

Note: This book contains mature content. Hazel Gale was sold off to one of the biggest Families in New York 'The Wilson's' by her father. She was forced to marry the only heir of the Wilson's and Comigo empires. Alexander Wallace Wilson, a heartless Billionaire with a cold heart who was still in love with his ex Beverly, even after she cheated. Their contract marriage only lasted for 6 months, but one thing Alex failed to notice was his wife was pregnant before she left. He searched around the world for the woman he once rejected but couldn't find her anywhere. Alex was losing it, he felt like going crazy, insane, mad... He turned depressed overnight. He turned the entire country upside down but couldn't find the one person his heart belonged to. He has been so stupid to hurt her so much cause he was scared of falling in love with her, but now she's gone, he finally realized he can't live without her. EXCERPTS, "I've fallen in love with you Alex," I confessed, finally feeling relieved that the burden was now out. He stared at me without a word for some seconds, "Are you stupid?" I met his gaze astonished. "For fucks sake, what the fuck is wrong with you woman?" Everything he's done was to hurt her which he regrets completely. "Sir I think we found madam working in London! Ben said, "Buy the company Ben and book me the next flight to London." Alex ordered. For more update on the book you can follow me on Instagram @Kourtney Sspears NOTE: The book cover is not mine, contact me for immediate take down.

Kourtney_Sspears · Urban
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I stared at the dark circles beneath my swollen eyes from the reflection of the mirror. I wondered if it was noticeable, the lat thing I needed was for Alex to think his action affected me.

I wasn't mad because he was with his ex. I was mad because he didn't attend our engagement party. I lied to myself.

They said if you keep lying, one day your lies would actually be the truth. So I knew the only way to stay sane with Alex is to lie to myself that I don't care about him. I hope it sticks to my stupid heart and it learns to stop beating for the wrong person.

I would used makeup to cover up the dark circle even if that wasn't my favorite thing to do.

Once I was done bathing, I got dressed without the help of the maids and applied a little foundation beneath my eyes to cover the bag. Luckily it was almost unnoticeable unless you look closely.