

When I went to get my kids from my mom's house, I saw Trevan outside waiting by my car. I had my father walk me to my car, Trevan tryed to hug Skyler and Stephen. My dad forced him on the ground while I got the babies in the car, I got in and drove away. As I drove away I thought to myself " why is he following me?" why won't he leave me alone? I got back to my sister's house and began to pack. I knew what I had to do for him to leave me alone and that was to leave town. I was now a free woman of will and I needed to get out of there, my sister sent some bodyguards with me just in case he followed me to my new home. Before I left I went back to my parents house to spend a little more time with them before I left. When I left the bodyguards were doing a small drive around to see if Trevan was near, when they were gone Trevan tried to hug me from the back I pushed him off and grabbed my kids, he asked, " can I hold one of my kids?" I looked at them and back at him and then I said, " leave me and my kids alone." before he could try to touch me again the bodyguards car was coming around so he ran and I left the town.