
Chapter 123 : Brainwashing?

Fortunately, there was only one thought left in Kurogane's mind: yes, we can approach the head of the Uzumaki clan.

He's incredibly powerful, capable of unraveling Konoha's calculations at a glance. His knowledge is extensive; he must have the answers we seek. We can ask him!

But I lack the authority to speak alone. Even if I were to invite him to the Uchiha clan, the elders wouldn't approve. It's better to have Ryūshō-sama extend the invitation on behalf of the clan.

With this realization, Kurogane quickly lifted his head, addressing the thoughtful Ryūshō, "Ryūshō-sama, we can request the Uzumaki clan's leader to join us. He can analyze and provide insights for us."

Hearing Kurogane's proposal, Ryūshō was momentarily surprised but remained silent.

The second and third elders on the side voiced their objections, "No, this is an internal matter of the Uchiha clan. How can we call him over?"

"Yes, this isn't something we can entrust to an outsider. The Uchiha clan have sufficient expertise; we don't need his analysis. It's absurd!"

Other elders on the side nodded in agreement, evidently disagreeing with Kurogane's suggestion.

The proud Uchiha couldn't easily admit their inferiority to the Uzumaki boy, even though that boy was Kazuhiko, who had defeated the Third Generation Hokage.

Had it not been for Kazuhiko's one-on-one victory over the Third Hokage, Uchiha, suggesting this, would have been promptly dismissed as insane.

Upon hearing Kurogane's words, Ryūshō initially inclined to refuse. However, observing the elders shaking their heads, he realized that trying a strategy that is against stubborn old individuals might be worth it, drawing from his years of experience in leading the Uchiha.

So, he looked at Kurogane and replied, "Kurogane, if you hold him in such high regard, I too am interested in seeing this legendary genius, akin to the First Hokage."

"As Uchiha, we must be acquainted with the geniuses in the ninja world. We should make connections with such legendary figures. You go ahead, invite him, and ask him to visit our Uchiha clan tomorrow. We can engage in meaningful discussions."

Kurogane had already given up, planning to seek out Kazuhiko himself, but unexpectedly, Ryūshō's words took a different turn. Although the rationale changed, the possibility of inviting Kazuhiko to the Uchiha clan emerged.

Upon hearing Ryūshō's explanation, the other elders contemplated for a moment and agreed.

This showcased Ryūshō's persuasive abilities. While inviting Kazuhiko, his words perfectly aligned with Kurogane's perspective. Not only did the other elders accept the invitation, but they also considered it as a friendly exchange between the Uchiha clan and foreign geniuses.

Naturally, they didn't object. Even if they sought Kazuhiko's advice later, it would sound more agreeable. Moreover, if Kazuhiko rejected the invitation, it would be perceived as the Uchiha appreciating geniuses from other nations, and Kazuhiko being too proud to accept.

However, if rejected as per Kurogane's proposal, it would paint an unfavorable picture, suggesting that Kazuhiko declined to guide the Uchiha clan, putting the Uchiha clan in an awkward position.

Kurogane couldn't quite grasp it yet, but he felt a surge of happiness upon hearing that the clan's Ryūshō had agreed to extend an invitation to Kazuhiko to join the Uchiha clan.

"Yes, Ryūshō, I will extend the invitation tomorrow," Kurogane promptly assured.

Ryūshō nodded and turned to the other elders, signaling that it was time to adjourn.

"All right, let's conclude our discussions for today. Everyone, return and rest. Let's contemplate the future of our Uchiha clan," he declared.

A tinge of melancholy gripped the hearts of those present upon hearing this.

Was this an acknowledgment of abandoning the pursuit of the Hokage position?


The elders, despite their own reservations, sighed helplessly. The situation seemed indeed beyond their control now.

The events of the day had almost claimed the lives of the young clan members. Tragedy befell even the Sarutobi clan, and the Hokage's exclusive forces, the Anbu ninjas, were partially purged.

It was evident that Konoha's leadership had disclosed their stance on the Hokage position and harbored hostility towards the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha clan could no longer feign ignorance; the comfort they sought was no longer attainable. Becoming the Hokage demanded a certain sacrifice.

One by one, the attendees filed out of the conference hall, their eyes reflecting mutual helplessness.

Simultaneously, they pondered the uncertain future that awaited the Uchiha clan.

For Kazuhiko, the instigator of these events, it was preferable for the Uchiha clan to contemplate their future now rather than face extinction later.

Kazuhiko deliberately used Kurogane's words to enlighten the Uchiha clan about the unworthiness of aligning with Konoha, urging them to recognize the village's true nature as soon as possible.

In the end, being a sycophant served no purpose. The Uchiha clan, loyal followers of Konoha, not only gained nothing but also faced peril.

Others might not be qualified to assert this, but Kazuhiko, armed with plot knowledge, felt entitled.

He knew that the Uchiha clan were not just massacred by their own clan; it was at the hands of the clan head's eldest son, who gouged out their eyes after the massacre.

There was supposed to be a second avenger left, seeking revenge. However, eventually, this avenger contributed to the village's future through the power of words.

Kazuhiko strongly suspected that they all fell prey to the Illusions of Kotoamatsukami, making their logic incomprehensible.

Hundreds of clan members perished—parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters—all gone. What kind of hatred was this? It bordered on the unimaginable, justifying the Uchiha's inclination to raze Konoha to the ground.

And yet, they, the supposed heroes, were mind-controlled by a puppeteer, returning to work for the bright future of Konoha.

Returning to the enemy's fold, Kazuhiko strongly suspected these individuals had been subjected to intense mental manipulation—illusions at the level of Kotoamatsukami.


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