
I need time

broadedsoul · Realistic
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3 Chs

You Imbecile....

"Who placed these plates over here...." Brian's mom cried, she was a tall rather skinny woman with silky brown hair, her skin glowed as she moved down the stairs towards the living room, where Brian had put those dirty plates on the couch. Yes it was Brian, it was always him, everything that went wrong in this house was always because of Brian and yet the irony here was that sometimes it wasn't even his fault.

."Brian, is that you, I know it's you....."mom shouted,"you better have your room cleaned before I come up there or else you are in big trouble young man" hearing this, Brian jumped out of his bed and took a good look around and only one thought came up to his mind "didn't I just clean it a little while ago". This was because Brian had cleaned his room a little while ago but now all he could see was mess all around, mess on the bed, mess on the floor and a lot of mess on the bed. Now Brian started thinking of a reason that'll save him from his mother, but before he could come up with one, mom furiously rushed in through the door. "What in the name of lord..... what is this mess?". "When was the last time the thought of cleaning this place even struck your mind??" mom bursted. "Even.... even animals, clean the place they live, but you... you my son are even worse", she yelled. She continued for the next few minutes but interestingly, she had a very strange type of satisfaction on her face as she went on , it seemed like that all this shouting at me was somehow helping her digest her meal. Maybe it was because this scolding had now become more of a regular habit in which mom would come up and scold Brian and then seemingly would the day begin for the both of them. "Mom I swear, I cleaned it a while ago" Brian interrupted." Yeah you did, but son that 'while' was like a month ago" mom replied savagely." No mom, I swear I cleaned it...look at the study table its spotless" Brian pleaded "Well it's because you never go there " 'bang' another savage reply, mom was on fire, she must have had some serious argument with aunt Polly.

Well mom was right, Brian hadn't even seen any of his books since he gave his exams. He had given his final exams 2 months ago, and was pretty confident that he had done well but his parents seriously doubted that, but hoping for the best they never spoke a word about it.And now they didn't have to because the result was just around the corner, only a week or so till the day of judgement arrives.

Later that day, Brian was just casually wandering around the house when he overheard mom talking to dad over the phone. And from the part of the conversation he heard, he comprehended that those clients from dad's work who were supposed to come tomorrow, had now rescheduled and were coming home today and were only five minutes away from their house. As soon as mom got off the phone, Brian jumped out and said "don't you worry Mrs. Douglas, Brian has decided that he'll help you". "No honey, I'm fine on my own you don't have to worry, just go relax" she replied, gesturing Brian to go back to his room. "No way mom, I'll help you, you just relax and tell me what to do" Brian insisted. "No honey you just-" "Shhh..."Brian gestured. "Okay then go and bring me the vacuum cleaner" She ordered. Brian without saying a word ran off and instantly came back with the big machine in his arms, but on his way back as he entered the living room his foot got caught up with the wire of the lamp, placed on the table beside the couch and as he moved 'bang!!' the lamp was on the floor and in pieces. He turned his head towards mom and looked at her with an expression of sorry in his face, his eyes shrank with his head dropped deep into his neck. He said 'sorry' but no words came out of his mouth, but those from his mother's mouth came out like a bullet, "Who am I kidding?, its Brian Douglas, how can things go as planned with him around". She came up to Brian, snatched from him the cleaner and said "I think that's enough help for one day son" directing him to leave. Brian, with an expression of deep sorrow on his face, left the room.

On his way up to the room he peeped, through the partially open door of his younger brother Mike's room and saw him playing fortnite peacefully, but what caught his eye were the headphones he was wearing, it were the new Airpods that he had brought only a week ago by saving pocket money for 6 straight weeks. He rushed in furiously, and pulled them off of Mike's head. "Hey!!, what you doing?" Mike screamed rubbing his right ear. "Taking what's mine" Brian replied peacefully. "I'm not gonna eat 'em, I'll give it back when I'm done". "I don't think so" Brian again replying peacefully. "You do know that I have other ways of doing this" Mike said, putting his hand out forward. "Do whatever you want, you jerk I ain't givin' 'em" Brian said. "Don't say I didn't warn ya" Mike said and started screaming and knowing the purpose behind these screams Brian ran out of the room but as he did, he ran into a large elderly man with a big body and a rigid oily face. It was Mr. Jack Douglas, Brian's dad he held Brian up from his collar and pushed him inside the room. He started speaking in a low but rather an uglier tone and said, "I don't know what your upto,but if I hear your voice one more time you are in big trouble" he looked over to the other side of the room and saw Mike weeping and continued "and when these guests are gone, you and I, were gonna have have a long talk on growing up". After warning Brian he left the room and so did Brian without saying a single word.

Brian was in his room lying, wondering about what had happened, shortly after he got his daily dose from his dad. Eventually his door opened and from there emerged Mike with a water gun in his hands and started teasing the already depressed Brian, by throwing water at him at first Brian ignored him and kept on telling him to 'cut it out' but then when he loosed his calm he angrily got up and moved towards Mike. Mike on seeing this ran away but Brian was furious at the moment he pulled out a couple of balloons from his closet and filled them with water and rushed towards Mike's room but he wasn't there. Brian went downstairs and saw the culprit hiding behind mom, but Mike was too furious to stop at this point and in this rage he aimed at his younger brother and fired out a water balloon. But Mike was fortunate enough that the shot didn't reach him because it had stopped on it's way and had hit another elderly figure. It was Mr. Gladstone dad's client he was all wet and dad turned around to see the reason behind this mess. Brian's vision got blurry thinking about what'll happen next and all he could hear was his dad shouting those golden words, "You imbicile".