
This Was The Style He Liked

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations


Xia Changyue was dumbfounded. She stared at him as he threw the handkerchief he used to wipe his fingers into the rubbish bin. He then turned and walked out of the room with nary a care.


The door was slammed shut loudly as though someone had slapped her across the face.

She just sat there and slowly began to slouch. She lowered her head dejectedly.

It had been four years since then, or one could say it had been one-thousand-four-hundred-and-sixty-seven days exactly.

In the past four years, she had fantasized numerous times about the different scenarios in which they would meet each other anew. However, she never expected to see him again in her current state.

Xia Changyue was in a daze for a long time since she couldn't recover her wits from his words.

The mobile phone in her bag was ringing for a long time before she managed to pick it up.

"Are you so desperate for money that you have gone crazy, Xia Changyue? You actually signed two contracts for one script, and one of them was even with Yan Corporation. You have offended Young Master Chi, so you better be prepared to go to jail!"

The woman's sarcastic voice sounded exceptionally shrill over the phone. She was gloating over her misfortune.

Xia Changyue furrowed her eyebrows and hung the phone up straight away.

She sat on the bed alone. The words she had heard on the phone kept repeating themselves in her head.

She was just an insignificant scriptwriter, who had recently signed the contract of her new script with Yan Corporation. However, someone had made a mistake during the signing. An older script, which was sold a few years back, was listed in the contract instead. Thus, one script was sold to two business entities.

Therefore, her actions had become a severe breach of contract and infringement of rights.

If she couldn't retrieve the contract, she would really be going to jail…

No, she couldn't go to jail!

Xia Changyue got herself out of bed quickly. She picked up the clothes and wore them. She then grabbed her bag, dashed out of the hotel, and hailed a taxi.

"To the Headquarters of Yan Corporation!"


In the financial heart of G City.

On an insanely expensive lot of land, the most opulent skyscraper had just been completed. It was immediately bought over by the Yan Corporation, who was known as "The Mysterious Conglomerate." The building looked down upon all in G City, showing everyone its full glory.

Xia Changyue stepped out of the taxi and went into the building straight away. She didn't have the time to admire its architecture.

When she told the front desk receptionist her visit's intent, she waited there restlessly.

"Miss Xia, the President is currently having a meeting. He would like you to wait for him upstairs," the receptionist said after she hung up the phone.


Xia Changyue was astounded to hear that and couldn't believe her ears. She was expecting to be rejected.

She was dazed for a while before she began walking toward the President's private lift. She felt very perturbed.

His attitude was so bad when he left the hotel this morning. Xia Changyue thought he would not want to see her.

However, now, he was allowing her to go up. Maybe he did not hate her as much as she thought he was? Perhaps he was willing to return the contract to her?

"Ding," the lift had arrived.

A luxurious ambiance greeted Xia Changyue, making her feel breathless.

It was tranquil on the President's private floor. It was an exclusive space; thus, there was nobody else in the corridor at this moment.

Xia Changyue lowered her head and took two steps forward. She had reached the door of the "President's Office."

She inhaled a deep breath nervously before she reached out to knock on the door.

Nobody was replying even after she waited over ten seconds.

Was he not back from the meeting yet?

Xia Changyue knocked even harder on the door again. The door cracked open suddenly.

Was someone answering the door?

Xia Changyue put her head through the doorway and peeped inside, but there was no one in the empty office, which was decorated in a black-and-white style. It had a flawless style with great attention placed upon its details.

The sunlight had spilled in through the windows and onto the desk, making everything look bright and elegant.