
Debt of Arrogance    

Horizon approached the entrance to his forging studio, ready to start crafting their equipment when he was stopped by an unfamiliar voice.


"Hey, you. Are you the one renting this forging studio?" a player with a silver badge called out.


Horizon glanced at the player, quickly sizing him up. Based on his armor and the large blade strapped to his back, it was obvious he was a warrior. His expression screamed arrogance.


"Who are you?" Horizon asked bluntly, not bothering with pleasantries.


Kael's eyes narrowed in disbelief. He couldn't fathom that there was someone who didn't recognize him.


"You . . . Where did you even come from? You don't know Brother Kael?" another voice chimed in. It was a player standing beside Kael, a monk by the look of his robes and staff.


Horizon remained unimpressed. "No, I don't."