
Chapter Two

"A Random Request"

"Twelve thousand of golds i told yah"

"You're jesting us"

"Oooh i never fooled someone lad"

The scent of masculinity lingers through the air as Brone walk in. He was well acquainted of the sight before him. With it's usual 'man cave' interior design; complete with barels of beer, taxidermy of their previous hunts such as low class and mid class beast that are safely hanging on the sturdy walls of the pub, and the clichè furniture that are always present on every ends and underbelly of the bar: such as wooden table and wooden stool. He walk in as he greeted each one with a nod. After all he live with this men for almost a month now.

"Well, well if it isn't Brone. The boy with wonders" A young man said clearly with mock.

"Good evening to you too Jared" Brone didn't even acknowledge his words. Ever since the headmaster took him in. People were still wary of his existence either if he is a farce or a no-show for the group.

"What have you got there?" Jared question as he pointedly look at Brone's satchel. The loud noises from the other men inside the pub didn't cease as if these two incoming squabble weren't that important nor fruitful for their eyes.

"Nothing seems of your importance" Brone answered almost lazily. As he walk pass him.

"I wouldn't be that cocky if you ask me. With your performance lately it would be reasonable to kick you out. After all, all you've been busying lately is digging up minerals... Which render me clueless, what are you doing with those things really. Are you by chance changing profession into an ore digger?" Jared mock. it was no question that Brone's action didn't contribute to the factions growth. As if he was simply a member just so he could have a roof to secure himself from the rain.

Brone didn't answer him nor look at him as he continue walking through the pub unto a small hallway that could barely fit three persons.

Once he got inside his room. Brone knew that ignoring Jared would cost him trouble afterwards: knowing his boisterous and prideful nature; he knew that trouble would seep in sooner than later.

"These churinium ore might be enough to infuse it with iron and crysalix. After all the duty of the churinium is to bound two different isotopes into one. Luckily i got the materials that i needed. Now i only need is to disassemble this Class C Rank 12 gun that i bough a few weeks ago"

Brone muttered to himself. He had this habit of talking to himself whenever he was in deep thoughts or unto a hype of great discovery.

With his vast knowledge of minerals and Technocharmology. He started working his invention with ease as he disassembled the gun properly without no hint of mistake or doubt in his eyes.

He was a hundred percent sure that this invention will not fail. Since he remembers every nook and cranny in the book he read about The Advancement of Technocharmology stage 1 in their family library. He was sure gifted with an iron prison of a memory and this gift will be his great advantage even if he wasn't born without a Source on his soul.

Three hours have past. Brone were half way through to his invention baring no sweat or exhaustion at all. It was already nine in the evening yet his room were the only one with open lights.

"Brone? your still awake boy?" A baritone voice suddenly broke the silence.

"Yes?" Brone asnwered

"Well, what are you bloody doing! Haven't you had a task for tomorrow?" The baritone voice man said.

"I have?" He said completely unaware that he had a task for tomorrow. He was a hundred percent sure that he had an empty schedule for tomorrow since he didn't apply for a task!

"Of course you have. The head master had pick it for himself" The Baritone voice replied.

"Why did he do so?" Brone stop from what he is doing and frowned. Clueless of what Head master had in mind.

"Aye, I'm coming in lad" The door suddenly swing open revealing a burly man wearing only a thin satin clothe that hug tightly on his torso and a fitted trouser as well. His almost purple complexion gave of a though that he wasn't entirely human.

And to the fact that he isn't!

Steban is half human and half troll but to the heavens kindness. Steban only acquired his troll genes with only their size, teeth and skin color but thankfully he didn't acquire the trolls horrendous face nor their savagery. After all he live with his kind hearted mom than his chaotic rapist of a father.

Steban used his will strength to fit in Brone's human size door and then he unceremoniously walk inside and settled to Brone's bed like a sofa.

Brone didn't mind it though. What pick his interest is the head master doing something so random.

"Back to what I'm saying earlier. Head master have requested it earlier after you go to your room. I was there when he ordered Captain Kent your application... I already thought that you knew about it?"

Brone shake his head as a reply.

"Well now you know... is that what those minerals are for?" Steban change the topic as he look at the unfinished invention Brone had on his table.

" It is" Brone answered straightforwardly

"Well you seems like a busy chap. I'm gonna leave you on your own now" Steban excuse himself as he walk out of Brone's room.