
I may be a wizard, but he will tear you apart like an animal.

What happens if you connect the Wizard of Harry Potter with Wolverine? This question will be answered by this Fan Fic. I have no right to Harry Potter or Marvel.

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Prolog Part 4 [End Prolog]

1981 year-Godric's Hollow- Halloween

The Potter Family Residence.Fifteen minutes before the arrival of the Order of the Phoenix.

After a few hours of listening to the crying Harry. Small Krius, despite his very young age, understood what happened.At first, the boy's face was very absent. The boy refuses to accept this thought. His hitherto innocent psyche was destroyed as a result of this event. That day, Krius was crying really and honestly. During a strong cry, the boy tried to get out of the cage, which was a children's bed. The boy tried to jump out of bed at first, but the claws and general physique because he is still a child. She didn't let him.

(Krius) - * Cry * Mooommm * Cry * -The boy spoke his first word in an almost depressed tone.

A depressed boy, despite depressed crying and mental damage. He started hitting the bed frame, wanting to get to his mother as soon as possible. The frame, however, was made of durable wood. So, despite sharp claws, Krius couldn't break through. Because he still didn't have much strength. However, the boy did not give up, he hit the bed with all his might. Shouting constantly one word "Mama" and crying intensely. However, the boy's hits only caused small incisions. And there was no way to get out of bed.

After about fifteen minutes of Krius's persistent fight with the bed frame. Members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived in the room. Severus ran into the apartment first.

When he entered the apartment, he saw nothing disturbing. Not at least on the ground floor. However, Severus' attention was drawn to strange noises from the floor of the house. The sounds came from the children's room on the first floor, the sounds reminiscent of the sound of hitting a solid piece of wood with a sharp tool.

Hearing this, Severus headed for the source of the noise. When he reached the end of the stairs, Snape saw James dead. WHAT made him smile a little, but he quickly controlled himself because he thought Lily was sitting down there. And he doesn't want to her irritate.

However, one look from Severus towards Harry and Krius's room was enough. That his whole world would be destroyed. Severus' face when she saw Lily's dead body was terrifying. Despair and pain were painted on her. Negative emotions ripped Severus from the inside, and he with eyes full of pain and tears. He reached Lily's body and hugged her on his knees.

(Severus) - Forgive ... It wasn't supposed to be like that ....... You were to survive ..... * Cry * - Severus just moaned and shouted similar sentences full of pain and despair.

After about a dozen minutes of crying and lamenting, Albus entered the room with several other wizards and they could not say a word. The depressive and sad view that took place could grab everyone's heart.

In the meantime in children's bed. Krius, seeing that several unknown people entered the room. he quickly covered his brother and looked at people with terrible eyes.

Albus walked over to Severus first and hugged him tightly from behind. No words could change anything, so Albus said nothing. After releasing Severus, Dumbledore's eyes turned to the two boys. The sight of the boy standing on the front of the table dumbfounded Albus.

(Albus) - Such eyes, at such a young age. Terrible.

However, he could not approach the bed. Because whenever tried, he began to swing his sharp claws at him. A lot of thoughts flowed through Albus's head, but he didn't say anything instead, and looked at Snape again.

Snape, taking his head away from looking at the dead Lily for a moment, looked at Albus. Severus understood the non-verbal command of Albus. And he put down Lily's body and went to bed. however, Crius did not attack like Dumbledore. As soon as Snape approached, Crius threw himself into his arms and, cradling, began to cry even harder. Snape, seeing the boy's action, returned the hug. And he tried to calm the boy.

(Albus) - Severus, take the boy from the tond, Minerva, get Harry.

Then Severus and Minerva left the room with the boys. And at this time Albus approached the body of the Dark Lord. He watched him for a long moment, then turned his wand towards Voldemort's body and said.

(Albus) - Incendio. - after saying these words, Voldemort's body goes up in flames.

Before Albus followed Severus and Minerva, he ordered the rest to take care of the bodies. When he did, he went towards the exit. He found Severus and Minerva outside. Where they tried to calm the boys. Well, at least Minerva, because in Snape's case it wasn't just the baby who cried. The boy only had sad eyesight.

Minerva broke the silence.

(Minerva) - What will happen to the boys. They have nowhere to go.

(Albus) - Listen, it's not easy. Let's take the boys to some quiet place first.

Then they all Apparated with Albus to the temporary hideout of the Order of the Phoenix.

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