
I Play a DC Hero in Marvel

After Anton's Batman Begins sold 1 billion U.S. dollars worldwide, he knew that the Marvel world, which combined strange and bizarre movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition by him... ================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.

vuk009 · Anime & Comics
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Get Ready to Feel the Pain

This third party who is spying in the dark is undoubtedly Anton, who is far away in Los Angeles, and is controlling the special armor remotely.

  The GCPD mechanical bat armor, also known as the rabbit armor.

  Because the two ears on the head retain some bat features, but are more like rabbit ears, it is called the rabbit armor.

  In addition, this armor has two huge micro-cannon launchers on the shoulders, and the structure of the whole body is more like a small mecha, rather than an extended skeleton-like armor.

  In terms of appearance, there is a huge difference compared to the basic Batman armor exchanged by Anton.

  However, Anton knows that the more special armors he exchanges, the more obvious the difference between the basic armor and the special armor will be.

  It is worth mentioning that the rabbit armor does not belong to the Batman armors that are well known to the public, because it does not actually belong to Bruce Wayne, but to James Gordon, the good friend and good partner of Batman known to the public, Sheriff Gordon.

  This is a story that happened in the New 52 time and space, which was led by the famous "Flashpoint Event".

  The cause was that the Flash caused time and space fluctuations, causing the world to fall into a devastating war. In order to guide history back on track, he revised the timeline. However, Dr. Manhattan secretly operated behind the scenes, so that time and space did not return to their original state, but generated the New 52 time and space.

  After the "Endgame" event in the late New 52, ​​Bruce Wayne lost his memory of the Batman period and the shadow of his parents' death. He became a happy volunteer and lived a shameless life with his first love.

  However, Gotham City must have a Batman.

  Therefore, James Gordon volunteered to become the chosen one.

  GCPD, that is, the Gotham Police Department, created a set of Batman armor to replace Bruce Wayne's role.

  The rabbit armor can be driven by a person, and when there is no driver, it can act autonomously or be remotely controlled, becoming a great force.

  System price: 8 million justice points.

  Anton, who is rich and powerful and has 10 million justice points, bought it without hesitation.

  At this moment, Anton, who was attending a party in Los Angeles, was doing two things at once, remotely controlling the rabbit armor.

  After entering the Batman state, Anton had all the skills of Bruce Wayne.

  It was not difficult for the master to do two things at once.

  Moreover, Anton, who was far away in Los Angeles, had avoided the crowd and came to the corner of the window to blow the wind to ensure the correct action, looking like he didn't want to be disturbed. The people

  present were all big guys, and no one was shameless enough to come to him.


  Inside the Empire State Building.

  The rabbit armor walked through the slightly crowded corridor, but its footsteps were almost non-existent.

  Carlos and the Brotherhood and others didn't realize that a third party appeared in their confrontation.

  However, Anton didn't actually want to arrest these people.

  He remembered it!

  The leader of the Brotherhood, Sloan, was his real target.

  If you have to count, these people are just extras.

  But Sloan is very careful. The intelligence of the High Table can only collect the movement trajectory of Fox and others, and can do nothing about Sloan behind the scenes.

  Therefore, these extras are also useful to Anton.

  Of course, this is only one of the reasons why Anton appeared here.

  The more important reason is that Batman must appear in the public eye tonight.

  This will form a contrast with Anton who is far away in Los Angeles, thereby cutting off the connection between the two parties and making the public opinion on the Internet lean towards the fact that he cannot be Batman.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  Suddenly, gunshots rang out.

  Carlos, who had defected from the Brotherhood, and the active members of the Brotherhood had already started fighting.

  Bullets flew across the air. One bullet   after another

  passed through the air at incredible angles. However, Carlos was able to take the lead in determining the landing point of the bullet, dodging and firing back.   This was due to the surge of adrenaline, which turned the heart into an "engine" and developed the ability of bullet time and bullet turning.   In this world, bullet turning, bullet time, ultra-long-distance sniping, universal adrenaline bursts, and 360-degree shooting without dead angles are all personal abilities that can be achieved with the help of "guns", collectively known as gun fighting.   Both sides are experts, and they know each other well. No one dares to advance, so they fight and retreat, but always keep a sufficient distance for shooting.   Through the vision of the rabbit armor, Anton observed both sides and found that the gun fighting skills of the two gangs have reached an incredible level.   To be able to use a weapon to this extent, we have to admit that both sides are talented.   Unfortunately, what this world lacks the least is talent.   Especially in the world of killers with many talented people.   Chi Chi!   One of the active members of the Brotherhood was shot.   Carlos was unharmed.   Fox and others looked ugly, looked at each other, and gritted their teeth.


  "We can't just let it go!"

  They made up their minds tonight, they must fight Carlos to the death.

  If so many people can't kill Carlos, then after today, not only will the Brotherhood lose face, but Carlos will also become a higher legend in the assassin world.

  This is not what Fox and others want to see.

  Gunshots continued in the Empire State Building.

  Beep, beep!

  Alarms sounded throughout the building.

  It is conceivable that the police will arrive soon after receiving the alarm.

  Carlos and Fox and others can no longer care about so many things. Both of them want to kill each other today.

  If they miss today, it will be difficult to find a suitable opportunity.

  In the darkness, Anton, who was controlling the rabbit armor, knew that it was time for him to appear.


  Controlling the rabbit armor, his body moved, breaking through a wall, raising a cloud of wall dust, and blocking Carlos who was evacuating.

  "Who is it?"

  Carlos was shocked and fired subconsciously.

  Clang! !

  The sound of metal clashing rang out.

  The bullet had no effect on the giant figure in front of him.

  For a killer who has mastered the art of gunfighting, once the gun is ineffective, most of his skills are wasted.

  Bullets can't even penetrate the shell of the person, so what can bare hands do?

  Seeing this, Carlos was terrified and his pupils shrank.

  Especially after he fired continuously, the bullets scratched the wall and the air flow was stirred, and he realized that there was no person in front of him.

  To be precise, it was a steel shell.

  Carlos didn't know if there was anyone inside, but he estimated that there was a high probability that there was.


  Carlos' face was solemn, and he almost forgot about the pursuers behind him: "Who are you?"

  "If you can tell me Sloan's location, I will be happy to answer your questions."

  Anton's voice came from the voice player of the rabbit armor.

  Hearing this low electronic voice, Carlos' eyes flashed: "If you are looking for trouble with Sloan, I am happy to help."

  "It seems that you don't know."

  Anton saw at a glance that Carlos didn't trust him at all. This guy was just stalling for time and trying his best to get away.

  The rabbit armor raised his hand and punched.

  The air flow was stirred.

  The power was so great that it was frightening.

  Carlos dodged in a hurry, but he didn't expect the huge figure in front of him to take a step forward and knock him flying with his size advantage.

  At this time, the Brotherhood members arrived at the scene.

  "Who is it?"

  When they saw Carlos lying on the ground, they did not attack him immediately, but turned their eyes to the rabbit armor in front of them.

  "Wait, are you Batman?"

  Fox frowned, and barely recognized his identity from the appearance of the rabbit armor.

  As a person who defeated the Continental Hotel when he suddenly appeared, in the killer world, Batman's name is much louder than Hollywood stars, and even comparable to those top killers who have worked hard in the killer world for many years.

  You know, there are not very few people who have the courage to challenge the Continental Hotel alone, and easily sweep away all the killers in it, and make the High Table suffer.

  Yes, before Batman, there was no one.

  Batman was the first.

  The first one is often the most impressive one.

  "I'm glad you recognized me, Fox Firefox."

  The deep electronic voice sounded again, and the pair of red mechanical eyes swept over the Brotherhood and others, comparing the information one by one. Anton said again: "If you are willing to surrender and tell me Sloan's location, you will suffer less in the future."

  "Dream on."

  The repairman had a bad attitude. He stared coldly at the tall figure in front of him: "Coward who dares not to see people, don't think you can defeat us by hiding in an iron shell. We are not those ordinary guys in the mainland hotel!"


  The rabbit armor touched his fists together, making a crisp "bang" sound.

  The iron face that clearly had no emotions seemed to make people feel the changes through the sound, full of regrets.

  "Then be prepared to feel pain."

================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.