
I, Naruto's Uncle, Am Really Invincible

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/naruto-uncle-i-am-really-invincible.html Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ********** Synopsis: Venturing into the Naruto World, Kazuhiko found himself positioned as Naruto's future uncle, the cousin of Kushina, and the emerging head of the Uzumaki Clan, which teetered on the brink of annihilation. Kazuhiko had initially anticipated leading a life of leisure as a wealthy second-generation individual. Yet, fate had different plans. The Land of Whirlpools stood on the precipice of devastation. Providentially, just as this crisis emerged, an activation signal resonated within him - the initiation of a unique system that promised rewards through daily logins. He signed in as a member of the Uzumaki Clan, reaping the reward of the [Admiral Kizaru Template], a boon to his powers. Logging into the clandestine chamber within the Uzumaki family estate, he gained the [Death God Zaraki Kenpachi Template]. Further sign-ins on Naruto Rock granted him the coveted [Sage Body]. And within the Valley of the End, yet another sign-in bestowed upon him the [Rinnegan], an ability of profound significance. Years flowed by, and Uzumaki Kazuhiko proudly stood atop the pyramid of the ninja world. With his ascendancy, the Uzumaki lineage claimed the mantle of the foremost family in the realm of shinobi. ********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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290 Chs

Chapter 11 : No Reinforcements

Kazuhiko was also keenly interested in the news about Konoha. He didn't care much about whether Konoha would provide support or not. He had long abandoned such hopes. Yet, there was something else he desired to learn.

To expedite his movements, Kazuhiko employed his special ability.

"Yata no Kagami."

Instantly, Kazuhiko transformed into a beam of golden light, hurtling directly towards the clan's location.


"So fast! He disappeared in the blink of an eye!"

"Kazuhiko-sama's ability is truly impressive!"

"What kind of power is this? Could a special bloodline limit awakened in Kazuhiko-sama to save the Uzumaki clan?"

Kazuhiko left, leaving behind a chorus of admiring sighs.

No matter how many times they witnessed it, his ability never ceased to astonish.

Despite his desire to maintain a low profile, Kazuhiko couldn't deny how cool this ability was.

Soon, Kazuhiko's figure materialized at the clan's entrance.

The two guards observed a streak of golden light approaching from a distance.

As he landed at the gate, Kazuhiko emerged once again from the golden radiance.


Both guards greeted Kazuhiko, their voices tinged with astonishment and admiration.

Kazuhiko didn't linger for long, using his "Yata no Kagami" ability several times over the next few days. He had mastered this technique quite proficiently, utilizing it for both long-range travel and close-range teleportation. He had practiced extensively to identify suitable checkpoints for his journey.

He explored various notable locations throughout the Land of Whirlpools, methodically searching for answers.

However, progress was slow, and his efforts were fruitless.

Upon entering the hall, all eyes turned to Kazuhiko.

"Kazuhiko, you're here," The clan head addressed him.

"Kazuhiko-sama!" echoed the elders.

Several of them were in the vicinity and had already approached. Yet, Kazuhiko noticed the absence of some familiar faces.

"Everyone, why was I summoned urgently?"

Kazuhiko cut straight to the point.


The first to speak was an elder who had been recuperating. He was training within the clan and was now present in the hall.

Kazuhiko couldn't help but marvel at the elder's remarkable vitality.

"Kazuhiko-sama... Konoha has sent a message. They won't be offering support!"

As those words left the elder's mouth, it seemed as though a decade of age settled upon him.

"Kazuhiko-sama, this outcome isn't beyond your expectations. Konoha has truly... really... forsaken our alliance!"

Tears welled up in the elder's eyes as he spoke.

"Elder!" Those nearby rushed forward to console him.

Kazuhiko observed with mixed emotions.

"To outsiders, the depth of the Uzumaki clan's sentiment towards Konoha is unfathomable."

The clan head sighed, his gaze shifting to Kazuhiko.

The clan head's sigh seemed to convey his own preparedness for such news. However, facing the reality was still disheartening.

After all, the Uzumaki clan held steadfast to the belief that an alliance was akin to kinship. During the First Ninja World War, they committed fully without complaint, sacrificing their lives for Konoha's sake. Many Uzumaki warriors fell on foreign soil, buried beneath the weight of loyalty to an ally.

Now, facing their own crisis, they were met with indifference.

To be abandoned by allies at a crucial juncture was akin to betrayal by a loved one.

"Thankfully, Kazuhiko had the foresight to prepare everyone. Otherwise, such news at this juncture would have shattered our morale."

The clan head found solace in this thought.

"Everyone, we can no longer count on Konoha!"

After contemplation, the clan head addressed the growing assembly of elders behind him.

"According to the recent communication, Konoha claims they must defend against Rock and Sand shinobi. They lack the manpower to assist us."

"They also dismiss the potential threat from Mist shinobi, deeming it mere intimidation without substance."

"Haha! Venturing across the sea, enduring hardships along the way, all to intimidate us."

A mocking smile tugged at the clan head's lips.

Kazuhiko's expression darkened. Although he had anticipated the outcome, Konoha's brazen attitude still rankled.

The elders nearby were indignant.

"Curse Konoha! Abandoning their allies!"

"As Kazuhiko-sama said, they care not for our lives!"

"For the sake of Konoha, we gave so much, the covenant with the First Hokage reduced to mere paper!"

"Thankfully, our people were mentally prepared. Had they counted on Konoha at this point, only to be told we wouldn't receive support...?"

"Konoha is a disappointment! Sarutobi Hiruzen, such a letdown!"

Despite the collective preparedness, the sense of disillusionment lingered. A nagging question remained: what if, by some miracle, they received assistance?

Reality had dashed those hopes.

"Has the Senju clan offered any news? Did they echo the same sentiment?"

Someone inquired immediately.

"Based on our sources, the Senju clan expressed willingness to help, but Third Hokage rejected the idea."

"Danzo, a disciple of the Second Hokage, vehemently opposed. He asserted that the Senju should prioritize Konoha's defense and ignore the Uzumaki. "

The clan head divulged the outcome.

"Those Konoha bastards! If they won't help, they won't allow the Senju clan either!"

While unsuccessful, the Senju clan's intention to support appeased some of the anger.

Kazuhiko's interest was piqued.

"Clan head, how did you learn of this concealed information?"

As everyone else also processed the situation, they realized the truth. Someone within Konoha leaked this information.