
I open a black store in Douluo Dalu

Ye Xuan ventured to the Douluo continent and got hold of a black store system. Wasting no time, he set up a black store in the bustling city of Tiandou, where he sold a variety of mysterious treasure chests. Each chest contained diverse items, some of which did not originate from the Douluo continent. At one point, Ning Fengzhi opened a treasure chest and enhanced his martial spirit with the Qiluo Tulip, directly ascending to the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Qian Renxue also allowed herself to be tempted, using treasures from the Tiandou Empire to open a chest that led her to the throne of a deity. Bibi Dong, meanwhile, opened a divine scroll that catapulted her to a divine level of power. However, as hundred-level Douluos emerged, no one took Ye Xuan, the owner of the black tent, seriously. Even when Tang San, with two divine positions, acquired nine red and one golden spirit rings and intended to plunder Ye Xuan's store, Ye Xuan simply used a divine deprivation scroll to snatch his divine positions. Ultimately, Ye Xuan's humble tent was proven to be superior to all the gods in the world. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

"The Heartbreaking Loss: Xiao Wu Seeks Answers in the Night."


An angry roar echoed straight through the Star Forest, filled with helplessness, anger and despair.

The body of the blue bull python wrapped around the Titan Giant Ape emitted a faint green light. When the green light disappeared, only a small green snake remained, splitting into two halves.

But a red soul ring emerged from the body of the small green snake, which was the hundred thousand year soul ring.

The Giant Titan Ape looked at Bibi Dong, its eyes filled with madness.

Its body swelled violently and a terrifying aura emanated directly from its body.

A faint smile appeared on Bibi Dong's lips, and he did not take this powerful destructive force seriously.

"You want to self-destruct? How naive."

Bibi Dong's voice was very calm and soothing, but it was filled with a deep chill.

He struck with his palm, directly piercing the Titan Ape's body, and blood gushed out along the wound.

It was this palm that directly weakened the Titan Ape's body, which was about to self-destruct. Moreover, the Titan Ape was already wounded, but at that moment it could no longer bear it and lay directly on the ground. It was about to die.

A huge black shadow appeared behind Bibi Dong, the black shadow was shrouded in a black mist and it was impossible to see what it was.

The next moment, the black shadow twisted and another black shadow directly split and fell to the ground: it was a huge black spider king.

Bibi Dong has two martial spirits, the Spider Emperor of Death and the Spider Emperor Soul Devourer.

And this soul skill is the clone of the spider emperor, the eighth soul skill of the Spider Emperor of Death.

The Spider King clone fell to the ground, looking at the Titan Ape, just looking at him and letting him die slowly.

Then, the martial soul of the soul-devouring Spider Emperor appeared behind Bibi Dong, luring the red soul ring to slowly approach and then it was slowly absorbed.

When Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo arrived, Bibi Dong had already absorbed the red soul ring of the latitan Python, and was in the process of absorbing the red soul ring produced after killing the Titan Ape.

Nine soul rings surrounded Bibi Dong, and a terrifying aura spread straight out, making these titled Douluo feel frightened, and each of them had a look of horror in their eyes.

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red and red.

"The nine soul rings unfolded one after another. No, they were clearly ten soul rings.

What surprised everyone even more was that the last three spirit rings were all red.

This means that Bibi Dong already has three of the legendary 100,000-year-old soul rings, which most soul masters think are simply legendary soul rings.

The powerful soul ring contains terrifying soul power, and now that Bibi Dong has absorbed all this soul power, the originally terrifying aura in his body has become even more terrifying.

I don't know how much time passed before Bibi Dong opened his eyes.

There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes. After becoming a level 100 god, his strength had undergone momentous changes. Even a hundred thousand year old soul beast was like a toy in his hands and could be killed at will.

I only wait until I complete the test and inherit the throne of the god Rakshasa, and then the world will be mine.

At that time, who else in the world would dare to fight her?

Originally, the Titan Python and the Titan Giant Ape belonged to Tang San. After the two of them sacrificed themselves, they directly raised Tang San's soul power level from eighty-five to ninety in one go, becoming Titled Douluo. He even made Tang San wear a hundred thousand year soul ring.

In the end, Tang San even resurrected them.

But now, the two of them were killed by Bibi Dong. Not only did they not become Tang San's chance, but they directly fulfilled Bibi Dong's destiny.

After digging up the soul bones of these two hundred thousand year old soul beasts, the group left Star Dou Forest and returned to the Spirit Hall.


At the same time, Shrek Academy. 

The Seven Shrek Monsters, who in the future will be powerful in the entire Douluo continent, run panting, this is the three-month physical training given to them by the master.

Three months are coming to an end and the physical condition of the seven has improved a lot, at first it was hard to endure the journey, but now they can easily endure it.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu, who was running, felt her heart shrink and a sense of sadness gripped her heart. Tears flowed uncontrollably, as if she had lost something extremely precious.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?"

Tang San, who was the first to notice that something was wrong with Xiao Wu, quickly ran to Xiao Wu's side and asked nervously.

Several other people also gathered around, worried looks in their eyes.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you, why are you crying?" asked Tang San nervously.

I must say, although Tang San is young, he still has some skills when it comes to women.

"Ha, Ha, my heart hurts so much. It's Da Ming and Er Ming! . Something happened to Da Ming and Er Ming," Xiao Wu whispered, and soon burst into tears, collapsed on the ground and started crying loudly . .

Da Ming and Er Ming?

The other six people had no idea who Da Ming and Er Ming were, but they also knew that these were definitely the people Xiao Wu cared about the most.

"I want to go back, I want to go back, I want to go back and see, something must have happened to my two brothers."

Tang San and others were also confused, but they still knew how to hold Xiao Wu and went to look for the master and the others.

In the evening, Xiao Wu was in the courtyard, looking at the moon in the sky, his eyes full of sadness.

At that time, her mood calmed down a lot, but her eyes were red and puffy.

At that moment, she really felt that Da Ming's and Er Ming's auras suddenly disappeared completely.

She even seemed to hear Da Ming and Er Ming's angry roars before they died, which were their farewell to her.

"Xiao Wu, it's already late at night, it's time to rest."

Ning Rongrong walked to Xiao Wu and whispered to her.

The six of them did not know how to persuade Xiao Wu, they could only take turns to watch her to prevent her from doing stupid things.

"Rongrong, do you think there really is an omnipotent being in this world?", Xiao Wu asked.

Ning Rongrong was stunned and said, "Maybe there is."

"Rongrong, are we good sisters?", Xiao Wu asked.

Ning Rongrong nodded with a smile on her face, "We are good sisters, sisters for life."

Xiao Wu said, "Since we are good sisters, can you tell me the name of the place where you got the soul power capsule given to you by your father?".

Ning Fengzhi received two soul power capsules. Originally, he should have given them to the seventy-sixth level disciples to maximize the benefits, but in the end, he still loved his daughter and gave the two soul power capsules to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong did not believe in the effect of the soul power capsule, so he took one in front of other people. His soul power increased by two levels.

Ning Fengzhi once said that the owner of the black tent was omnipotent, and Ning Rongrong also said so to other people.

Now, Xiao Wu asks about that place.

"Tiandou City, black store."

Merry Christmas!!! 🎄🎅✨ Have a holiday full of joy and love! 🎁🌟

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