Savine took a leisurely stroll towards the palace, listening to the bishops discussing her intentions to go to the palace and the people talking about her white hair and priest garbs. She thought of changing into something more casual, but she was too lazy to do so.
Arriving before the thin-eyed man, she greeted simply.
"Hm? Oh, you're that kid from yesterday. Didn't know you were a priest… Well, it should be fine."
The man said, stroking his chin.
"His Majesty's answer?"
"Ah," he smiled. "Well, I was definitely surprised, but it was accepted. Though… I was still scolded for putting your paper over the others."
"Thank you."
"No, no. I'm only a messenger. But I've been told that you must be accompanied by a supervisor as you read to prevent you from damaging the books or reading things you shouldn't be reading."
Savine nodded. They should be referring to the books on magic theories.
"Should I head to the library now?"
"I'll guide you there."
The man walked, acting as a guide for the palace, but since Savine already saw everything here, she wasn't that moved. Eventually, they arrived at the library.
"Wait here. I'll go in to see if your supervisor is there or not."
The man went inside and closed the door behind him. But his words echoed clear in Savine's head.
<Your Majesty, the girl I've mentioned is here.>
'Majesty?' Savine's eyebrows creased. 'Huh?'
She quickly activated her gift and saw the two people inside. The scarred man she saw in the King's Office was inside.
Savine took another good look at the man and made a profile for him. He was important enough for that.
'Average height, brown-blonde hair, a babyface that looks somewhat condescending and a giant scar…'
He was handsome, but it wasn't the majestic-looking handsomeness of the duke. He looked somewhat cute, even. But there was a gigantic burn mark covering everything from his right temple to the right side of his chin. The burn mark overwhelmed the cuteness of his face and made him look fierce and domineering.
<Let her in,> the Sovereign said. <Wait, what did you tell her?>
<Don't worry, Your Majesty, I only said a supervisor will be there with her.>
<Alright. Let her in.>
The man came out a second later and gesture Savine inside. As she passed him, he whispered to her ears.
"Make sure to be polite."
Savine acted confused, but nodded regardless in the end. The man nodded back in an acknowledging manner. She was liking this man more and more. She decided to make some small chat on the way out.
Entering the library, Savine bowed politely to the Sovereign.
"Mister Supervisor," she greeted. "My name is Savine Lorelei."
The Sovereign gave her a look over, and Savine couldn't help but feel like she was being belittled. But a closer look said that it wasn't the case. It was just that the Sovereign's face was naturally like that.
"A priest?" he hummed. "Where are you from?"
"I'm from the Fest duchy, Mister."
His eyebrows rose at that and he subconsciously rubbed his burn scar. Perhaps the scar was something he got from the civil war.
"Your family?"
"My father is a mere Honorary Count, mister. He lives in the Magicracy. No one worth mentioning."
"From the Magicracy?"
"Yes. I turned out to be a mage, but since my father didn't want me to become a slave, I was moved towards to the temple."
"I see…"
The temple of the Sovereignty and the slaving organization that handled mages was the same thing.
In the Sovereignty, the organization was something of a commoner mage recruitment and supervision government organization that called itself a temple.
It wasn't really truthful, but definitely a better alternative than the Magicracy, where the commoner mage recruitment and supervision government organization was a government-run slave company.
But from a ruler's perspective, Savine couldn't say that the former was absolutely better. After all, with a slave company, the country never needed to fear that it would gain authority on its own. It could never threaten the country's rule as it could never garner the people's affection and loyalty.
With a temple, on the other hand, had a much better image and association. They also actually went around helping people with their harvests and whatnot, so the people's view of it was much better. Some would even regard them better than the government. It was natural that the temple would turn out a bit more ambitious.
Exactly that happened with the Temple here, with how it's now powerful enough to deter the other duchies from bullying the Fest duchy if the price paid was high enough.
Like Savine, the Sovereign fell in thought, occasionally glancing at Savine, giving her more look overs. Savine knew her backstory sounded suspicious and her visit's reasoning was somewhat odd, so she understood why.
"I was curious about the world's history and wanted to learn more, but I couldn't find any books regarding the world's history outside. But everyone I asked said that the Royal Library was the biggest collection of books in the world so I tried my luck by asking His Majesty for his permission. Seeing this library, though, I'm happy enough to have seen such a magnificent collection of knowledge in one place."
The Sovereign made a lazy nod and beckoned Savine.
"There are many books here, but as far as I know, very few on the topic you're searching for. And the few ones that exist are old and even outdated ones brought from who knows where."
They arrived at the row where all the books and parchments without names on their covers were placed.
"There should be some among these undocumented books, but truth be told, I don't remember which is which. I'll have to skim through the books one by one and search."
"I understand, mister. But if you are busy, I can do this by myself."
"I'd love that, but the problem is, there are a few books that can't be read by just anyone. So you'll have to search through the books in front of my eyes."
Savine nodded.
"Maybe I can read three pages and tell you what the book's about?"
The Sovereign stroked his chin. "That'll do. But if you read anything about magic, then give the book to me."
"I understand."