
I Own Hollywood

Being given another chance at life I am driven to become the most famous actor, director, artist, and businessman there ever was. Having an entire world of knowledge in my head I will make it all from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, DC, Game of Thrones, to Pirates of the Carrabian. I will rise to the top and rule it all. First story so going at my own pace.

Ghost_Strike · Others
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16 Chs

Sneak Peak. 'We Are Not In This Together'

"Welcome back you have met the cast of the new Christmas movie Home Alone now let's meet the director please welcome back Eren Wayne."

'That's my cue, again' I walk out again, and applause rises from the crowd as I sit down.

"Good to see you again Eren."

"Good to see you too, Henry."

"So, what inspired you to make Home Alone?"

"Well, that's simple have you watched the movie, Henry?"

Henry nodded his head, "Well I wanted to make a movie showing what every child wanted to do as a kid. The sense of adventure and you against the world but in a lighthearted and funny way."

"Amazing. So, Home Alone is currently predicted to go higher than any other Christmas movie beating out A Light Christmas and Christmas Wish is there a rivalry going on here."

"Ow no, I just had a story that would be great for Christmas time."

"Well do you have any other project coming up and are you sticking to the Christmas theme?"

"Actually, I have 2 projects in mind that are not going to be Christmas themed but next year there will be a different Christmas movie."

"Wow, what genre?"

"Actually, a Musical and a Crime Fiction."

"Wow wasn't expecting that. Can't wait to hear more about them. Well, you're an upcoming director what stopped you from directing before?"

"Well part of it, for those who don't know my parents and sister died in a car accident, that was part of it and sort of pushed me to move forward and appreciate life. But also, I'm only 18 so I'm still quite young and still growing as a person."

When I finished speaking nobody said anything as they were surprised by the information I just gave out.

"Well, I have one more thing. You were recently spotted outside of JeadenCollins earlier today anything to say about that?"

"Actually, pretty soon I'll be releasing a book." This got the crowd interested and a little confused.

"A book what's it called."

"Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone, it's an action-adventure with wizards and kingdoms. It will be the first in a series of books."

This got everyone excited and everyone who knew me except Veronica was shocked.

"I'll be the first to read it. Well, that's all the time we have. Thank you for coming Home Alone is now in theaters check it out and Eren Wayne's new book coming out Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone coming out soon. GOODNIGHT."

Somewhere Else POV…

In the city on the 18th floor in an office, a man who had a glass of alcohol watching the Sunday Night Live interview had a furious look on his face.

"Knock, Knock, Knock!"

"Sir I'm here with the opening night performance for A Light Christmas has come in."



"Opening night, we made $60 Million being number one on opening night."


"Sir ... Sir."


Immediately the door slams shut as the man grips the glass harder, 'This is unacceptable we should have dominated the theaters.' The man looks back at the television

"Eren Wayne."

Somewhere Else POV…

In a mansion, a man is sitting on the couch watching Sunday Night Live and eating his evening steak.

'A musical huh? Well, I'll have to offer this man a deal to be a part of this. No one makes a musical without my knowledge."

The Next Day...

I woke up to a message from the system.

{50 Skill Points Obtained By Passing $100 Million For The Film "Home Alone"}

'So, I can get skill points for passing certain amounts in the box office. That's good to know. Today I should be able to finish both Shawshank Redemption and High School Musical as well as decide on a cover for Harry Potter.

Rolling out of bed I get dressed and head for JeadenCollins I arrived and walked into Mr. Steven's Office.

"Good to see you again Eren," he says shaking my hand, "By the way, wonderful promotion last night."

"I agree the hype for this book will be big. So, you have the cover options for me."

"We do indeed here are the options." Mr. Stevens walked over and took a few images and handed them to me.

Looking at each one, one of them resembled the original cover in my original world. Another one looked livelier, however, had no connection to the story at all. But the third caught my eye. There was blue fire all around Harry with the philosopher's stone behind his with a large shadow behind it. It looked beautiful and very intriguing.

Looking back at Mr. Stevens, "I want this one."

A smile showed on his face, "I knew you would like that one, I did as well. I'll start advertising and printing. The book should be released in 3 weeks."

"Good to know I'll let you get to work thena."

Leaving JeadenCollins I return home and go to my office to finish writing the Shawshank redemption script.

3 Hours Later…

"I HAVE DONE IT!" I finished the script and could now start working on High School Musical. Opening the Skill Shop

{Skill [Song Writer 'Beginner'] Obtained, Skill [Acting 'Beginner'] Obtained}

{Skill [Song Writer 'Beginner'] Upgraded To, [Song Writer 'Average'], Skill [Song Writer 'Average'] Upgraded To, [Song Writer 'Proficient']}

{Skill [Musician 'Average'] Upgraded To, [Musician 'Proficient']}

{Skill [Acting 'Beginner'] Upgraded To, [Acting 'Average'], Skill [Acting 'Average'] Upgraded To, [Acting 'Proficient'], Skill [Acting 'Proficient'] Upgraded To, [Acting 'Advanced']}

{Remaining Skill Points 4}

I wanted to completely change the film of High School Musical. While the movies were great, I think changing the structure would prove to be very profitable. I want it to be a seven-movie series.

One thing that later on I always thought about was how it's supposed to be a high school movie but the main character Troy starts off as a junior. With this rewrite I'll Troy will start off as a freshman and go through each year and each summer till graduation.

The main plot for the first film will be almost like a prequel to the original first movie. The main purpose of the movie will be about Troy and the rest of the boys at the high school trying to be number one.

The main change is that Troy will start to have an interest in theater in the 3rd movie. One thing that I always liked throughout the movies was Troy's group of friends and how he was almost like a leader for the school. As a result, I needed to change a few things about the film.

Troy would still be a god at sports but he will have a hobby of playing music as well. He will be on the student council as well as dating Sharpay for the first half of the movie. Troy's father will be the head of the Athletic Department and his mother the principal of the school.

With the Athletic Department possibly losing funding at the school the newly arrived freshman class has to stand up specifically the boys each play 2 different sports throughout the movie and them struggling to work together and win.

The main reason for this is with this format I can bring in a lot of the good songs from my previous world like 'Head in the Game', 'Bet on It', 'Now or Never', and 'Boys are Back'.

As far as Gabriella she will be teased in the background of the first movie which will end at the state championship basketball game at an NBA stadium. At the end of the movie, freshman year is over and Troy's parents are going on vacation without him so they send him to summer camp aka Camp Rock the second film in the series.

'I plan on auditioning myself for the role as my first dip into acting. I'll have to wait until I get more skill points to be able to sing these songs.'

Feeling the bags under my eyes I take a deep breath and waddle over to my bed and crash for the night.