
Seven | It's Near


Tomorrow is prom. A lot of girls and guys talked about their dates, attire, etc. The two genders hanged more than usual today. Quite amusing you thought. Some of the students were hanging out with there dates. Like any normal couple would do.

You and kunimi were especially sweet to eachother today. It was nice. While on the other hand, of course, Oikawa didn't have a date because of his fan girl problem unlike Iwa-cha- Iwaizumi he had a date.


You were alone. Kunimi was in the restroom and you were sitting on the nearest bench while going through your phone. A tall shadow appeared in front of you. Of course, it's Oikawa you covered your face as defense since you were so used to being pushed around by him. He widened his eyes as you flinched.

You were scared of him.

And it hurt him deep inside.

He hands you a paper. You peek to look and slowly grab the paper. 'Will you be my prom date?' you looked up at him, shocked. He was giving you a warm smile. You felt bad. Really really bad. You gestured to borrow his pen and he gave it.

'Im sorry, Oikawa, i already have a date..' you gave the paper back to him slowly. You looked up at him as he read it his brown sparkling eyes lost its spark and widened reading what you had wrote. He slowly writes on his paper 'I see.. sorry to bother you.' You read. You gave him back his paper and gave him a warm smile in return. He lets out a sigh and walks away slowly. Clenching his fists. You sigh as well and continued to scroll through your phone.


Any club activity after school has been cancelled due to preparation for the following day, Prom day. Instead of walking home with Kunimi. Both of you were picked up. Your mom picked you up and Kunimi's dad picked him up. You got into your moms beautiful black car and off she went, driving to the mall. You decide to take a nap before you got to the mall.


"Oi, shittykawa why the hell are you looking down?" "Y/n... Y/n has a date." Why the hell are you upset about that? I know you have feelings for her and all but what'd you expect? Of course she would have a date." Iwa-chan puts his hands behind his head. Oikawa sighs in defeat regretting all his actions. 'Wait no, i doesn't like y/n. He just wanted to say sorry. Yeah, thats all.' He thinks to himself. Though denying himself at the same time. "Iwa-chan lets go to the mall" Oikawa says happily as he packs up his things. "Fine whatever. But if this is just to be praised by girls then im not going." Iwa-chan says strictly. Oikawa denies and leaves the school with Iwa-chan.


You asked your mom if you could go get some milktea in the nearby shop and she nods 'just be quick' she signs and you nod. She hands you some money and thank her for it and went on your way to but your favorite flavour. You started writing your order on your notebook and lined up. Arms wrapped around your waist and carried you you struggled to be let go then the stranger put you down. You turned around in panic and there he was. Your precious Kunimi. Scratching the back of his head. 'Dont do that!' you wrote on the next page of your notebook and kunimi just kissed your forehead as an apology your face flushed and you pouted. Kunimi jut patted your head and took your notebook to see what you were gonna order. 'Ill order it for you' he writes down and thank him for it. Kunimi was next and he ordered yours and his drink. "Hi I'd like to order a f/mtf and a Winter Melon milktea, Thank you." (( No that does not say mother fucker f/mtf stands for Favorite MilkTea Flavour you unholy swine( ˘ ³˘)♥)) "Alright. Thank you for ordering. May i ask?" The man says "mm?" Kunimi hums confused "is that your girlfriend?" The man points to you. Kunimi blushes and nods with an awkward smile. "I'm telling you now. You're a lucky boy" the man smiles and goes to make your drinks. Kunimi blushes and shakes it off to walk over to you 'What was that?' you write down slightly tilting your head 'oh nothing dont mind it' kunimi waves it off as he shows you the notebook. You slightly tiptoe and kiss his lips making him back off in panic you giggle silently at his reaction. Kunimi's face was red and it was cute you thought.

Both your drinks had been made and you walk out the store. You both separate going back to your parents. You wave at kunimi with a warm smile and head off to your mom. Your mom had a smug smirk on her face 'was that your boyfriend?' she signs to you making you blush and shyly sign 'yes.' 'Then lets find a dress to impress' she drags you to the clothing store.

Your mom picks out a beautiful f/c dress and you stared in awe but the thought of you being in it destroyed your imagination. You always thought dresses were awful on you but for everyone else. Any dress would fit you. (You were quite curvy and slim). Your mom told you to go change in the changing room and see if you liked it. She waited on the bench in front of your stall while you changed to the f/c dress.

You stepped out of the stall shyly and your mom's eyes widened with spark coming. Everyone passing by stopped and stared at your beautiful figure. 'It's perfect!' your mom signed excitedly while standing up. 'you think so?' you sign while pouting since you felt awkward in it. Your dress was one of those dresses that would go along well with converse shoes.


You were heading out of the mall. And there outside you saw a crowd of girls. You knew who it was but your mom didn't. 'Would you know what happening?' you mom asked. 'Yes, lets go home now' you signed and headed to the car. Your mom stopped and pointed to the boy, Oikawa. He was waving at you with a warm smile. You turned your head back to the car to get in but your mom stopped you once again. Oikawa was walking closer and closer to you. Iwaizumi at his back trying to stop the girls from following. Oikawa had something in his hand. A box. It had a f/c ribbon keeping it closed. The girls watched from a distance wanting to know what would happen. He gave you the box and it had a light blue paper on it. 'This is my apology, i recently learned you liked cookies' it read. You gave a caring warm smile slowly took the box and bowed as a thank you. He nods and pats your head then walks back to Iwaizumi. Your mom looked at you confusingly. 'what was that?' your mom asks 'an apology' staring at the cookies 'for what?' you try your best to think of an excuse. 'He hit me in the head with a volleyball..?' you lie. Your mom nods and gets in the car and you follow.


"Oikawa who was that?" "What did you give her?" "Who is she to you?" "Could you give me something like that please?" Questions flooded Oikawa and he just tells then its nothing then proceeds to go in the mall. "Who is she to you?" Iwa-chan repeats the question while walking "You should know by now Iwa-chan" He sighs. Iwa-chan nods and puts his hands in his pockets and both of them walk in the store. The clothing store to be exact.