
023 Sky Drifter Eyes

Translator: 549690339


Several witches meandered among the crowd, observing the conditions of their respective students and shook their heads at one another before ultimately letting out a collective sigh of resignation.

There were far too few people with the gift of witchcraft, and by operating under the guise of a yoga studio, they had further narrowed their range of selection.

Qin, from a distance, called out to Chen Shuyun, who seemed to be struggling particularly hard with casting a spell, "Shu Yun, stop it. It looks like this is yet another wasted effort."

Under a large tree, Chen Shuyun pursed her lips and shook her head. She continued to maintain the witch awakening ritual and whispered softly, "No, I feel like someone is awakening!"

Qin's eyes lit up. The girl in the ultra-short shorts reacted swiftly, pulling a small glass jar out of her shoulder bag, opening the lid, and softly said to it, "Quick, help me find the awakening witch."

The jar was filled with paper cranes the size of fingernails, which, upon hearing the command, fluttered their wings and flew out, circling the crowd before finally hovering above Lin An and Zhou Xiaoxiao's heads.

She exclaimed excitedly to Qin, "Two of them!"

Qin nodded and slowly knelt to the ground, pressing her hands together in prayer below her chin and murmuring something under her breath.

In no time at all, two flowers sprouted swiftly in the grass, blossoming rapidly with petals fluttering towards Lin An and Zhou Xiaoxiao.


As it neared, an inexplicable sensation of tremor hit them.

It felt as if a cup of water had been poured into a hot pan. Lin An's gaze, which had been drifting in midair, was suddenly drawn back behind his eyelids. Looking up, the white-robed figure's head gushed blood as if it were spouting water, transforming into a torrential spray.


The blood spread across the parched land, and dark golden cracks began to emerge on the earth.

These dark golden lines converged into the pattern of an eye, surrounded by trails of clouds.

This was...

The ability to let one's gaze wander through the sky?

Before Lin An could properly observe, he suddenly found himself breaking free from that strange influence and instinctively opened his eyes.

Next to him, Zhou Xiaoxiao also opened her eyes at the same time.

As if shocked by something, she let out a shrill scream, "Ahh~~~" and scrambled to run towards the side.

Running heedlessly, she tripped over Lin An, sent flying out and crashed headfirst into the lakeside handrail before tumbling through a gap in it.

Lin An rushed over in a hurry, grabbing onto the railing with one hand and reaching out to catch Zhou Xiaoxiao's hand with the other.

The lakeside wall, constructed of piled stones, was a good five or six meters tall; falling from the edge, who knows what could happen.

Zhou Xiaoxiao tried to kick against the stonewall, but the springs oozing from the crevices were covered in moss. Her foot slipped, the downward force increased, and she almost slipped from Lin An's grasp.

"Quick, she's going to fall! Someone help!"

Lin An gripped Zhou Xiaoxiao's wrist tightly, the immense force causing a throbbing pain under his armpit as it pressed against the railing. He looked around and cried out.

However, those immersed in meditation seemed not to hear anything at all, each resembling a motionless statue.

Meanwhile, the yoga studio owners and witches merely stood together, grinning as they observed the scene.

Clearly, there was something wrong here, but Lin An couldn't just let go based on his speculation. What if Zhou Xiaoxiao died or became crippled from the fall?

He glanced in the distance; the projection of Chen Shuyun seemed anxious, yet she appeared to be immobilized by the 'awakening ritual' and unable to move.

"Wuu wuu wuu~~~"

Zhou Xiaoxiao was crying, and while sobbing, she pleaded, "Don't let go of me, if I fall I'll die!"

Lin An took a deep breath, frowned in silence for a moment, and felt the woman's hand slipping slowly from his own.

At this point, he couldn't care less. Already kneeling and reaching out with one hand, he stealthily assumed a posture reminiscent of the Spirit Cat Spinal Stretching Technique, trying to match the essence of drawing a cat's tail, and strived to enter into the Breathing Skill state.

It seemed to become surprisingly easy all of a sudden.

He could even faintly sense two images hanging in his mind, one an illustration of a deer leaping down from rocks, and the other a picture of a cat's tail, just floating there in his thoughts.

He gently twisted his hips, feeling this surge of energy extending from his support leg and arm, spreading upward through his spine and then along his arm.


This force was so unique, it felt as if he had become a great bow.

Although it was his right hand pulling Zhou Xiaoxiao, he didn't understand why his abdominal muscles seemed eager to move.

Following the sensation, he abruptly tensed his abs, like a bowstring, and his entire body jerked sharply.

With a fierce flip, he rolled to the side and somehow pulled Zhou Xiaoxiao up from the riverbank as if she were a lightweight plastic bag.

As he swung with this force, Zhou Xiaoxiao crashed down beside him, and he quickly wrapped his arms around her, rolling on the ground twice more.

"I... I..."

Zhou Xiaoxiao clung tightly to Lin An's head, gasping for breath, "I'm saved!"

Then, she propped up her upper body, looked down at Lin An, her eyes twinkling with stars, "You saved me!"

Lin An forced a smile, feeling no joy at rescuing the girl. He had only thought about saving her, and only now did he start to feel afraid.

He had inadvertently struck a pose of the Spirit Cat Spinal Stretching Technique and the Breathing Skill in front of so many Wizards, and God knows if they would now take him for an undercover Witch-hunting Knight and bury him deep in Yunlu Mountain.

"Congratulations, you've experienced the luckiest thing during a Wizard's awakening, solving an urgent problem as soon as you awake, which will hasten the awakening of your Innate Witchcraft," said a voice with a teasing tone. Lin An looked up to see the girl in super short shorts and full of tattoos; he had no idea when she had moved next to his head.

Zhou Xiaoxiao let out a scream and scrambled up from Lin An.

Lin An also tried to get up but felt pain in every part of his body, as if he had cramps all over, and he collapsed again, powerless.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," the girl in the super short shorts, arms crossed, looked down at Lin An, "When a Wizard's magic casting ability awakens, most are lucky enough to have a unique innate ability."

"In the early stages of a Wizard's weak existence, many survive by relying on this innate ability."

"Such innate abilities are generally not hereditary. Most are born from encountering something during the awakening that fills you with an overwhelming desire, leading to that distinctive power."

"Unfortunately for you, when trying to save her, there were many possible magics that could awaken, like making her lighter, space movement, and so on. But what you awakened is the least useful 'strength multiplication' type of ability."

Lin An was taken aback, he clearly remembered using the strength of the Witch-hunting Knight's Breathing Skill, not some innate ability.

As for the so-called innate ability...

It seemed more like having the power that allowed one to hover in mid-air and oversee everything.

This was clearly a misunderstanding, but he didn't plan on explaining.

It was good to let the misunderstanding stand.

He struggled to get up as he wasn't used to speaking to others between their legs.

"Don't move." The girl squatted down, extending her hand covered in heavy metal bracelets, and gently placed it on Lin An's chest.

A dark golden light spread, and in the sky, a pair of giant hands tore apart the veil of the heavens to reveal a dark golden world, a divine figure holding a bottle aloft.

His view obstructed by the girl, Lin An couldn't see clearly.

He only felt a cool sensation seeping into his heart from his chest, spreading throughout his body. Soon after, the pain in his body dissipated completely.

The girl in super short shorts stood up and turned to a confused Zhou Xiaoxiao, "Having problems during a Wizard's awakening is actually the best opportunity; we were all wondering what kind of innate ability you would have."

At that moment, Qin and the others approached. Qin glanced at Lin An, who was getting up to move around, and then at Zhou Xiaoxiao, her expression suddenly softened, "Yes, we were guessing whether you would develop the ability to fly, or perhaps the transformative ability to become a fish or bird would also be nice."

"Wizard... Wizard?" Zhou Xiaoxiao seemed to have heard something preposterous, her face showing disbelief.

Just then, Chen Shuyun's voice came from a speaker nearby, "At this time, we are in a very good state of meditation, please keep it up."

With that, Chen Shuyun walked briskly over, halting everyone's conversation.

"The ritual is over, they could wake up at any moment."

She looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and Lin An, "Let's go to the tea house on the side."

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the distance, the girl in the super short shorts raised an eyebrow at them, "Follow along."

The other witches did not follow, as Qin led the rest in maintaining the order of the event.