

He was once married. Married to my older sister. A seemingly fairytale that should have had a happy ending. But then tragedy befell upon them and the ending they received was my worst nightmare. The mistake of one person became the fall of my entire family. A devastating change that left me at the mercy of a ruthless Don despite my being innocent. He wants to sell me off and be his little money-making human machine.

Karma2kitty · Urban
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31 Chs

Blow me

"Are you in love with me?" Ilay asked, his body standing just a single step from me. The blood on his skin was devouring him whole, leaving out only the berserk spark in his blue eyes which were looking down at me condescendingly. Even with all that disgusting crimson fluid all over him, he was in perfect health. Not a scratch on him.

"Wha-what are y-yo-"

He lifted his right hand and slowly caressed my jaw with his knuckles, leaving behind a trail of something wet on my skin...blood.

"When you stare at me like that. Will all that fear, I might get the wrong idea and take you right here with all these people watching."

Take me? People?

He meant the corpses. Oh gawd! I wanted to evaporate that instant when I realized that this horrifying side of him was the same danger I sensed when we first met three years ago.

Yet even with my heart pounding to insanity and fear intensifying in my poor chest, I still couldn't move a damn muscle. And Ilay seemed to notice.

"You look so adorable right now. This is the same look your sister had."

"H-had?" My eyes bulged even further, numbness spreading like wildfire until it got to my chest. I had to fight it not to penetrate my heart, lest I end up on the floor dead without ever knowing what happened to my sister.

"Oh, they didn't tell you? How entertaining. I guess I'll be the one to break the news to you love. You see, one thing I despise more than caramel, is a fucking traitor. And you," he caressed the other side of my face, his eyes still hardened on me as if I'd escape the second he'd blink, "your whole family is on the run now. Mother, father, cousins, and that traitorous woman you call a sister is also gone...gone from this world."

The calmness in his body as he bluntly told me those heartbreaking events made me want to scream and bawl my eyes out more than his words.

Was he lying to scare me?

But no. I had come all the way to their house just because I couldn't reach Mom or the others. The semester was a week away from ending and I had wanted to ask if we'd be spending the holiday in this city or in one of the houses Ilay had gifted my family. But no call had gone through and nobody was at the main house.

"How sad. They left the little lamb behind to save their skins."

He then roared a frightening laughter throwing his head back, his crazed look instilled liquid fear inside my bones. So much that I could no longer feel my breathing.

Was I even breathing?

"Oh well, guess that means I can do with you as I please."

My lips parted to protest or argue, but no sound dared to come out. It was as if his murderous glare was killing any will left in me.

"Now, now...what shall I do with a pretty thing like yourself? How many men have you slept with?"


He grabbed my jaw and tugged my face upward, leaving me on the tip of my toes. "I asked, how many men have fucked your pussy and little asshole?"

So vulgar. So despicable. So unhinged.

"But if you're still untouched, I can as well show you how it's done. It'd be a shame to sell you off without any knowledge of how to do things... So, are you a virgin?"

'Answer him, Kally!' My inner voice screamed, desperate to live.


"And don't you lie to me 'cause I have no more patience and kindness to spare today!"

If I told him the truth, I feared he'd ravish me in that blood-soaked dungeon. And if I lied, he might have carried out his threat and done worse things to me.

What was I to do? Sacrifice my first time which I had saved up for a special occasion? Or sacrifice my life along with my virginity?

No! I wanted to live.

Live so I could unravel exactly what took place and why he was branding Aya as a traitor. The only way to leave this place alive, was to give up some of my dignity. And as my shaking hands reached down to his belt, I consoled myself that it was all for survival.

"Looks like you'd rather answer with that. Oh well, go ahead and do as you like. Let me gauge your worth before I put a price on your head."

I just wanted to bite my tongue and stroke him a little until he came. But when he suddenly shoved me down on my knees, I immediately realized what he wanted.

His free hand unbuckled the belt effortlessly and then reached under his boxers for his cock.

My throat dried up at the sight of the lifeless thing that was now touching my cheek.

As I stared at it horrified, it began growing in size and length as if it liked being watched. "What are you waiting for? Are you just going to stare at it all day long?" Ilay boomed, his voice vibrating through his body.

Dear gawd! I had never given anyone a blowjob. Had only crude ideas on how to do it but with no experience whatsoever.