
Coming Over To Fetch You Immediately

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"I don't want this, Yan Chengchi. I am tired…"

Xia Changyue mumbled suddenly and rubbed her face in his arms.


Did she know who was carrying her?

Yan Chengchi's indignant face became gentler. He carried her upstairs.


"Bleep, bleep."

Xia Changyue was woken up by the mobile phone's ringtone.

She grabbed the phone in a daze and answered the call.

"King Hanhan is famished, Little Yueyue. Are you coming to have lunch with me or not?" The little guy's childish voice said at the other end of the phone.

Xia Changyue jumped out of bed in a startle. She looked at the other side of the bed nervously.

Yan Chengchi already left the bedroom.

She let out a long sigh of relief before she replied, " Little Yueyue had overslept. Please wait a little longer, Big Brother Han. I am coming over to fetch you immediately."

Xia Changyue changed her clothes quickly when she hung up the phone and left the villa in a hurry.

An Chenxu was waiting at the entrance of the children's theme park with Hanhan in his arms by the time she had arrived.

An Chenxu looked even more handsome in his white casual wear; he was slender, but not weak. He was able to carry Hanhan steadily with one arm.

His gentle gaze followed Xia Changyue as she alighted the taxi.

The little guy in his arms slid down his body the moment he saw Xia Changyue and ran toward her.

"Little Yueyue…"

Xia Changyue lifted him and looked at An Chenxu apologetically.

"I am so sorry, Brother Chenxu. I even had to bother you to send Hanhan over."

"Don't stand on ceremony with me. This place is on the way to my destination. It is still early for me, let me have breakfast with you guys," An Chenxu said gently after he glanced at his watch.

The way he looked at Hanhan was as if he was looking at his own son.

He reached his arms and took Hanhan from Xia Changyue very naturally. He then turned and walked toward the restaurant beside the children's theme park.

Before Xia Changyue could reject, An Chenxu had already walked a distance with Hanhan. She could only jog to catch up with them.

The little guy was very well-behaved. His black eyes were looking at An Chenxu and Xia Changyue as though he was thinking about something.

He finished up whatever Xia Changyue put on his plate.

Xia Changyue looked at An Chenxu after they had finished breakfast.

"It is getting late, Brother Chenxu. You still have work to do. I will take care of Hanhan from now."

"I returned home early, so the work matters are not so urgent." An Chenxu said with a smile gently.

He stood up from his seat and prepared to carry Hanhan.

Xia Changyue reacted faster this time. She quickly carried Hanhan into her arms, and she couldn't look at An Chenxu in his eyes.

"I don't want to hold up your work, Brother Chenxu."

And made him misunderstand…

"You seemed to have forgotten that you had asked me to take care of Hanhan for a few days. I only wanted to build a rapport with him. You don't have to be too nervous." An Chenxu said with an innocent look and patted her on her head.

That innocent look made Xia Changyue feel that she had over-thought.

"Let's go. Didn't you want to bring Hanhan to the theme park? I shall keep you two company." He took Hanhan from her arms, turned around, and walked out of the restaurant.

Xia Changyue bit her lips and hesitated for a few seconds, then decided that she could only follow them.

It was a children's world in the theme park. There were all kinds of different games.

Hanhan behaved like a miniature adult and looked at the screaming crowd with a despised look. He pulled An Chenxu along as he ran toward the most exciting shooting arena.
