
I Need Money to Level Up

You have unlocked the skill Money is Power (MAX) In an unknown land, where towering beasts, malevolent demons, and capricious gods reign supreme, a young man awakens in chains, his past erased from memory. He somehow knows that his name is Raiden, and he finds himself a slave for a ruthless group of bandits that buy war orphans. Raiden's days blur into a haze of toil and torment, his mind a void looking for answers. But beneath his exterior lies a dormant power, a skill that, when unlocked, promises to reshape his fate: Money is Power (MAX). This unique ability allows him to manipulate wealth in many ways, transforming it into strength, influence, and even magical prowess. As Raiden navigates the dangerous world, he discovers the true extent of his power. Gold becomes his sword and shield, enabling him to do pretty much everything he wants. With every coin he acquires, his influence grows, challenging the gods themselves and unsettling the very fabric of the world.

TheVillain00 · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Chapter 10 Warning

 Raiden was curious to see the upper floors of the school, but he felt that it would be more fun if the suspense were to motivate him to go up as fast as possible.

"We should buy you some training wear," Harth said when they left the area.

"I am fine with what I have," Raiden said. "How do people usually graduate from school each year? Is that something that I can know now?"

"It is fine; each year has some requirements," Harth explained. "Knowing how to write your name and do five minutes of handstands are the requirements for the first year. Usually, people can't graduate too fast, but there are exceptions, so you will be able to go to the group as soon as you are able to do that."

 Raiden didn't know if those five minutes were harsh or not… he would have to practice for a while to confirm. In any case, Harth was a bit bothered by the fact that Raiden was acting like that, too reserved, even though that was how he usually was. Still, he felt a bit better when Raiden asked where he could sell his swords. Those two weren't of the highest quality, but they sold each for five silver coins… Once again, Raiden got one thousand fortune points. When he was about to click his tongue, the coins returned to his hands, and he lost the fortune points… he could do that, so it was fine.

"I should do some research before investing the money," Raiden thought.

 Since they had time, Harth guided Raiden through the city to see some other places that might come in handy to know in the future. He knew that Raiden had been wandering around most places, so he only showed areas that he hadn't been to yet.

 Raiden hoped that he would see where the soldiers of the village would be trained once they became fifteen, but he didn't show him, nor didn't he mention it. Maybe it was a secret spot or something.

"It is rare for this to happen, but now and then, I have to leave the village when we receive some important missions," Harth said. "Iri is too young to join that kind of mission, so she probably won't come with me, so I will be counting on you to look after them."

"This seems a bit too soon and rushed to ask," Raiden said while frowning.

"This is a life and death matter to you, Raiden… I am serious," Harth said. "You have to look after them. Otherwise, you might die! Don't tell them that I said this, but their cooking skills are terrible; it is borderline poisonous and deadly."

"So, that is what you meant…" Raiden felt like facepalming.

"That is why I am going to teach you how to cook some dishes while they aren't here; it should be easy for you," Harth said.

 Raiden wanted to know why Iri and Lenore were bad at that. Still, he felt that it would turn into a massive explanation, so he decided to avoid that. In the end, as weird as that sounded, Harth spent the rest of the day teaching Raiden how to cook… for some reason, Raiden felt that women who didn't know how to cook were becoming something more and more common.

 When those two showed up at home when the sun was setting, they looked pretty tired. They smiled while when they saw Raiden and looked better. They looked more honest, too.

"It seems that we are saved… now we won't suffer from chronic stomachs when Harth isn't around," Lenore said when she noticed that Raiden also helped cook dinner.

 The next few days passed without any issues; nothing major happened. Aside from the fact Javier and Ruth came to visit a few times once they settled down in their new homes.

 Life had become more normal than Raiden had expected; the only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was the fact that Iri sometimes was a bit too clingy. Raiden spent the mornings in the tower of mastery and the afternoons training this handstand. At night, he would try to read and write some words, and Iri told him many times that she could help him study.

"I am fine on my own… for now," Raiden said and then corrected himself when he saw Iri's sad expression.

 It seemed that everyone had a day off once per week, but it didn't fall on the same day. So, Iri pestered Raiden for a full day, and that had been really tiring. Lenore didn't have a day off per se, but there was a time when she returned after lunch and relaxed at home.

 About the school, Raiden, as expected, didn't get along with the other kids, but it was fine since Javier and Ruth soon joined them. Aside from learning how to read some simple words and write others, and do handstands, they also sparred against each other. The goal was to make everyone used to punching and getting punched. Hesitating when one has to fight is never a good thing.

 The trick to do handstands were a few. First of all: one had to start with some light exercises to warm up their wrists, shoulders, and core. This will help prevent injuries and increase flexibility. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button in towards your spine. This will help stabilize your body during the handstand.

Raiden placed his hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, fingers facing forward. Spread his fingers wide for better stability and grip. Making sure his shoulders are directly above your wrists. To initiate the handstand, bend forward and bring one leg up, focusing on kicking upward with the other leg. The key was to generate enough momentum to bring your hips over your shoulders.

Once in the handstand position, Raiden focused on finding his balance. To maintain stability, he made small adjustments by contracting his fingers and wrists. He used micro-movements of his fingers and forearms to keep his body aligned.

 Truth be told, Raiden learned the trick of the handstands after one week, and he also already could write his name correctly and without faltering. Still, he decided to wait for Javier and Ruth to do the same before they went to the next level. They were fine with kids who were younger than them, but they might feel some pressure if they were left behind.

"This is a bit tiresome, but I guess I can use this chance to do some research on what kind of business I should focus on," Raiden thought.

Some people worked in apothecary shops in the village. Apothecaries played a vital role in there because they provided remedies and treatments using various herbs, plants, and natural substances. They also prepared ointments, potions, and tinctures based on recipes handed down through generations or acquired from ancient texts. Raiden checked some shops, and they were always producing new things; their stock rarely could keep up with the demand.

Herbal medicine was the cornerstone of medical treatment in the village. Apothecaries and healers relied heavily on plants and herbs for their medicinal properties. They collected, dried, and stored different herbs, roots, flowers, and leaves. These natural ingredients were used to create remedies for a wide range of ailments, including digestive issues, skin conditions, respiratory problems, and pain relief.

 After doing his research, Raiden confirmed that growing herbs was pretty profitable. Lenore could use magic to help with most kinds of wounds, but she also grows them in her free time in the building that she works in. Raiden heard of that and wanted to see how she worked, but only some people had the ability to enter the building where she worked.

"Keeping this a secret won't work, but I also don't want to make her feel compelled to help me," Raiden thought.

 While he was making some progress in his studies, Raiden still had a hard time trying to read books and scrolls on that subject at the school. The terms were complicated, and the words were sometimes too big… still, Raiden confirmed that he could make all sorts of things with herbs. Potions, medicine, pills… and they had all kinds of effects as well… Some could make people even stronger.

Raiden decided to start by researching and identifying medicinal plants that are in demand and suitable for cultivation in the village. Consider factors such as climate, soil conditions, and market demand. Look for plants that have proven health benefits and are used in herbal remedies or the pharmaceutical industry. 

After that, he would develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines his goals, target market, marketing strategies, and financial projections. Determine the scale of his operation, whether it will be a small-scale herb garden or a larger commercial enterprise. Include details on the cultivation methods, infrastructure requirements, and potential customers.