
I Married a Surgeon in a Flash

Zhou Xia was going to register her marriage when she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. But to make matters worse, Shen Lin, her ex-boyfriend, saw her beating up her boyfriend! The situation was sufficient to murder anyone's chance at a social life, but being a lady with a stout heart, Zhou Xia lifted her foot away from her unconscious boyfriend. “What are you looking at? I will marry you if you keep looking,” she declared to her ex. That somehow ended up making things worse... because Shen Lin agreed to marry her! Staring at the fresh and new marriage certificate, Zhou Xia was left dumbstruck. Somehow, she had a different husband than planned! Later, she went to the hospital to laugh at the now ex-boyfriend who cheated on her, and realized that the man's attending physician was Shen Lin! Seeing that Shen Lin was glowering, she snuggled up to him and said, “Shen Lin... I mean, darling, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken his leg.” Shen Lin gave her a look. “Yes, you shouldn't have broken just one leg. You should have broken both his legs.” “Oh, how about his nuts as well?” Zhou Xia quipped. Shen Lin: ... Later, someone asked Zhou Xia, “Of all the good men in the world, why would you choose a gloomy face like Shen Lin?” Zhou Xia replied, “There are many good men... but they all belong to someone else, whereas Shen Lin is mine.” Meanwhile, someone asked Shen Lin, “Of all the fine women in the world, why would you choose someone as clingy as Zhou Xia?” Shen Lin said, “She's my only ex, and I have no intention of falling for anyone else.”

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40 Chs

Zhou Xia, You Don't Like Me 

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhou Xia looked confusedly at Shen Lin. He was lying to the teacher with a serious expression. Clearly, it was Zhou Xia who made the first move. 

The teacher had experienced too many similar situations. Usually, at this time, the infatuated couple would protect each other by taking all the blame. The young pair would bite the bullet and go against the adults. To them, it was the most selfless thing to do. However, in the eyes of those who had experienced it, it was just a childish joke.

"Zhou Xia, go ahead." The teacher looked as if she was ready to watch a good show. She was waiting for Zhou Xia to persist and plead guilty. Zhou Xia would surely attempt to protect Shen Lin from punishment.

But something unexpected happened! Zhou Xia lowered her head like a frightened rabbit. She said softly, "Teacher, we are not in a relationship. Didn't he already admit it? He was the one who insisted on pestering me."

The teacher was stunned. She couldn't tell if they were acting or if it was the truth. After all, Shen Lin and Zhou Xia had always been good students in front of the faculty. However, the 'spy' whom the teacher had placed in the class would never lie about 'military intelligence', so the teacher didn't know who to believe for a while.

"I don't care who pursued who. Just call your parents over!" Thereafter, the teacher informed Zhou Xia's and Shen Lin's mothers. 

Wu Yanqing knew about Zhou Xia's puppy love. She was immensely furious that she did not talk to Zhou Xia for a whole week. That day, when she came home from school, Wu Yanqing wanted to confront Shen Lin's mother. She only gave up after Zhou Cheng stopped her.

Zhou Cheng stopped Wu Yanqing and reasoned that their daughter insisted there was no relationship. It would be useless for Wu Yanqing to ask. The child already made her resolve, but the mother still went to question the boy's parents. Wouldn't that be nonsense? Moreover, Shen Lin ranked first in the monthly exam that month. Zhou Xia also went back to third place. In the end, no one pursued this matter.

Later on, Zhou Xia went to Shen Lin to apologize to him. She apologized for 'betraying' him and not admitting that they were in a relationship.

Shen Lin was not as angry as she had expected. He just looked a little cold. "Zhou Xia, what should we call this? We're not even facing a great disaster yet, but you're already going to fly away from me?"

Zhou Xia told him that she considered it carefully. "If I had foolishly admitted that we were in a relationship that day, do you think we would still be able to meet now?"

Shen Lin's cold eyes glanced at Zhou Xia's proud face. "Zhou Xia, you don't actually like me. You just like watching me follow you around like a fool."

Zhou Xia's dark thoughts had been seen through by Shen Lin. Her smugness was doused by Shen Lin's cold words. Her proud aura disappeared instantly. She felt that everything was dull. 

Shen Lin was right. Zhou Xia enjoyed their relationship not because she admired Shen Lin. It was because she could finally go against her parents' and teachers' expectations openly. It was to satisfy her long-suppressed rebellious nature.

It would be boring if the show was seen through. Zhou Xia said nonchalantly, "If that's what you think, I can't do anything about it." As long as Shen Lin did not decide to quit, the game of dealing with the adults would still be fun.


When Zhou Xia and Wu Yanqing entered the room, Zhou Cheng was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he immediately stood up and walked toward Zhou Xia. "Did that Chen kid cause you any trouble? Did he harass you again?"

Zhou Xia helped her father to sit down on the sofa comfortably. "Dad, don't worry about it. He's only concerned about his broken arm now. He doesn't have the time to come and cause trouble for me."

"What did the police and the Industry and Commerce Bureau say?"

"I have already reported it to the police and the Industry and Commerce Bureau. I have also handed out the relevant evidence as well. You also know that every unit has to go through the entire process when handling a case. There's no use in being anxious. You'll have to wait a little longer."

"Ai!" Zhou Cheng let out a deep sigh. As someone who had been in the government for decades, how could he not know the proceedings within the government? It was indeed useless for him to be anxious about this. "It's a pity that I don't know anyone from the Industry and Commerce Bureau. It would be much easier if I had someone I knew there. It would also speed up the process."

Zhou Xia could not bear to let Zhou Cheng, who was still in poor health, worry about her again. When she saw a few more strands of white hair on Zhou Cheng's sideburns, her heart ached.