

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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41 Chs


As soon as they were far enough from the Stevenson house, they knew they had to change its name; like, they and all the people who fled from jails.

Instead of what they are called, they decided on the following names: Anthony Peters, now his name is Erwin Brolly, Lily Peters, she would never be called that way anymore, because her name would be Jasmine Brolly. Bob Peters, she would no longer be called that, because her name would be Soren Brolly and Anjelica Peters, she would no longer be called, because her name would be Zita Brolly.

With the money, they were able to steal from both families, with the weapons they had, and with their chosen names, the only thing they lacked is to find a place to live.

In the Bronx and far away from The Hamptons, the Peters family, whose last name is Brolly, along with the rest of the inmates and prisoners, found several houses that they enchanted and killed their inhabitants; so that they can live in those houses that they loved.

As soon as they were far enough from the Stevenson house, they knew they had to change its name; like, they and all the people who fled from jails.

Instead of what they are called, they decided on the following names: Anthony Peters, now his name is Erwin Brolly, Lily Peters, she would never be called that way anymore, because her name would be Jasmine Brolly. Bob Peters, she would no longer be called that, because her name would be Soren Brolly and Anjelica Peters, she would no longer be called, because her name would be Zita Brolly.

With the money they were able to steal from both families, with the weapons they had, and with their chosen names, the only thing they lacked is to find a place to live.

In the Bronx and far away from The Hamptons, the Peters family, whose last name is Brolly, along with the rest of the inmates and prisoners, found several houses that they enchanted and killed their inhabitants; so that, they can live in those houses that they loved.

Two years passed, and in those two years, both the Stevenson family and the Williams family did not stop looking for Barbara Stevenson and did not give up at all, because they had the faith and hope placed in God that, sooner or later, they would find and return to make the united family that they are, before all that happened.

Anjelica Peters, whose name is Zita Brolly, was pregnant, and everyone was happy with the news and forgot about Barbara entirely.

They put Barbara to work so that they have more income, to be able to support her entire family; especially his little sister, who was on the way.

Barbara, who was starving, began to look for what she found in the street because her family had forbidden her to eat that food.

So has poor Barbara been; until her sister was born, who they named her Bridget and immediately, they began with the preparations for Bridget's christening, who Lily and Anjelica had no choice but to prostitute themselves, to get enough money, to perform the baby's christening.

They baptized her with the name of Bridget and the christening, it was extremely elegant and beautiful, and they forbid Frankie, who is called Barbara Stevenson, to be at the christening and in the house, for all that day.

The poor thing, how she did not understand what was happening, began to cry inconsolably and knew that she had no choice but to obey the orders of her family.

While everyone was enjoying Bridget's christening and at the same time eating, poor Frankie was starving.

While looking for food on the street, she comes across Jeremy Stevenson, her twin brother who, upon seeing her, gave her food to eat.

At first, Barbara did not accept the food; since I did not know him, but little by little and with some faith, luck, and confidence, Jeremy managed to gain the trust Barbara, without knowing that they are twin brothers.

"Frankie Brolly called me, and what's your name?" asked Barbara, who was sitting next to her little brother without knowing it.

"My name is Jeremy Stevenson" Jeremy replied, while he was sharing his food with his little sister.

"Nice to meet you," her little sister replied, as she finished eating.

"Nice to meet you" replied his little brother, as he finished eating.