
Chapter 398: The True Moisture of the Secret Land_1

Translator: 549690339

The number of spiritual plants planted in the Cave Mansion Spirit Field was huge, approaching the limit of what could be planted, so Lu Xuan planned to plant the newly acquired spiritual seeds in the Incomplete Secret Realm that he would soon acquire.

The Emperor Dates, including the Sword Nurturing Gourd, and the Flaming Fruits, among others.

From what he knew about the secret realms, the conditions for the growth of the Emperor Dates would be more likely met in a secret realm, so there was no need to worry about not being able to grow normally after planting.

Speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives - a few days later, a Blue Bird Marionette flew to the outside of Lu Xuan's Cave Mansion.

"Is Junior Brother Lu there? Could you please make some time to come to the Array Hall? This matter concerns the Secret Realm that Junior Brother is managing."