
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Realistic
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23 Chs



"Chen are you even sure this is the right place? "

After being dropped off by Chen's family driver, the trio hiked up a mud path towards the so-called summer camp. the hike was long and tough that by the time they reached the said camp, sweat was on their temples and they were huffing for air. the group let go of their suitcases before looking around.

looking around the place, Chen could only see wooden cabin roofs behind the giant cement wall that separated them from the inside. taking out the flyer from his bag, Chen flapped it on the air before spreading it wide for them to see. he looked at the flyer then to the wall then back to the flyer again. he did this twice before concluding that they were in the wrong sight.

jin, who was silent and irritated decided to snatch the flyer, brows creasing as his gaze went from the flyer to the sign above. "Camp Sipat?"

looking back at the flyer, he concluded that either Chen got the wrong directions or they were scammed. obviously the second.

"Chen did you even read the ad properly cause this doesn't look like a luxury summer camp to me!" jehyun exclaimed, hand gesturing to a big sign and gate that separated them from the inside.

"oh please Hyun, maybe it's just the outside" the butterfly waved off before marching up to the gate and knocking thrice. the butterfly tipped back and forth while waiting for the gigantic doors to open for them.

jin who grew annoyed at the fact he was dragged here decided to make things right, that being said he pushed Chen out of the way, ignoring the butterfly who ended up falling to the ground and continuously knocking on the steel gates. "open this damp gate shitheads!"

"Jin!" jehyun exclaimed, rushing to the other—letting go of Chen who ended up falling again to the ground—and trying to shut his mouth with his hand.

muffled screams were heard from the Chinese as he tried to pull away from the hand on his mouth, completely ignoring the gate that opened with a clank.

"Are these the last guys?"

"I don't know Hiro"

"they don't look like troublemakers to me. well except that one on the ground"

the three male teens surveyed the trio, faces void from any emotion as they watch two fight each other while the one one of them who mentioned as a troublemaker was still on the ground, struggling to get up.

the males—obviously close to the ages of the trio—looked at each other. one had bright red hair grew long, the other had blonde with piercings, and the last having the combination of all—half of his hair dyed in blonde and the other half in red and double piercings on his ears.

"Should we stop them?" the redhead asked, pointing a thumb at the quarreling duo. "and him?"

the blonde sighed before flipping his hair. "I guess—"

"all right you troublemakers stop the racket and follow us!" the half and half shouted, clapping his hand which earned the trio's attention. his eyes scanned the three before landing on the one who had a hand on his mouth.

"you" he pointed at the teen, "come with me"

if you were to ask Chen if he believed in the saying heaven's sent then he would answer yes. why the men in front of him were obviously heaven sent. Jehyun on the other hand let out a yelp, releasing Jin who bit the palm of his hand. "ah what the fuck!"

jin rolled his eyes, eyed the half and half teen. "and who do you think you are to order me?"

jin wasn't the type to use his family's influence but the situation called it. he was pissed about this so-called summer camp thus the reason for his bratty attitude.

he expected the half and half man to retreat not March upfront at him. he cursed as he realized how much of a height difference they had.

the two stared at each other eye to eye, neither blinking nor standing down. Jin may be nervous but he planned on not giving the half and half man the satisfaction of him being nervous in his presence.

"who am I? well I am—"

"okaaay" the blonde one interjected, pushing the half and half man to the side gently before showing his hand. "hi I'm Jake a councilor in this camp and I think you're the trio that we have been waiting for"

jin eyed the hand in front of him before letting them trail at the said councilor. "well it's nice to meet you Jake but I think you got the wrong trio. we're supposed to be in a luxurious summer camp not a—" he looked behind Jake, eyes borrowing at the sight of the wooden cabins, "retreat and normal camp"

"normal?" Jake let out a hearty laugh, head pushed back as he found what the person in front of him describe the camp hilarious. "I can assure you this isn't a normal camp"

"really? that's great cause we thought we got the wrong camp. see Jin, Hyun, I told you that I got the right camp" Chen happily walked up to the Chinese's side before taking the hand that was outreached for his friend and shaking it merrily. "hi I'm Chen"

"Jake. A pleasure to meet you"

"same here"

the two still hand their hands together and shaking, grinning faces showed against each other.

"okaaay" the Redhead finally broke the two's long handshake before facing the trio. "Brazen Anwir"

"wang Chen"

"anyway" brazen clasped his hand together. "I think you're the one who is wrong. we're supposed to be greeting a Lee Jehyun, wang Chen—" brazen winked at Chen, "and a Jin tan"

"What?!" huffing in annoyance, Jin turned to the butterfly, eyes shooting daggers. "Chen you said we're going to a luxury camp!"

"We are!" huffing, Chen motioned To the sign. "welcome to the luxury cam, camp sipat!" looking somewhat proud, Chen ignored the baffled look he got from Jehyun and the murderous eyes of Jin.

"luxurious? this ain't some luxurious summer camp. this is a boot camp for troublemakers" the last one, the half and half guy, said with a smirk. he was the only one who noticed how the Chinese expression soured at what he said. "basically this is a camp for those who usually get into fights. delinquents to say the least"

"Does this mean we got ourselves into prison" jehyun gulped in fear.

"What? nooo" Jake shook his head. "what hiro meant was that parents usually send their troubled kids here for the summer and to reassure you, the facilities are the best and world-class"

"that isn't even reassuring" Jin scoffed, "so hiro huh"

"Chinese plate huh"

"What the fuck!?"