
Let Me Go, I Am Not A Thief

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The lights in the office had dimmed. The empty office looked eerie.

Xia Changyue, who was still hiding in the cupboard, pondered about why Yan Chengchi wanted someone's life. Then, she suddenly realized that the room had quiet down, and she peeped out.

After making sure that there was nobody in the office, she pushed open the cupboard carefully and crawled out of it.

Holding on to the contract tightly, Xia Changyue breathed quietly, just like a thief. She crept slowly toward the door, preparing to leave the office.

"Dee, dee, dee…"

Xia Changyue only took two steps before she heard a shrill alarm.

She tensed up and looked around her surroundings, nervously.

What happened? Why did the alarm ring suddenly?

The office's door was pushed open with a loud bang. A group of security officers barged in and surrounded her. She was apprehended in a split second.

All these happened within 30 seconds. Xia Changyue looked at the security head who was reporting to his superior in a state of shock.

"Mr. President, the thief is apprehended."

Thief? Are they talking about her?

"What are you doing? Let me go, I am not a thief!" Before Xia Changyue could explain, she was pressed on the desk with her arms twisted behind her.

The security head moved forward and removed the contract from her hands. He coldly raised his eyebrows.

"This is the evidence. Save your explanation for the police when we are at the police station."

"I am really not a thief. I just want to get back what belonged to me. Could you please believe me?" Xia Changyue tried to explain frantically. Her face was already turning red.

She tried to straighten herself a few times, but the security officers firmly pressed her small frame down on the desk. She was about to go crazy.

She had not destroyed the contract yet. She could not be taken as a thief now…

Xia Changyue raised her head and saw the cupboard she was hiding in earlier.

Yan Chengchi's impassive face and his surreptitious looks at the cupboard flashed through her mind.

A white light flashed through her mind.

The office's door was ajar when she arrived, and the contract was just left on the desk. All these seemed to have been prepared for her.

Did he already know she was hiding in the bookcase?

The alarm rang when he decided to leave. It was all so coincidental…

"I want to see Yan Chengchi!" Xia Changyue said when she tried her best to mask the panic on her face and straightened her posture.

"The president is too busy to see you. You might as well think about how you would explain this to the police later." The security officers then got her off the desk and pushed her toward the door.

"I want to see Yan Chengchi. You just have to inform him on my behalf. He can decide to see me or not. Let him tell me the answer himself." Xia Changyue grabbed the door frame and refused to budge.

Yan Chengchi let her into the office willingly, so maybe he was going to return her the contract. All this was just a misunderstanding.

She couldn't think the worst of him. All this must be just a misunderstanding.

"The president is having a meeting now. The security department is fully authorized to handle this issue. It would not help even if you drag this on for another two hours."


Yan Chengchi obviously didn't want to see her. Could she still retrieve the contract in the presence of dozens of security officers?

Xia Changyue stood there hopelessly with her fingers digging into the door frame.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her and blocked the light.

She saw a pair of black leather shoes…

Xia Changyue's eyes lit up immediately. She raised her head excitedly and said, "Yan Cheng…"

She couldn't say the last word when she saw who was standing in front of her. The glimmer in her eye went away.