circled around Hanzo.

On the other hand, Nagasawa raised his right fist, which was covered in a quake bubble.

Although the bubble was not that big this time, the vibration power it contained was very terrifying.

Just by waving his hands, tiny cracks appeared in the surrounding air.

Sensing this powerful aura, Obito knew that the two of them would settle this in the next move and once again retreated a bit further away with Nagato.

Although Musashi was reluctant to do so, he also retreated. A battle of this level was not something he could intervene in. Even the aftermath was devastating for him.

After concentrating all of his Chakra, Hanzo's Water Dragon Bullet Technique rushed towards Nagasawa. After that, Hanzo slumped to the ground, and he covered his chest before blood spurting out of his mouth.

He was injured, poisoned, and now exhausted his Chakra. At this time, he had already reached his limit. Even without others' intervention, he would not live for more than three minutes.

In fact, if he didn't use up all his Chakra, he could've held on for some time. Because of his implanted venom sac, his poison resistance was higher than ordinary people's.

But Hanzo didn't choose to do that. He didn't care whether he died a little later or a little earlier.

He just wanted to settle this fight with Nagasawa before he died.

The huge water dragon and Nagasawa's fist enveloped in a quake bubble collided.


A flash of white light dyed everything in the surroundings white, and a violent explosion echoed.

The ground that had been damaged because of  Tremor-Tremor Fruit's ability earlier was obviously unable to endure such a powerful impact.

After a loud explosion, a huge pit instantly appeared on the ground.

The powerful shockwave from the explosion spread out in all directions, destroying trees and buildings.

The already messy ground instantly became even more worse, and all kinds of debris and ruins flew all over the place.

Hanzo, who was already at his limit, could not withstand this devastating aftermath any longer and fell to the ground.

At this time, Nagasawa looked in quite a bad state. His body was full of small wounds, some of them were even purple.

However, that was only on the surface. In reality, he only had to use a little Medical Ninjutsu and washed away the blood, and he'd be fine.

Nagasawa walked up to Hanzo, who was lying on the ground.

Hanzo coughed out blood again. His face was pale, and he said, "You won."

"Yes, I won." Nagasawa said.

After saying that, Hanzo seemed to have completely resigned to his fate. He closed his eyes, and his slightly raised head fell to the ground.


At this time, Obito, who was wearing a white mask, came over with Yahiko.

"Whitebeard, how about joining us?" Obito invited Nagasawa and then spouted a bunch of lofty goals such as world peace.

"Gu ra ra ra ra." Nagasawa laughed and said, "I don't care about world peace. I just want a family."

Obito's eyes instantly turned cold.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two sides had become somewhat tense, Musashi hurriedly said, "Pops, didn't we say that we were going to visit Land of Water? It's time! Tsugatsu must be getting tired of waiting."

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