
I Promise To Love You Forever

Credit to the owner of the photo. ... Her love for him is pure and true but revenge is his motive

Placidity · Urban
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4 Chs

Encounter (2)

Calix rubbed his temples. The thought of being in the same room with his uncle coupled with the remembrance of his late fiancée was enough to stress him out. His icy aura made the temperature of the car reduce making the air conditioner completely useless.

"Can't you drive faster" Calix yelled at his chauffer.

"I'm a bit over the speed limit" Andrew, the chauffer answered politely

"I don't care just make this thing go faster" Calix said out of frustration.

"Yes sir.. I'll..." Andrew let out a loud gasp and hardly pulled the car to a stop.

Andrew quickly jumped out of the car and rushed towards the woman who was standing in front of the car.

Meanwhile, Addilyn was trying to cross the clear road when a car suddenly came out of nowhere. She screamed as she closed her eyes and held her chest.

"Miss...are you Ok?" Andrew asked.

Addilyn quickly opened her eyes when she heard a voice. She looked at the man in front of her and patted her chest which was heaving up and down.

"Are you blind?!" Addilyn yelled.

"I'm so sorry Miss..are you hurt?" Andrew asked again.

"No I'm fine..but please next time drive slowly...you almost killed me" Addilyn nagged.

"My apologies. I..." Andrew paused when he noticed something on the ground. He bent down and picked it up

"Is this yours?"

Addilyn looked at the phone in Andrew's hand.

"OH MY GOD. MY PHONE" Addilyn screamed.

Calix who was watching the entire scenario was completely infuriated. Since she wasn't hurt why was she making such a big scene?. Out of annoyance, he came down from the car and went towards the both of them.

Addilyn turned her head and saw the beautiful well built man walking towards her. Her heart skipped a beat when he stood in front of her. She didn't need a prophet to tell her the person standing in front of her is Calix White.

Calix looked at the woman in front of him with an expressionless face.

"How much?" was the question that came out of Calix's mouth.

Addilyn who was starstruck regained herself when she heard the question.

"What?" Addilyn asked.

"How much for your phone?" Calix asked again

"Oh... don't worry about it... it's not..." Before she could finish speaking, Calix brought out a blank check and gave it to her.

"Write any amount you want....I hope that will suffice" Calix said as he turned to Andrew

"Let's go" Calix said as he went back to the car. He was already late. He just wanted to get the information from his uncle and get everything over with.

"Once again Miss, my apologies" Andrew said as he ran after his boss. He started the car and quickly drive off leaving a confused Addilyn on the road.

Addilyn looked at the blank check in her hand

"Just a simple 'I'm sorry I almost hit you' would have sufficed but who am I to complain"