
I, Naruto, Will Never Be A Virgin

I'm just a translator The story is available at mtlnation.com And I modify it I am an orphan My parents died for the village, they are typical village chiefs, typical husbands, but not typical parents. Naruto stood before the chiefs of the five great villages and said: You see, everyone in this world lives for themselves! Why would I sacrifice for you? Destroying the world, what does your life and death have to do with me?

killzone · Fantasy
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7 Chs

7 Third Hokage

Naruto felt like he was crazy, and his rage gradually overwhelmed his mind.

He took the mud ant left over from last night from his pocket and threw it at the face of the dog Anbu Ninja who was on the chain.

The opponent started to struggle fiercely, but to no avail, the mud ant was already attached to his body.

At this time, Naruto's door was violently kicked, and the fat boss outside the door shouted:

"Damn you bastard fox, open the door for your father! If it wasn't for the misfortune you brought me, how could my shop explode! This one, I want to hit you first!"

Naruto's face was fierce, his blushing eyes looked at the door of the room he was about to kick behind him, his hands were closed, and he shouted:

"Give me everything until I die!"


Anbu the ninja dog's face was blown straight to shreds, flesh and blood flying across it.

Naruto's body, which had been blown apart, flew backwards, and Naruto hit the fat boss who had just opened the door.

In the immediate aftermath of the explosion, the two of them blew up directly in the basement.

Bearing the weight and influence of Naruto, the fat boss fell downstairs hard, vomited blood and died!

Naruto himself was also uncomfortable. Although he did not die, he was seriously injured and lost consciousness.


"Check! Check it out for me! I want to know what's going on!"

The Third Hokage's roar spread throughout the hall.

The Anbu ninja moved quickly. All the ninjas and villagers of Konoha Village looked at this place. They did not know who caused the explosion twice in a row.

Is he a ninja spy from another country?

Will the war start again?

This morning, everyone felt uneasy.

Originally, the Ninja School was scheduled to hold the graduation exam today, but it was also postponed.

Hokage's office.

The Third Hokage smoked his pipe with dark eyes. He was thinking about the results of the investigation and the speculation with two explosions in his heart.

Observing Anbu ninja Kakashi and the other ancient squad of the Fourth Hokage, they didn't find anything unusual about Kakashi and the others. Maybe they don't.

Who did it? What is its purpose?

Anyway, the Third Hokage is very clear that this kind of thing can't be allowed to happen again, and the Invisible Hands can't affect Naruto.

After all, Naruto is a village jinchuriki, a weapon of war!

Ten minutes later, Iruka was summoned to the Hokage's office.

"Iruka, let's arrange the cloning technique for the graduation exam this time." The Third Hokage took out a cigarette and looked at him with a smile.

Iruka is a teacher whom the Third Hokage attaches great importance to because he has brainwashed many generations of students in the school.

Iruka's heart narrowed, and she couldn't help but worry about Naruto not being able to graduate, then said with a tangled expression on her face:

"Master of the third generation, can you change the subject, because Naruto's clone technique is very bad, but his transformation technique is very good."

"Hehe." The Third Hokage's eyes narrowed, a puff of smoke closed his expression, and his voice sounded hazy:

"Iruka, don't worry, if Naruto fails the exam, I will recruit him to Anbu for training. After all, I take care of him too!"

Hearing Iruka the Third Hokage say this, he realized that Anbu was indeed a gathering place for the elite, which made him feel relieved.

Then, feeling that he had just refuted the Third Hokage's decision, he became nervous. He scratched his head in annoyance and said, "Sorry, Third Generation Lord, I didn't mean to offend you!"

"It's okay, so be it, you can leave."


At this time, Naruto was still lying on the hospital bed.

Except that he could barely move his hands, his whole body was covered with gauze from head to toe, and he didn't know how many fractures he had.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host on the first murder, and once again a special reward [Bloodline Upgrade Scroll]."

After receiving the reward, Naruto grabbed the golden scroll with his right hand and opened it with difficulty. Suddenly, the scroll turned into golden light to envelop his entire body, generating a current of heat in his body and moisturizing his limbs.

In the darkness, he once again felt that the efficiency of the skill [Adamantine Sealing Chains] [Physical Healing] [Kagura Heart Eye] [Seal Skill Talent] increased again, and the amount of chakras in the body increased once more!

Most importantly, his body's stamina increased dramatically, and his entire body's injuries quickly recovered.

The next day, Naruto's fractures all over his body were almost fine, and he was ready to get out of bed. He was going to the ninja school to take the graduation exam.

Putting on the clothes he had just bought, he looked at the fresh milk and roast meat on the table and smiled contemptuously.

All the clothes and food were brought to him by the new Anbu ninja, and he was relieved to enjoy them.

The range of his perceptions covered the entire village of Konoha, the new Anbu ninja was in his imagination, and he did not make any disgusting acts on his food.

Milk and grilled meat are very fresh and have no strange smell.

It sure is the same eternal truth, people are bullied by others, and powerful people ride others!


The ninja school graduation exam is very simple, basically all the students can pass the exam, then take the Konoha forehead protector and become the official Konoha Genin.

Except for Naruto.