
I play as a beast in World of Warcraft

Upon being reincarnated as the Prince of Lordaeron, Arthas expressed his reluctance to become the Lich King. Lady Gianna Proudmoore is as wealthy as a nation, and is she my aunt? Is Sylvanas Windrunner my sister? Gianna is still young and lovely! Hmm, the Queen of the Wrynn dynasty is quite attractive! Saving Azeroth is non-existent; only by being surrounded by women can one sustain life. Dragons, high elves, night elves, female trolls, female orcs, female draenei - none will be spared, all are my flesh vessels. Deceiving, manipulating, and pretending to pursue the Lich King: I have never seen such shameless behavior from a paladin, hypocritically deceitful yet pretending to be a righteous savior. Dreadlord: How do you know? Isn't he just a tool in your eyes? Lich King: I saw him bring back my wife's soul and even impregnate her! The Dreadlord looked at the sinister Lich King and said, "Nathrezim, you must stay strong for the Legion!" The Lich King coldly smirked at the Dreadlord monitoring him, saying, "We are all in this together." Dreadlord: ??? What do you mean?! Lich King: Hehe.

DaoistaHADNk · Video Games
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105 Chs

Chapter 91 Kingdom Meeting

Not only Terenas, but even the nobles present couldn't help but pause their breath. To extend life? It is well known that human life is brief, among all the wise races, it is short-lived.

Dwarves live for at least two hundred years, high elves for five thousand years, this comparison seems quite imbalanced.

Among the nobles are not just men, there are also some countesses and baronesses, who all look at Arthas with varying degrees of fanaticism.

Despite appearing as just a baron standing here, they are also influential noblewomen, generally refraining from taking any stance to better protect their own interests!

"Arthas, you should choose your words carefully!" Terenas couldn't help but caution, how can something so precious be spoken of so lightly.

Arthas shook his head, sheathed his long sword, and stood up, "Father, this is not a difficult matter. There is a race that is immortal, they have defended the world, sacrificed many lives for immortality. Compared to the battles they have faced, orcs can't even compare to children playing house. In the past, we didn't have the opportunity, now I have strived to obtain this chance, but it is just that, a chance. I need the kingdom's help, the alliance's help. The more we give, the more we receive."

"His Royal Highness Prince, how do you prove that what you say is true? Immortality? Longevity? Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard all year!" a arrogant voice rang out, making people furrow their brows, it was too arrogant, too provocative!

Looking up, a rugged middle-aged human man could be seen mocking General Garithos, clearly not taking him seriously.

General Garithos! The same general who persecuted the elves in the Blood Elf campaign, his actions at that time were questionable, considering the strained relationship between high elves and humans.

Arthas had always believed that the other was loyal to Lordaeron, only to realize that everything was for his own benefit.

"Oh, how would Your Highness prove it?"

"As long as Your Highness can provide evidence, I will naturally believe. I heard you even saved the Red Dragon Queen, those queens of the large lizards? Haha!" Whether deliberately provocative or simply brainless, could such words be spoken?

Indeed, right after Garithos finished speaking, a grunt came from behind Arthas, followed by a fireball shooting out. The attendant transformed from a guard into a high elf with dragon horns on her head, "Outrageous! How dare you, mortal!"

A magic shield appeared in front of Garithos, blocking the fireball, but the intense flames still ignited his hair, and the magical ring on his finger shattered, evidently a magical item usable by ordinary people.


The surrounding guards who tried to react were stopped by Arthas, "Your Excellency, I advise you to be cautious with your words. If your words lead to the opportunity for extending life slipping away, I personally don't mind, but I wonder what the other Lords would think? Hehe, you could be depriving them of a chance to live longer! By the way, this is envoy Kryssyta from the Red Dragon Legion, she is the Red Dragon Queen's specially appointed liaison ambassador to me. Each dragon king has sent an ambassador to contact me, if you disrespect them, all my efforts will be in vain."

Sure enough, as soon as Arthas spoke, the other Lords disregarded noble etiquette and started condemning Garithos.

Strength and wealth cannot buy life, if it could be exchanged, they would definitely be willing to sacrifice everything to extend their lives, they were just too afraid of death.

As long as one is alive, they can continue to make money, but once they die, they will lose everything!

"Garithos, you better apologize to the envoy."

"Garithos, don't be so selfish, if you don't want to live, we want to live a few more years."

"Your Highness, what help do you need?"

The entire council chamber turned into a noisy market, some were settling personal scores with Garithos, some were trying to benefit without consequences, and many noblewomen were sending flirtatious glances at Arthas, a variety of people with different attitudes.

"it's giving me a headache."

Arthas rubbed his head, this was why he wanted to establish his own kingdom in Kalimdor, to abolish the noble system and rule alone.

Otherwise, this endless council would only waste time and energy, in the past, communication was difficult, so territories were divided among the nobles to win their favor.

But now it was unnecessary, this system was outdated and backward.

The five envoys smiled, they did not wish to involve themselves in human affairs, they were only in contact with Arthas.

"Enough, silence! Envoy, on behalf of Lordaeron, I welcome your presence." Terenas' words carried authority, as soon as he spoke, the noisy council chamber fell silent.

"We have met Your Majesty." The five dragon envoys nodded slightly, their demeanor still proud.

"Your Majesty, you seem unwell. In recognition of His Royal Highness Prince's contributions to our Red Dragon clan, I can offer you some healing," Kryssyta's jade hand performed a magical gesture, infusing Terenas' legs with life energy.

In an instant, the legs afflicted with rheumatism were healed, the rapid effectiveness leaving everyone amazed.

Terenas stood up in disbelief and took a few steps, his legs previously not very agile.

It was a lingering effect from his military campaigns, which had delayed his marriage and fatherhood. Other nobles murmured in surprise and admiration, exchanging hushed words.

"Thank you, ambassadors."

"No need for thanks. We will not interfere in your affairs; we are only envoys in contact with Arthas, Your Highness. This is all thanks to Arthas, Your Highness. You should count yourself lucky to have such a good son," Kryssyta unexpectedly spoke well of Arthas, a rare occurrence.

Before this, Arthas had only exchanged greetings with them without engaging in deeper conversation.

Until they had enough power, they would not show much warmth or interest this was purely a job to them.

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