
The Evans Enigma

7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


After becoming an international sensation overnight for his commendable feat at warding the Death Eaters off, Harry Evans unexpectedly remained uninterested. The young man took the attention people paid to him in a stride. Girls flocked to him and he responded accordingly. Even so, he didn't use his popularity to take advantage of girls. It made him even more popular.

As not much was known about him, everyone was trying to figure him out. The lucky ones managed to ask him directly when he cooped himself up in the library, but most of the time, they bothered his housemates. Gryffindor students even interacted with Slytherin students just to get to know him.

"Charlus, is Harry Evans that good at fighting?"

Even though no one knew Harry and Charlus were siblings, Charlus was still subjected to the questioning. His friend, Ron, bore a prejudice against all things Slytherin, so it quite shocked him that even Ron was interested in the Slytherin rising star.

"Well, Aunt Bellatrix says that he is," Charlus drawled reluctantly.

"Huh! I guess Daily Prophet is being truthful for once," Hermione quipped.

"It always has been. It just likes to exaggerate things," Charlus commented.

"Right. Like when it said you defeated the Basilisk in the chamber by yourself bare fist," Ron added humorously. "We know Harry helped you defeat it with the Sword of Gryffindor. Can't believe the snake seducer could pull that thing out of the talking hat."

Charlus harrumphed but didn't say anything. He wanted to ask if Ron was undermining his contribution to the Basilisk's death but held himself as he didn't want to sound like a jealous girlfriend. It soured his mood, but he was still glad that his friend still didn't see Harry positively for being a Parselmouth. His mother had reacted differently when she told her about it.

"Oh, it's him…"

Hermione's exclamation drew Charlus' attention to the person walking into the library. Flanked by two seventh-year female Slytherins was his brother. Harry's gait was the epitome of confidence and superiority. His apathetic gaze washed over the room, involuntarily causing everyone to straighten up. Even Charlus was subjected to the gaze which reminded him greatly of his mother.

"So, what do you think about that particular charm? What kind of creative applications that the N.E.W.T. mean?"

"Intent matters most in the usage of a Spell. You can judge the nature of the Spell and decide what you want to use it for. Let's figure it out from there."

Charlus could hear the quiet conversation happening between his brother and the two girls. His brother genuinely answered the question, but Charlus could see the two girls were too busy gawking at his brother to register the answer. That made Charlus grumble about his brother being a lucky bastard. Despite his stellar reputation, he had never been subjected to the experience.

I defeated the Dark Lord for Merlin's sake. Unscathed, even!

For his mental health, Charlus decided to ignore his brother for the rest of the day. Dinner came in the blink of an eye. In preparation for the upcoming inter-school duelling tournament, Dumbledore announced the reformation of the duelling club. Charlus was quite sceptical about the club given what Lockhart had done to it last year but still decided to roll in since it would be handled by the retired Auror Alastor Moody.

Many people thought the same thing and gave the club a try. The next day, the duelling chamber on the third floor was flooded with students. Most of them were those who were interested in competing in the tournament. They were excited but also apprehensive. It was caused by the figure leaning on the wall in the corner of the room.

Harry Evans also attended the Duelling Club, looking at Moody with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I guess we can see the truth of his capability now, mate," Ron whispered as he gestured at Harry. "Anyway, is he a loner? Ah, he thinks being alone makes him cool, doesn't he?" Ron scoffed.

Charlus knew Harry preferred to spend time by himself but still laughed at Ron's quip, neither denying nor confirming. Harry's eyes met his in the next moment, causing him to scrunch up his neck like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Duelling is a non-lethal, yet painful still, fight. It is a far cry from the dangerous fight that occurs between wizards and witches alike out there. However, if you are good at it, you surely will increase your chance of survival. I am better at killing, but I suppose I can teach you a trick or two about duelling," Moody barked out, earning the students' attention.

"Evans!" Moody growled. "What do you think is most important in a duel?"

"Constant vigilance," Harry answered with a hint of mirth.

The room was silent as Moody harrumphed. The students were looking at Harry as if he had gone mad. The way Harry looked at Moody and the way he spoke to Moody were telltale signs of provocation. They couldn't fathom what Harry tried to achieve by riling the retired Auror. The old man might look non-threatening for his wooden leg, but everyone knew he was fearsome.

"Ten points to Slytherin!" As such, they were baffled when Moody rewarded Harry for his cheek instead. "Since you are already well-versed in the art of duelling, given who tutors you, why don't you become my assistant today, Evans?"

"What is in it for me, Professor?" Harry asked condescendingly.

"Thirty points for your house, that is." Despite so, Moody remained civil. One could even see a hint of a smile on his face. The watching students wondered if the two were mad. Given what had unfurled, they were sure it was likely.

As Harry stepped into the arena, Moody asked for a volunteer. A seventh-year Slytherin stepped up. Charlus scoffed inwardly, believing the student must be a Voldemort worshipper given the scathing look he sent Harry. Then again, he might be just jealous of Harry's rising fame.

"All duellers ready? Begin!"

As Moody began the duel, Harry's opponent waved his wand wildly, casting several Spells. Harry idly waved his wand and knocked his opponent out of the arena, cancelling most of his opponent's Spells and batting away the one that got out of his opponent's wand.

"Most impressive, Evans. I think you can fight these kids in my stead. I will give pointers from the side."

Harry didn't look happy as he glared at Moody from the corner of his eye, but Moody paid no attention to him. From that day on, the students were subjected to Moody and Harry's barb trade. It almost got out of hand one day, but fortunately, a fight didn't break out. Despite their less-than-ideal relationship, the two had a great chemistry, much to everyone's amusement.

Now that Harry's fighting prowess was undisputed, the students from his year aimed for the second spot. They believed the first was reserved for him. Charlus was not blind to Harry's prowess but thought he could defeat Harry somehow. As such, he volunteered to become Harry's sparring partner.


The fight ended just as quickly as the previous ones. Charlus only managed to cast two Spells, which Harry avoided smoothly, before being incapacitated. Harry didn't even look amused as he returned Charlus' wand. Harry's apathy made Charlus think it would have been better if Harry had humiliated him.

"Professor Moody," Harry called. "It has come to my attention that several students view my act of assistance as bullying." No one said that. The girls always had an epiphany whenever he tutored them and the boys appreciated his input greatly. "Aside from house points, I also don't earn anything. As such, I implore you to give me some pointers. Not only will it help me but also give the students the satisfaction of seeing me lose."

"That's right!" Ron shouted, much to everyone's amusement.

"Well, why don't we have a go, then?" Moody agreed with a cruel glint in his eyes.

While the students gulped apprehensively, Harry smiled gladly. Moody stepped into the arena and stood at the other end of it. Charlus watched the two curiously, equally excited and worried about seeing Harry's defeat. When the students realized the two didn't have a referee, they traded Spells in quick succession.

They remained in their spots and their Spells hit true. The more perceptive students realized they were trying to kill each other.

"Diffindo!" Harry sent a cutting curse at Moody's wooden leg.

Moving for the first time, Moody cast, "Bombarda!"

Harry blocked the explosion with a Protego shield. "Feisty, aren't you, Professor?"

Moody snorted and scooted over, carefully blocking and batting away Harry's Spells. Harry stepped forward slowly, bombarding Moody with hexes. It was a standstill until the two stopped moving, leaving a couple of steps before they were face-to-face.

"Serpensortia! Engorgio!"

Moody summoned snakes and made them grow to the size of a Python. Harry silently cast Sectumsempra, cutting the snakes at once. As the snakes fell to the floor, a white beam went straight at Harry. He pointed his wand at the light and cast Everte Statum. An orange light came out of his wand, meeting the white beam and overpowering it.

Moody blocked the orange light with Protego. Harry cast Bombarda Maxima to break the shield and Expelliarmus to disarm Moody. The speed at which he cast the Spells caught Moody off guard. As Moody flew into the wall due to the force of the Spell, Harry was busy marvelling at his reward.

Quest Complete!

Attained Constant Vigilance!

He ignored the students' baffled look as he stepped down from the arena.

I just read an HP Fanfiction on FF. It mixed the elements of anime with HP...in a horrible way. People suddenly refer to each other using -kun, -chan, and -san. I found myself retching. I was driving when I listened to the work and I almost killed innocent pedestrians out of indignation. What the fuck was that? What compelled you to write such a cringe-worthy abomination? The premise is creative, though. Alas, the execution is horrendous.

Frona_Gorgophonecreators' thoughts