
I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Starting out from NY city, one man will come back in time and start dominating the world of the apocalypse. Hye lived his entire life without a class. After the apocalypse hit the human world, strange creatures invaded and killed humans while new lands were being added. Systems were given to humans and with the help of the guides, humans started to fight back for their lives. All of this happened under the watch of the venerable beings who were shining stars in the sky; gods! Hye dreamt his entire life of a chance to prove himself. He was a hard-working, earnestly learning, and smart youth. However, the apocalypse never was merciful to such humans at all. Until one day he got a chance to go back in time when everything started. At this new starting point, he found himself able to finally obtain what he wanted, a class for himself and power beyond imagination. But will things be this easy for him? ______________________________________________ Release schedule: 1-2 chapters per day, more chapters per summoning pens: 1 chap for every 100 summoning pens. [WPC #264 - Gold Place Winner!] [ Check trailer 1 of the novel here: bit.ly/wn12345 ]

ranmaro · Fantasy
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1777 Chs

Can You Provide A Kingdom Heart For Me?

Closing the chat with her, I got nothing else to do except training. I got a slight push when I absorbed that core energy. But I had to keep training.

I got the feeling that with each upgrade of my energy, more work was needed and much longer time it would take for my energy to get to the next level.

So I sat on my chariot, closed my eyes, and started my training.

Time flew fast! When I ended my cultivation session, I found many messages coming from many people.

Most of the messages came from Silverlining. This dude seemed to take my deals and requests pretty much seriously, making me smile in content.

He was informing me of delivering more talents to the second Earth world. Also he sent me the lists he got from other subsidiary impacts of his.

The lists had the price tag. Like the list of talents, these lists all had cheaper prices, dealing with my bones in the right way they deserved.

[Thanks dude. I'll think about the orders I need and tell you about it]