
I open a tavern in Tang Dynasty

Traveling through the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Nuo only wanted to run his tavern peacefully, and when the economy improved, buy a slave and marry a beautiful wife to live a good life. However, on the first day of business, a special guest arrived: Li Shimin. As a time traveler, he possessed a vision and knowledge far beyond this era, and his casual remarks shocked Li Shimin. Soon after, Zhang Nuo discovered that his casual words had become the governing policy of the Tang Dynasty...

Eric_whites · Fantasy
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37 Chs

The system has arrived

Emperor Li Shimin returned to his palace, once again assuming his identity as the powerful and astute Emperor of the great Tang dynasty.

However, outside the palace walls, Zhang Nuo sat behind the counter, lost in thought once again.

He was completely unaware of the conversation that had taken place in the carriage earlier, and in fact, he knew very little about his own background.

While he had inherited all of Zhang Nuo's memories, the father he remembered from those memories was a talkative businessman who sold goods on the street to support his family before falling ill and being forced to rely on others.

The restaurant he now ran had been taken from a nobleman many years ago and passed down to him as a way to establish himself in the community.

Even the calligraphy on the walls had been arranged by his father.

When Zhang Nuo first arrived in this world, he had considered selling the restaurant, but since his "golden finger" had not yet provided him with any funds, he decided to keep the business going.

Luckily, the front of the building was a restaurant, while the back provided a space for him to live, saving him the trouble of finding another place to stay.

Now, however, he was worried about what to do next. Without his "golden finger," he didn't dare to take the imperial examinations, which required letters of recommendation and a broad range of knowledge, including poetry and literature.

Could he write poetry or pass the exams? He couldn't even write well with a brush!

As Zhang Nuo looked around the empty restaurant, he felt bitter and frustrated. Why was his experience of traveling through time so different from everyone else ?

Just as he was drowning in self-pity, he heard a "ding" sound, and suddenly his "golden finger," which had been buffering like a non-premium download service, responded!

"System 10% buffer complete, initiating phase one upgrade – enhanced spiritual intelligence. Please continue to work hard, host!"

Before he could even complain about how this was basically a feature of a download while playing site, his brain suddenly exploded with pain, as though he were back in school and being punished by both his parents for fighting with another student.

After a while, Zhang Nuo slowly returned to normal, but his mind was still reeling.

What was this? A cheat? A golden finger? And how dare it call him the host? He had never encountered such a troublesome cheat before!

As he held his throbbing head, Zhang Nuo seethed with anger, but he didn't dare to speak out loud for fear of sounding crazy. If he had, he might have cursed the cheat out loud by now!

His golden finger was still buffering as usual. Today, it suddenly went haywire and jumped from 8.88% to 10%, and then this happened to him.

Although the side effects were quite severe, it had to be said that the effect was really thrilling!

A glance at it and he wouldn't forget it!

This was the first benefit that his golden finger had given him. Even though those four words were very popular in online literature, when Zhang Nuo looked through the three hundred Tang poems that his parents had forced him to memorize in elementary school in his previous life, he was so happy about it!

Looking at the history he had studied in middle and high school, emmm... this golden finger was really helpful!

At this moment, Zhang Nuo was like a mischievous child who had just received a new toy, flipping through his memory bank repeatedly.

The calligraphy class he was forced to attend in elementary school, the carpentry skills his grandfather taught him, the handicraft work he did in extracurricular activities in middle school, and even the beautiful senior who led the radio gymnastics team in high school...

These bits and pieces were undoubtedly his personal experiences at that time, but now they had become his most precious wealth.

Zhang Nuo was originally someone with a big heart, the kind of person who could recover from any emotion after a few drinks.

So after just a little browsing in his memory ocean, he began to seriously consider how to spend his future days.

Although he had only received a portion of his cheat device, for now, it was already a timely help.

With a bunch of classical poems and a familiarity with history as his foundation, Zhang Nuo was sure to become a knowledgeable and impressive figure in the future.

Just as Zhang Nuo was happily planning to go out tomorrow and show off his knowledge at various poetry gatherings, he suddenly looked at his white and tender right hand and was at a loss.

If he really went to a poetry gathering now, he would probably be laughed at. His calligraphy would not even compare to those of children who had attended private schools for a few years.

If he wrote something, others would probably think that he had copied it from elsewhere.

With a pained expression, he slapped his right hand hard and grumbled about his golden finger deep down inside.

This dog cheat is a scam. At this point, it seems like he's learned, but his hand still can't do it. What's the point?

But in this situation, doesn't that mean he needs to practice writing for a few years before becoming an official?

This is no joke. In ancient times, if you couldn't write well, you basically couldn't expect to enter the officialdom.

In this era where "a person's calligraphy reflects their character" is emphasized, even if you're not a calligraphy master, writing a well-formed regular script is definitely a basic requirement.

After all, officials have to sign documents and submit memorials, and even rough-looking generals have to write military reports with their own hands.

Even if your writing skills are not great, at least having neat handwriting is an absolute must.

Therefore, practicing calligraphy has become a hurdle for Zhang Nuo before he enters the officialdom. After all, there's no computer here for Zhang Nuo to show off his ten-strokes-per-second keyboard skills.

But after careful consideration, well, it's not a big problem. After all, the handwriting he copied from calligraphy samples as a child is still vivid in his mind, and he can memorize things quickly now. He just needs to write carefully for two hours every day, and once the cheat pays off, he'll definitely be a calligraphy master!

Thinking of this, Zhang Nuo habitually leaned back, but then, "snap," he fell to the ground.

Damn it!

Zhang Nuo lay on the ground, looking at the short stool in front of him that was round and fat like a wooden block.

He then remembered that in this day and age, there are no armchairs or sofas like in the future. You either have to kneel or sit on these round, clumsy stools.

Thinking of the woodworking skills his grandfather taught him, Zhang Nuo immediately decided that he had to make himself two comfortable chairs in the next few days, and then replace all the tables, chairs, and stools in his shop.

He'll worry about practicing calligraphy later. If he doesn't make two comfortable chairs, he won't be able to live comfortably!