
I Promise I'll Love Her

FrostMist · Realistic
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11 Chs

Dirty Room

Chapter – 10 Dirty Room

"Shit!!! We missed her again."

"She is like a secret agent after our classes are our she just disappears," Lucas said excitedly as he like mystery stuff. Jenny's behavior was a really big mystery.

"Ohh, shut up you third-rate James Bond." Will tried to make Lucas shut his mouth before he starts his own whole imaginary story behind Jenny acting mysteriously. While both of them were having a little argument Trevor was standing still while thinking about something.

"Dude, are you okay or have you gone into Coma?" Lucas said getting close to him.

"Yes, I'm fine. I think she had made my mind stop working entirely. Why didn't we had checked the parking lot? If she doesn't go back by public transport that means she goes by her own vehicle. Tomorrow we are skipping the last class and will be waiting there." Trevor said as he was already thinking to visit her home.

"So, we are done here, right? Let's go to my house then I need help from both of you." Lucas said and it made both Trevor and Will look at him differently. As Lucas has never let these two enter his house for some reason but today, he was inviting them openly. It was weird to both of them.

"Come on, guys don't look at me like that if you don't wanna help then it's okay. I'll ask someone else for it." Lucas said with a little pout while pretending that he is okay without their help.

"Oi, wait, wait, wait." Will and Trevor both rushed towards Lucas as they didn't want to miss the chance to visit Lucas's house for the first time. Both of them hugged Lucas from behind and started laughing.

"You smartass, we are not gonna miss this chance Hahahah, now even if you say we can't come we will barge inside the house without your permission," Trevor said while this would also help him divert his mind from Jenny. Falling in love is the best feeling in life but it hurts when it's only one-sided. However, Trevor's future was still undecided whether Jenny will love him or not was still uncertain.

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Will and Trevor had the same response after seeing Lucas's room. The whole place was filled with Anime Wallpaper but the problem was all of them were Hot girls and on the other side there was a huge shelf which was filled with books. The whole floor was also dirty, there were crumbs everywhere, and hair, pens, books, and other things were scattered everywhere like a garbage area.

"Now, we are glad you never invited us to your house for all these years," Trevor said, the bad smell from the room was making them feel like vomiting but somehow, they were holding it. And as for Lucas, he was totally fine like it didn't affect him at all. "Come on, guys. It's not that bad, I had cleaned my room five months ago. Relax and sit where ever you want to." Lucas said with a smile but for those two that smile was more like a sinister smile, which a person shows before torturing someone.

"Just tell us, why you needed our help, so we can get over with it and go back to our home." Trevor was regretting coming here. Will was close to fainting out, so he was keeping his mouth shut and was only gesturing towards Lucas, most of them were definitely bad words.

"The thing is I want you guys to help me out with this girl, that I like," Lucas said while trying to act shy. The moment Trevor and Will heard that they rushed out of that room and left the house. Leaving Lucas dumbfounded and with an expressionless face. Lucas was thinking about what just happened when he received a call from Trevor, "Asshole, come outside!" Trevor said with an upset tone.

"Lucas, if you wanted to just talk about this stuff. Why did you have to invite us to your house for that, we could have talked about that someplace else." Will said while trying to take all the fresh air around him but still, the bad smell from Lucas's room was not fading away.

"I thought you guys would start making fun of me loudly that's why I invited you guys here," Lucas said rubbing behind his head while trying to put on an awkward smile. "You know we might have not made fun of you for this but now we will make sure that we will be doing that every time," Trevor said with a grin.

"You made us go through this hell for that matter, we will surely get back at you for this Lucas." Will also added up. Lucas was thinking that he might have made a huge mistake by inviting them here now.

"Guys calm down, I'm your friend you won't be doing something bad to me, right? Guys, why are you not saying anything?" Lucas was getting a bit nervous thinking that both of them would be torturing him from now on for this.

"Anyways, tells us about who's this girl?" Trevor said.

"That is the thing where I need your guy's help, I only know her face," Lucas said.

"Are you kidding us?" Both of them.

While Trevor and others were spending their time trying to help Lucas, Jenny was enjoying her time here with Sia. Both of the girls had decided to go on a shopping spree today. They were trying out all kinds of dresses and shoes while having fun in the mall.

"What do you think Sia?" Jenny asked as she come out wearing a long black dress with no sleeves looking at her Sia was shocked as she was looking perfect in that dress. If the designer of that dress would have been here, he would have died from happiness seeing Jenny like that.

"Are you gonna say something or not?" Jenny was feeling shy as Sia was only staring at her without saying anything. Sia's silence was broken by Jenny's phone which was beside Sia. Seeing the caller's name Sia was happy.

"Your lover, huh?" Sia said, in just two days both of them had become close to each other. Recently had shared about his boyfriend with Sia. That guy is from her country and they were dating for more than a year but cause of Jenny came to this country they were going through some hard times in their relationship.

"Give it to me," Jenny said rushing towards Sia even though it was hard for her to walk in that dress. "Easy girl, you have plenty of time to talk with him." Sia joked

"No, it's already hard for me and if won't even talk with him I'll literally die," Jenny said and answered the call.

"Hey, love." Jenny's tone change into a baby instantly when she answered the call. The happiness was clearly visible on her face when she was talking with that guy.

"Hii, where are you?" from the other side the guy replied and from the background loud music sound was coming from his side. Jenny was finding it hard to hear him but still tried her best.

"I'm buying some clothes with my friend right now; she is waiting for me. By the way, how was your day?" Jenny wanted to ask where he is because of the music from the background but she didn't want to be like other girls always being suspicious of their boyfriends.

"Ohh, you are with your friends okay, then have fun we can talk later. Bye." Saying that the guy ended the call without even listening to Jenny. "That was a bit unusual, he had never done something like this." Jenny thought while looking at her phone, not sure what was going on there.

"Girl! Are you there or have you gone into the fantasy land with him already? Hahaha" Sia commented she was getting bored now, they had tried out most of the dresses and other stuff here.

"Jenny do you wanna try anything else or should we buy what we have decided, also you are getting this dress too. It's made for you." Saying that Sia asked for the saleswoman there to pack their stuff and decided to leave the mall.

"Sia, do you think I should be worried that he ended my call this quickly? He had never done that before." While coming out of the mall Jenny spoke with a blank face, looking at her Sia was getting concerned, "No, it's okay. He wanted you to enjoy your time that's why don't overthink anything okay? He is not gonna leave you and if he does, both of us will beat him." Sai tried to cheer her up but still, she had the same face as earlier.

"Come on, Jenny don't be like that, nothing wrong is going to happen. Let's get something to eat." Sia dragged her to the nearest ice cream parlor.