
I Only Care For Evil Duke's Child

“So what if he is his child, he does not belong to me!” These were the words of Anastasia all her life until she faced her doom. Anastasia, a young and naive woman, thought that duke Garrison was the most handsome and skilled man in the empire and married him. But she had no idea that traps and betrayals were waiting for her in the palace. Soon she was entangled in an embezzlement case and then her step son died saving her whom she had never paid attention to, and the blame comes to her. she cried and lamented for choosing the wrong persons and trusting the one who wanted her dead but her biggest regret was the child, Rowan! “Relationships are not made by blood, but by love and care. I was wrong all my life.. But now it's too late.” the feeble words of her heart died in the noise that was created by the wailing voices of spectators and hooves of the running carriages. “Anastasia Sopheriene killed her stepson, Rowan Sopheriene, for wealth and power. For her sins, she would be given the death penalty and all her wealth would be seized. Not only that, her parents would suffer the same fate. The royal court would personally witness the whole punishment. The court is adjourned for now.” the bang on the table decided her fate. She did not get the chance to speak. No one thought it was needed and so the story of A Villainess ended. But….. sometimes the god gives justice to the villainess too. When she opened her eyes, she was young again. Her eyes stared at the whole scene with relief and determination, “I will change the future of that child with me! This time… I know who is my enemy!” from there started a new story of power, love and the villainess who would never let her enemies rest. contact me on.. I_am_creator#2352 if you like my creation, you can also buy me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/iamcreator01/

I_am_Creator · Fantasy
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563 Chs

So Arrogant?

"Are you sure about Lady Anastasia? She seems too cold to me?" asked Lucas as his eyes bore deep into the face of Garrison, "she did not look like my sister at all."

Gabriella had always been such a kind and cheerful person that her presence could have lifted the mood of everyone but Ana was so cold that even a cheerful person would have felt dumb after meeting her.

"Not only that, she was so arrogant. Was she trying to show off that her relationship is too good with Rowan? I even heard that she had insulted the baroness and viscountess?" he did not seem to happen with the presence of this new woman around his nephew.

He looked at Nathan for support but Nathan only took a sip of his drink and enjoyed it as if he could not hear any of them.

"Umm, I am sure that she must have her reasons. Maybe she was feeling too pressured with our presence and could not speak well." Meredith reasoned in a low voice as if she was trying to find excuses for Ana but Lucas only sneered.

"Ha! She is the daughter of marquees. Why would she feel pressured with us? It is not like she was seeing us for the first time." he sneered when Meredith bowed her head and sighed as if she was worried too but she stared at Garrison from the corner of her eyes and smirked when she noticed that he was lost in his thoughts.

His gaze was slowly turning colder freeing the whole room when she smirked.

"That is enough. We should not pass a comment that soon. Did she not leave to meet Rowan? I still think we should give her a chance. After all, Garrison had personally chosen her. Right?" she blinked her eyes softly like a kind and demure lady. Her golden hair shining in the dim lighting giving her whole face a soft glow and an elegant look when she saw Garrison raising his head and staring at them.

"She is a befitting woman for her position. She was chosen after screening by his majesty." Since the duke did not have an unmarried woman, the marquees was the next highest position deserving to marry in the family of the archduke.

His reply made her smile and frown at the same time.

"Sigh! If only.." her father let her marry Garrison. "But since brother Lucas still has doubts, would it be alright if we have a meal with Rowan before leaving?" she asked with a smile, "that way i will be able to assure father too. He seems worried about Rowan. After all, he is the first prince."

Garrison paused for a second before nodding his head readily.

"I will make the necessary arrangements. But it would be better that you rest for a while before it. I will arrange rooms for you.'' He called for the maids and arranged the room for all three of them when Meredith stood up with a smile. Lucas followed him with a usual frown on his face while Nathan, he looked at Garrison and then chucked.

"Since both of them are here, I did not think I am particularly needed here. I have urgent work to deal with, so I will be leaving." Meredith nodded as she did not care much about Nathan. He was too shrewd to be a help anyway.

But she frowned when Garrison escorted Nathan out instead of walking them to their rooms like always.

"You seem to be lost in your thoughts. May I know the reason?" asked Garrison as soon as they were alone when Nathan laughed and looked at him.

"I am thinking of thanking you since you decided to marry her." Garrison paused for a second before walking again, "I have heard that Lady Anastasia was a bright but naive child who was pampered by her family. But I think rumors did not do justice to her at all.

But I am still glad that I do not need to marry her now. She is not my cup of tea." Nathan turned and looked at Garrison before patting his shoulders, "but it makes me curious why you chose her? Did you not say that you want a dumb woman who follows your orders without any question. As far as i can see, she is…" he did not continue since he could read the face of Garrison who did not want to talk about it.

Nathan shrugged. He was not like his brother and sister who meddle in the affairs of others. He would rather go and work to make himself a better contender for the position of the crown prince that was still uncertain.

"Since you were going to marry her…" Nathan paused. He had thought that Garrison would not talk about it anymore. He looked at Garrison with curiosity when he continued, "I am sure that you must have investigated her personally. Are you sure that she was so different from the rumors at that time?"

"..." Nathan's eyes darkened for a second, he paused.

"I think we still need to give time to solve the puzzle." Garrison had investigated the woman too. She was completely different from the report he had received but what worried him was the look in her eyes.

She looked at him as if she held resentment towards him and deep hatred but he was sure that he did not even know the woman much less hurt her before.

"Then why are you marrying her? You should know from experience that a wrong marriage could destroy your family. I.."

"She would not do anything." Garrison shut Nathan up who looked at Garrison as if asking have you gone crazy but Garrison just smiled, "I wish you a safe trip, Lord Nathan."