
I Promised You The World

A BTS Omegaverse Suga-centric Fanfiction where Pack Alpha Min Yoongi promises his pack the world... Two Betas- Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok, two Alphas- Kim Namjoon and Jeon Jungkook, and two Omegas- Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, are kidnapped by an Alpha named Min Yoongi. What secrets is he hiding? Why this man had imprisoned them exactly? As far as they know, they are but simple people...but soon, magic is about weave into their lives...

Atsam_Gawlthwazz · Celebrities
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2 Chs

Crazy Kidnappers (Jin's POV)

Jin woke up groaning, with a headache that he was sure would cause his head to

burst any moment now. He tried to move his arms and legs to sit but his whole body

was on fire with pain. He was afraid that if he moved his limbs with force, they might fall

off. He opened his eyes. It took about five minutes to get used to the piercing light of his

surroundings. Finally, when he was able to see the metal ceiling, he concluded that he

hadn't gone blind. He tried to utter the word help, but the only sound he made was a


"You are awake," a voice declared. Jin wanted to turn his neck but he couldn't. It

took him a moment to realize that his neck was supported with a collar. Was he in a

hospital? He tried to remember. Before his mind could try to collect any past memories,

a man appeared in front of him. He was standing beside his bed. It was difficult to tell

whether his eyes or his hair were darker. They were not just black, but back like an

abyss. Jin shivered. Was this man Jin's doctor? Despite his scary gaze, this man was

handsome. Jin felt nervous. He was not sure if this anxiety was caused by the

handsomeness or deadliness of this man's looks. Perhaps both. Jin could smell a hint

of whiskey. For a second he thought that this man, who is his doctor, is drunk. Drunk on

duty? This is not good. Jin knew about some doctor from Busan who was drunk on duty

and killed his patients before he was sentenced to prison. Jin did not want to die yet.

Not this way. It would be ironic that the finest surgeon of Seoul died due to the

incompetence and negligence of his own doctor. But then he realized, this man is not

drunk, it is just his scent. Such a strong scent, Jin, even in his fuzzy state could tell that this man is an alpha.

"Don't move. Keep resting." that man said softly with his deep voice, bringing Jin

back to reality from his train of thoughts. And then the man went away. Jin kept staring

at the ceiling.

Oh yes, he remembered that night in that club. His colleague from the hospital he

worked at had taken him there to treat Jin on his day off. To celebrate Jin

accomplishment of a unique case of transplant of vocal cords. Yes, the moment he set

foot in that club, he felt that someone was staring at him, but it was hard to tell in that


Jin was an unmated beta. And rather a handsome one. So there were lots of

drinks that were sent to his table. But luckily his colleague, Bang Chan, was an alpha. So

it helped to avoid all those lusty alphas. It was not Jin did not want to date or explore

things, but his work and career had always been his priority.

Jin accompanied Bang Chan outside on the balcony for a smoke, and that is

when that alpha with charcoal scent in black mask appeared out of nowhere and

knocked out Bang Chan with a single smack. Jin was not just a small helpless beta. If

anything, he was the number one taekwondo champion in his college days. He launched

himself at that black-masked alpha. The alpha was taken aback. To be honest, Jin knew

that there was no way that he could take on that bulky alpha all by himself. If his

gym-freak alpha colleague was knocked out by him so easily, it wouldn't be a surprise if

this attacker would crush his bones before Jin could blink his eyes. Jin always had been

this stubborn. Even if he knew that he was gonna lose at something, he would not

accept his defeat unless he tried his hundred percent. Sometimes he wouldn't admit

defeat even after losing. But to his surprise, the attacker was holding back, as if he was

afraid to hurt Jin.

"Come with me, please", the attacker commanded sternly.

Jin was enraged more. Maybe it was a bit of the influence of alcohol. Firstly, this

alpha attacked his friend, and now he had the audacity to command him! He furiously

threw more punches and kicks. They were on the third floor. As he tried to jump at that

alpha to kick him, he lost his control and fell off instead. Last thing he saw was a look of

shock in that black-masked alpha's face as looked down from the balcony to the falling

Jin. And then there was excruciating pain all over his body and then everything had gone


Jin wondered if someone had reported that attacker and if he was arrested. Or was he the one to bring him to hospital. He wondered if Bang Chan was okay. He was sure he was not seriously injured so he must have been fine. But no one had come to visit him. Maybe he was busy planning his upcoming case of rare congenital heart defect corrective surgery. He sighed and just stared at the ceiling.


Jin was not sure how much time had passed. It was difficult to tell since the brightness in his room had not changed and all he could look at was the ceiling.

Moreover, most of the time he was sleeping, and no one came to visit him. Not even that

doctor. Whenever he tried to call someone, all he could do was groan. He was pretty

sure that a doctor with whiskey scent had visited his room twice but Jin was not able to

call him and the doctor did not come in sight of vision. Jin was growing restless. He

wanted to know about what was happening. He wanted to check his report. If everything

was fine, to estimate how much it will take for his recovery. Truly, doctors make the

worst patients.

And then he woke up with excruciating pain and the scent of whiskey when he

found that that doctor was trying to make him sit straight. As he groaned, the doctor whispered in his ear, "hey, it's okay. I am just trying to make you sit. I know you are

irritated by just lying on the bed".

Jin could swear that he was gonna get drunk just by the scent of this man.

Alcoholic scents like whiskey were pretty rare.

"Y…your na…name?" He managed to speak. He wanted to make sure that he is

handled by a well reputed doctor. Otherwise, he can transfer himself to the hospital he

worked at, in care of a doctor he was confident with. Maybe Dr Lee Sang-Yeob from the

neurology department?

The whiskey scented alpha smiled politely. "Min Yoongi. But you always loved

calling me Suga, didn't you?" he said matter-of- factly.

Jin was puzzled. He was pretty sure that his concussion was not that severe to

not recognize someone. He had seen this alpha for the first time in his life. Moreover,

Jin never, never, used any nicknames for anyone in his life. He never had been close with someone on a nickname basis. Was this alpha mistaking him for someone else?

As Jin was seated on his bed, Yoongi adjusted the cushion for his back and

adjusted Jin's hair with his finger gently. Jin's eyes were wide with shock. His mango

scent spiked, covered with nervousness. Yoongi sighed and turned back to leave.

And that is when Jin realized that he was not in a hospital as he took a look at his

surroundings. It was more of a setting of some kind of lab or library. Hard to say. The

walls were covered with bookshelves with rows and rows of books. And those books

looked at least a hundred years old. However, there were lots of tables around, with

many modern equipment like microscopes, burners and beakers, test tubes, and even a

couple of centrifuges. Yoongi was sitting on a computer, typing something with a

serious look. Jin decides to focus on calming his scent, not to cause any alarm. He again realized that his bed was placed in a glass cell. Was this man doing some crazy

experiments on him? In this large room, there was no one but him and Yoongi. He was

facing Yoongi's back. But he was faraway and Jin was not able to see what was on that

computer screen.

Jin saw on his left. There were several empty cells made of glass, just like his. He

gulped. He was thinking of how he should ask where he was or who this Min Yoongi

was exactly, and suddenly the door in the far left corner opposite Jin's side opened.

Jin saw a man coming in. He was wearing a black mask. Jin instantly recognized

this man. As he entered, he approached Yoongi and bowed and said something that

was inaudible to Jin.

Now Jin was pretty sure he was not in hospital. He was captivated by some crazy

men. But why him? Do they need money? Is he a subject to some kind biological or

genetic experiment? What is exactly going on?

But one thing was he was not able to control his anger. He was scared but


"You!" he shouted. As Yoongi and that black-masked man looked at him, she


"YOU FUCKI' BASTARD!" He yelled, ignoring the pain it caused. Yoongi rushed

towards him, he entered the glass wall as if it was not there. He straight walked through

it. He phased through it. As he entered, his scent of whiskey went bitter with worry

mixed with Jin's scent of mangoes gone hot with anger. "Calm down hyung!" the alpha

said firmly.

Jin coughed and managed to say "You guys kidnapped me!?" It was difficult to

determine whether it was a statement or a question. Yoongi was saying something but

Jin could not hear those words. He had pushed his body's limits to yell in fit of anger. He

passed out, sensing Yoongi hugging him tightly.


Jin again woke up, but surprisingly he was in less pain. He felt a little less weak

than before. He sensed the scent of whiskey in the air. But there was noone one around.

Perhaps Yoongi had just left. Jin signed with relief. His mind ran through a thousand


There is no way he can confront his captors in his current state. He should burst

in anger like before. He needs to understand their motives first. Maybe he should not be

very blunt about it. Maybe he should just observe first. Although the situation was this

way, that Yoongi guy didn't seem threatening…

"Hyung you are awake! Don't scare me again, please. You should not be hard on

yourself in your current state, focus on recovering first!" Yoongi entered the room. There

was obvious stress in his scent. He looked at Jin and sat at the foot of the table.

Jin said nothing. He remained calm, despite the fact that he wanted to strangle

this man and ask him tons of questions. Most important of them was, who the hell gave

him permission to call him 'hyung'? Jin was pretty sure that even though alpha had

breathtaking looks, he was much more gorgeous, and must be looking five years

younger than him.

"Hyung, when you fell from the floor, there was a soul-eating spider on your body.

Swan was not able to catch you because of the spell casted by that spider. When Swan

found you, it had already bitten you," Yoongi continued with a soft tone, "Combined with

that spider's venom and injuries from fall, it had been hard on your body. The usual

potion to cure venom would have worked in a couple days but your body had critical

injuries. I had to dilute the potion, so your body can endure it. I cannot use typical

potions to catalyst the healing due to venom. So this will take at least a month, meaning,

just one more week hyung." Yoongi completed without taking a breath.

Jin processed what Yoongi said. So it's been about three weeks since he is here (wow!). Souls eating spiders? Potions? What nonsense is this? Is this man some

fanatic? Some crazy guy mistook him for someone else? Jin wanted to slap Yoongi so

can say something more sensible. But Jin said or did nothing. He simply stared at

Yoongi. With a gaze that said, 'if i had not been injured, I would have kicked you right


"You said I used to call you Sugar or something. But I don't think I know you, or

anyone with the name Min Yoongi or … whatever. Perhaps you are mistaking me for

someone else. If you want money or something, I can gladly arrange that if you can drop

me at a hospital." Jin said calmly.

Yoongi laughed dryly. Looking at the ceiling he said, "Oh silly me! Hyung must be

thinking I am some kind of lunatic. Of course hyung does not remember me. I was just

so excited to see hyung again after reincarnation that I forgot the possibility of hyung not recognizing me."

Jin breathed heavily. Reincarnation? Magic? Potions? Of course he thinks that

this Min Yoongi guy is a lunatic. He does not want money. Looking at the surroundings,

he must be well off to collect those old books and these fancy lab equipment. Jin needs

to handle this man delicately.

Yoongi stood up, as Jin looked at him vigilantly. Without looking into Beta's eyes,

the alpha informed, "I will tell Swan not to enter as he startled you. It is understable

since your last encounter with him was not exactly pleasant(Of course it wasn't, he

attacked my friend and made me fall from the third floor, Jin thought). I will ask Kim

Hwa Young to attend hyung. Hyung always had fondness for her" Yoongi said and left.

He phased to that glass wall. Jin was confused. Maybe there is no glass, just some kind

of illusion his mind made. Magic cannot be real.

Jin was left with so many thoughts. He was not just dealing with one lunatic but

a bunch of them! Now he needs to see who this girl this alpha was talking about. Do

they all belong to the same pack? Pack of fanatics? Or is HwaYoung also some kind of

prisoner of this man?

Jin had gotten nothing but questions and no answers. Now all he could do was

wait for this girl to arrive. He started thinking about how to deal with her and obtain

some information.

If (and certainly hope so) he manages to get out of this place, this is gonna make

a one goddamn headline for the newspapers, Jin thought. He sighed and closed his

eyes. If he was supposed to be kidnapped, why was he not kidnaped by regular

kidnappers? Why did it have to be these idiots?

Jin drifted to sleep cursing his luck.