
Five | Back again

You're back in school after a whole week because the doctor said to stay home and let your ear lobes heal and go back to school after a week. And now here you are back in school. You look to your right and you see an excited Kunimi running full speed towards you he had a big smile on his face and his eyes shined brightly.

He brings out his communication note book and writes while he runs towards you. He had finally reached you, gasping for air he showed you the notebook. 'Im so glad your back in school y/n, i missed you!' you read the messy handwriting and wrote on your notebook. 'i missed you too!, Now lets sit down since you ran along way' you showed the notebook to him and smiled, he starts writing 'No, im not tired really, it takes alot for me to get tired' he smiles, grabs your wrist and brings you to the bench you guys always sit in. He hugs you tightly and you stat to blush from his sudden action. You just smile and let him be. He finally lets go of you. Oikawa passes by and notices you. He looked like he was excited then realized something and his excitement vanished as fast as it arrived.

<Oikawa's POV>

"Hmmm?" He notices y/n 'Huh! Its y/n i miss her so-' he realizes something. 'no... I dont miss her. Shes a freak.' he walks away without saying anything and Iwa-chan looks at him confused.

'That was weird' Kunimi writes on his notebook and shows you. You read it and shake you head 'it wasn't weird at all its quite cute nwn' you smile warmly at him.

::: <Very big time skip>

A few months have passed and your mom walks to you excitedly and shows you a picture of Oikawa. 'this is your crush right?' she signs to you excitedly, you shake your head and look back at your phone and start to scroll. 'What!?' your mom signs confused as heck 'Didn't you like him since middle school!?' she signs in panic you might have not told her something. 'I dont like him anymore..' you sign to her in reply 'why?' she signs with sad face. 'I like someone else' a smile spread across your face along with a slight blush. 'ohh who is it then?' your mom looks at you excitingly 'my.. childhood friend.' you sign to her nervously as it was complicated... a big smile spreads through her face and she gets excited 'You have a big chance with him!' She signs excitedly and hugs you.

You were losing feelings for Oikawa and starting to have feelings for Kunimi. Though you wanted to do everything you could for Oikawa while you still had feelings and before its all gone.

Tomorrow was Aoba Johsai's practice game with a team named Karasuno so you decided to bake cookies for Oikawa.

Kunimi told you not to give it to him in person since he could physically hurt you so instead you wrote on a piece of paper "To: Oikawa Tooru♥️

From: Y/n L/n" and you went on your way to school.

'You have the cookies fir Oikawa?' questioned Kunimi and you nod with a smile on your face. You and Kunimi walk towards the gym and you didnt noticed it but Karasuno's bus was parked near the school. You enter the gym and you see the two teams stretching and practicing for the game. You saw Oikawa practicing with Iwaizumi and a smile quickly appeared on your face along with some blush. You looked around for his stuff and spotted it on a bench near him. Kunimi accompanied you to the bench just in case you might get hit by a ball. You got to Oikawa's stuff and placed the box of cookies beside it and left. Oikawa was watching you the whole time but you didnt notice it. As you walk away. A member of the other team suddenly does the kabedon on you and you get flustered not knowing what to do. Kunimi taps his shoulder and alerts him that you're deaf. He dosnt mind and grabs piece of paper and writes down on it. 'Whats your name? You're really cute~' he shows you. You suddenly blush from the compliment still you had to react so you wrote on a paper "my name is y/n l/n' while looking down at the floor before he could write another sentence he was pushed dragged away by another team member. "Tanaka! Stop trying to flirt with girls!" The member shouts and bows apologetically to you and leaves. Oikawa happened to be looking at you jealous while eating you cookies.

A wave of excitement splashes on you and a smile comes along with it. Oikawa. Was. Eating. Your. Cookies.

Was all you could think of. You suddenly felt the air vibrate if that makes sense and the boys started to line up. Kunimi waves at you with a smile as he follows his teammates in the line up. The game was about to start so you sat on a bench and watched the game.