
I Parry For My Life In This Reverse Roled World

The protagonist ridiculed an authors web novel for its poor writing to temporarily be rid of his frustrations of his upsetting week. little did he know the author was a goddess. as divine punishment for not taking responsibility she sent him to a new world that she created that is of course reversed roled just like her poorly written web novel. to his knowledge he has only a single skill…parry, he is to defeat the demon lord if he wants to go back home to read his web novels and live his normal daily life.

Tiger_Deez · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Demon Lord of Bernice Academy

I woke up in shock as if I woke up from a nightmare, the last thing I remembered was being attacked by Sera.

I grabbed my body breathing heavily, I didn't notice anything wrong. I sighed and looked around the room which seemed to have changed.

—is everything alright bro?

—is everything alright lil bro?

Two purple-haired girls that I recognized very well asked simultaneously. I smiled and couldn't help but hug my two beloved sisters.

My two sisters turned red, they must be embarrassed to be hugged by their younger brother after so long. They started to hug me as well.

—you must've been scared.

—it's okay lil bro we're here now.

"I'm alright but what happened, I think I'm fine but what happened?"

—nothing, everything's fine now

They both answered simultaneously again

Something's not right, they never speak simultaneously like this.

I tried to push myself up but they had pushed me back down.

—won't you stay bro

—won't you stay lil bro

The twins had stared at me with puppy eyes blushing seductively but also cutely.

Damn it, my sisters are too cute, they've grown up, I never even realized it but they've grown to be very beautiful.

I was turning red, in a bed with my two twin sisters who aren't even related to me by blood. I tried to calm myself down by reminding myself that we were siblings but Eclaire started to kiss my cheek and soon after Ecline started to kiss my neck.

The sensation tickled, and the breath on my face and neck made me tingle. My breath started to feel heavy as did theirs.

"Stop… this doesn't feel right, we're siblings"

—what do you mean bro? This is just a loving kiss between siblings, have you become a pervert or something while we've been gone?

—I'm disappointed in you lil bro, you don't want to kiss us back?

"But it-it feels weird"

— only because we haven't done this in a long time

"We've never even done this before?!"

Eclaire kissed me and pushed her tongue into my mouth.

Ecline kissed my neck and started to work her way down from my neck to my lower body.

A wolf girl with blue eyes had appeared, it was Sera, she crawled up the bed and sat on my abdomen, she started to move up and down moaning.

I was gonna yell but she reached out her right hand and covered my mouth and heard her say something.

—remember what I said, tonight you're all mine.

As I started to tingle from all the things happening I had shot up out of bed and had woken up as if I had woken up from a nightmare once again. Am I dreaming, the scenery was not my room but the one of my dream, and my sisters were at my sides. What was real and what was not?

I jumped out of bed running towards the door but two voices had stopped me.

—Bro where are you going?

—Lil bro where are you going?

"I have school! See you later! I love you!

The girls looked at each other dumbfoundedly.

I told them as I opened their bedroom door and ran out of their housing.

—Did we do something Eclaire?

—not sure.

—do you think it has something to do with that wolf girl?


—should we teach her a lesson?

Eclaire nodded at her younger sister's question

I ran until I found a random bench in the middle of the academy. It was so early it was still dark outside.

"Fuck, I didn't even brush my teeth,"

I thought about my hygiene, lack of sleep, and how I even forgot to brush my teeth, no I was just avoiding the main topic on my mind.

I truly wondered what the hell happened last night, I was attacked by Sera but when I woke up I was with my sisters earlier, what was that dirty dream? did I cross the line?

I had thought for a long time about what I may have done with my sisters or what had Sera done with me.

Eventually, an hour or two had passed as I was contemplating about last night. My head was spinning and I was dizzy I felt like I was about to vomit.

while I was lost in thought a pair of hands had come and blinded me. A woman had started speaking to me.

— Hey Shido can you guess who it is?

I was taken aback, so much has happened I couldn't even come up with an answer.

"I don't know, I'm just tired, I had a long night."

The woman had let go of her grip and had run in front of me.

—Hey Shido! even I wasn't expecting to see you this early in the morning but it's me Shido. It's me Rein, do you remember me?

I looked at the black-haired girl in front of me. I didn't even notice that the sun had already risen, it just felt so dark just moments ago.

The girl had purple eyes and a pretty smile, her smile radiated as bright as the sun, she reminded me of Rein, no she looked like a female Rein with a big chest.

"Fuck I'm even hallucinating about my best friend as a female now too?"

The girl who reminded me of a female version of Rein had stared at me dumbfoundedly.

—excuse me? Shido it's me… Rein.

I had given up… am I going crazy? Had my mind given up on me! I just wanted it to end. I stood up and ran to the female Rein and hugged her.


I had I just wanted to wake up and I thought this would wake me up.

"Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up"

Before I knew it the female Rein started to embrace me. Her hands were squeezing my school uniform. This had felt so real that I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed her away and started to run away.

I tried to run but couldn't handle it anymore, what did Sera do to me? What Did I do with my sisters? Why am I imagining my best friend as a girl?

I started vomiting on the floor.

—Shido? Is it me?

"Stay away I don't know what's real right now?!"

I was lying on the floor near my vomit, I couldn't tell what was real, right now. It was so hard for me to breathe.

I looked at this female version of Rein, she had cast a spell I was very familiar with.

She was trying to put me asleep with a sleep spell. Little did she know I was pretty resilient against sleep spells.

Before I knew it, I was put to sleep… I had thought I would've been more resilient to sleep spells but I was put to sleep like it was nothing.

Little did the hero know that he had been put to sleep by the demon lord herself.

—Shido what happened while I left, I'm sorry I'll fix it… I'll protect you from now on.

She hugged the teenage blonde boy tightly. He didn't notice as he was unconscious but he had looked comfortable in her warmth.


Rein POV

I arrived late at the Academy, It was partly my fault. I had mistaken the day wrong. It was okay since Shido would help me.

For a long time, Shido never noticed I was a girl. I figured he would eventually find out but he never did. I told his mom and his sister not to tell him since it would be his fault for not noticing.

As Time went on Shido never found out. We constantly trained, I played my demon lord act as Shido pretended to be a Hero. He was too cute, I was so happy we were friends. Shido had soon started to leave me in the dust though.

I threw everything at him and he would eventually parry it all. He was like a swordsman genius. All it took for him was one look at whatever I threw at him and he would parry it.

I would throw spells, techniques, and new tactics at him but he threw them right back at me as if he copied me, almost as if I was an amateur.

I was someone who could tremendously grow at a fast rate as I am the Demon Lord with previous knowledge of how to optimize my growth.

Then there was Shido who was just a normal boy but he was slowly outgrowing me. If I were to reach new heights Shido would easily catch up and overtake me.

Shido was amazing he was the person I was destined to meet. My amazing rival, someone who could be as strong as me or even stronger.

As I started to grow up with Shido I could tell I was getting too attached. Every single parry he did on me made my heart flutter, he's just a kid but is this love?

I had the mind of an adult but everything else of me was currently child-like, my urge to play and have fun was strong but I knew I had to train for what was to come.

When I had decided if Shido was my destined person to meet in life, I had asked Shido if I should grow my hair but he nonchalantly just replied sure I think you would look great with long hair.

I was the Demon Lord but my heart was shattering. At the age of seven, I couldn't take it anymore. I had said goodbye to Shido's family and I had thanked them for helping take care of me and told them I was leaving on a journey to learn how to be a better woman.

I even said goodbye to Shido, I gave him a hint, and I told him to look for me at the Academy of Bernice. I told him that I would make it with him even though I was younger and that I would fully grow out my hair.

I had walked through the academy and saw a blonde-haired boy. No doubt that's Shido, I started to blush out of excitement. I snuck behind my old childhood friend and played with him.

Shido was acting weird, was he disappointed that I was a girl? No Shido wouldn't do that, I figured something had happened.

He had embraced me, asking himself to wake up, I tried to comfort him but I was taken aback when he pushed me away and he had vomited.

"Shido, I'm sorry"

I used a sleep spell on him, he was very fatigued. What happened to my strong Shido? I believed his mentality to be strong which it was, but I had forgotten that he was still just a boy.

I used my magic

[demonic art: mind crawler]

It was a skill to forcefully interrogate people, but for the first time, I had never used this skill so gently for someone before.

What I had seen disgusted me.

With my mind crawler skill, I took Shido back to his dormitory. From what I saw from my mind crawler skill, his window was broken but it had been repaired.

I had tucked Shido into bed and kissed his forehead.

[demonic art: memory wipe]

"sleep tight Shido, I'll be back"

I couldn't help it but I could feel my anger leaking out. I had a few bones to pick. The attacker of the night, the little pup Sera who had snuck and attacked my poor Shido in the night and assaulted him with the two purple mages who had done nasty things to Shido.

I will get revenge for my first and only friend in all my life Shido.


Sera the wolf girl was finally set free from the academy's detention center. She had been let go for not knowing human culture.

Sera was leaving with circles under her eyes, she wanted to go to her dorm and catch some sleep.


A purple beam had shot right past her head.

The big bad wolf Sera was cowering in fear.

—please I said I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry, I won't do anything like this again, please don't dump any more water on me.

The twins had studied the beast's kin culture, the twins had dumped cold water on Princess Sera as punishment. The more she didn't listen the more cold water they poured on her.

—big sis and I aren't done yet.

—we did our duty as a part of the student council to keep you in check.

—but now where here as our bro's sisters

—but now where here as lil bro's sisters

They had said simultaneously there golden eyes were glowing and their purple aura was booming.

The wolf girl was about to cry.

—I'm sorry, I am~

— Finally, I fucking found you culprits!

A menacing figure was approaching, it felt like three evil entities were coming at this wolf.

The Demon Lord had arrived and had wasted no time. She pulled out her black sword as fast as lightning.


Ecline had dropped from her broom using teleportation magic and had blocked the sword strike with her magic staff imbued with high-tier strength enhancement magic.

—you mage whores! Get out of my fucking way this bitch is mine! I'll come after you later! Run while I still give you the chance!

—oh my, big sis we got quite a loudmouthed delinquent here.

—little girl please wait with your games, we have to deal with this little doggy before we deal with you.

The demon lord clicked her tongue.

—fuck it! You want to die first then be my guest the little doggy can run! Listen little pup run while you can but once I find you, you're fucking dead!

The wolf gulped and ran off without a second thought.

—oh my, lil sis the puppy is running away with our little tracker on her, the poor doggy doesn't even know we can see her.

—After we're done with you, the doggy is gonna be our little pet.

—you fucking disgust me you whore ass mages!

Little did the two parties know that there was a big misunderstanding, they had a common enemy but were fighting each other.

The Demon Lord had seen a memory of the Hero Shido's nightmare and had mistaken it for a real memory.

Thus the battle of the Demon Lord and the Altair twins had begun as the terrified Sera ran for her life.