
Chapter 17: Seeking Help Information

Translator: 549690339

The giant's size returned to normal, he bowed to the camera and said, "Dear friends, I am 'King Tianshen'. You have just seen my abilities. This might is called the Heavenly God Body, and it is not Gigantification."

"Gigantification only increases one's size, whereas the divine body I've practiced is impervious to swords and spears, and can resist all forms of evil."

"Now, on behalf of my family clan, I am recruiting allies worldwide. Regardless of your abilities or age, anyone selected will receive a monthly salary of millions, a villa, a luxury car, and a personal beauty to take care of your daily life."

"Interested friends, please record an Ability Video and email it to us. If selected, a representative will get in touch with you."

Xiao Mu shook his head, this 'King Tianshen', like 'Emperor Qin', was a spokesperson for a major power. They were openly recruiting help online, defiantly opposing the relevant departments. This simply showed that the control of the associated departments was not what it used to be.

Then, after browsing a few more posts, he found that they were either recruiting help, buying various peculiar resources, or purchasing secret manuals at high prices.

"Ah, to be rich!"

Seeing the purchase prices, Xiao Mu sighed quietly to himself. The high prices made him feel an urge to use his Mutation Technique to create various materials for sale.

However, this was just a thought. He was currently lacking Energy Points. Even if he wanted to mutate the materials for sale, his objective conditions wouldn't allow it.

Having said that, even if he had surplus Energy Points, he wouldn't mutate materials for sale. Exchanging Energy Points for worldly money was a rather foolish act.

After closing the forum, Xiao Mu opened a few local forums and communities. He was seeking any useful information, preferably something relating to a strange occurrence from which he can earn Energy Points.

Suddenly, a piece of publicly published information caught his attention.

Help Wanted:

Fellow evolved friends from Nanke City, the spirit tablet of my family's ancestor suddenly fell yesterday, we can't put it back up no matter how much we try. When we put it back up, it falls again. At night, the baby cries and my elderly mother suddenly fell ill. The doctor came to examine her but found no symptoms. Our family's old dog, which we've kept for years, has been frantically barking since last night.

Can someone tell me what happened?

Did our house attract some evil?

Fellow evolved friends from Nanke City, please help my family. As long as you can help us solve the problem, I will pay you 100,000 in cash!

Contact number: 133XXXX. Contact person: Mr. Zhao.

The post was made just ten minutes before.


After seeing this information, Xiao Mu's heart cheered.

At the moment, not only was he lacking Energy Points, but he was also short of cash. This plea for help was nothing less than a divine blessing for him.

Regarding the information mentioned in the message, the fall of the ancestor's spirit tablet might not necessarily indicate a problem. But if it constantly falls over after you prop it back up, that means something major has happened.

This indicates that the ancestors of this family are being greatly disturbed underground, and are in the midst of a crisis.

As for the night crying of the infant, the elders falling ill, and the loyal dog barking ceaselessly, these signs also indicate a similar problem.

Clearly, this family is in danger, and they have been entangled by a terrifyingly evil absurdity.

Without wasting any time, he promptly placed a call.

To his surprise, the phone indicated that it was being used by someone else.

Xiao Mu frowned.

Had others got wind of this matter?

But thinking about it, it was quite normal. After all, Xiao Mu had gleaned from various online posts that most people probably already knew that killing evil absurdities could yield Energy Crystals.

Quite honestly, nothing about such matters could ever remain under wraps.

Perhaps this was why the other mutants had already contacted the help-seeker upon seeing the plea for help; they also wanted to obtain Energy Crystals.


A minute later, he called again.

This time, the call went through.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

A middle-aged man's voice came through the phone, clearly sounding exhausted.

"Hello! I saw a plea for help online that said your family's spirit tablet fell over. Is that message posted by you? Your username, Mr. Zhao, dreams of the days of yesteryear, right?"

Xiao Mu asked.

"Ah, yes, that was me."

Mr. Zhao, the man, was momentarily taken aback but immediately guessed the reason behind Xiao Mu's call.

Xiao Mu said, "I think I can help. May I have your address, please?"

Instead, the man asked Xiao Mu, "You're in Nanke City, aren't you?"

Xiao Mu replied, "Yes, I live in the Fu'an Community."

"That's good. As long as you are in Nanke City."

The man seemed relieved, "If you were in another city, I would be afraid it might be too far away. If you can't make it in time, trouble might occur in my house. Just now, many people called. Well, my house is at 19 Camel Ridge Community. Please get a ride here. I will reimburse you for the cab fare."


As soon as Xiao Mu finished, the man hung up the phone.

"He's in such a hurry!"

Xiao Mu shook his head. He still had a few questions to ask, but the man had hung up the phone so rapidly.

He pondered:

What did he mean by many people had called him?

Are there many people paying attention to this matter?

It seems the pressure of resource competition is indeed not small. Even though there are many evil absurdities, the number of evolved individuals produced in this World Mutation is also quite significant.

As for why the man hung up the phone hastily, Xiao Mu guessed that the man was worried about not receiving calls from other people.

He probably wanted to recruit more hands and did not want to put all his eggs in one basket.

Xiao Mu furrowed his brows slightly. In this case, the pressure from competition could be considerable.

However, Xiao Mu's frown soon relaxed. What if there were competition? Even if he couldn't obtain the Energy Crystals, he could still take the chance to gather Energy Points.

Furthermore, he did not feel that with his abilities, he wouldn't be able to compete with others in the scramble for resources.

He got his things together and set off.

Taking everything with him, Xiao Mu stepped out and hailed a taxi.

The journey from Fu'an Community to Camel Ridge Community normally took just over ten minutes. Now, it took more than three hours.

More than three hours later, Xiao Mu arrived at the front gate of 19 Camel Ridge Community.

This was a single-family yard with a large area, about five or six hundred square meters. In Nanke City, those who could afford such a house were either tycoons or local natives.

Mr. Zhao's family was obviously a native. This was evident from the house they lived in.

An old house built of a row of red bricks, a two-story small building, probably over twenty years old. Facing the road was a large iron gate, and a willow tree was planted by the gateway.

Xiao Mu went over and knocked on the door.

A middle-aged man in his mid-forties, looking haggard, opened the gate and studied Xiao Mu with a suspicious expression, "Who are you?"

After hearing him, Xiao Mu realised that the man was Mr. Zhao from the phone call, who had the username "dreams of the days of yesteryear" online.

He smiled, "Hello, you're Mr. Zhao, right? My surname is Mu, you can call me Mr. Mu. I'm here specifically to help you solve the problem."

Influenced by Emperor Qin and King Tianshen, Xiao Mu used a pseudonym and only mentioned his surname.

"Mr. Mu?"

Mr. Zhao, the man, was startled for a moment, Xiao Mu hadn't said his full name.

Soon, he guessed the reason. After the World Mutation, many Transcendents wanted to conceal their tracks, fearing they would attract the attention of the relevant department.

It was perfectly reasonable for Xiao Mu to hide her name.

A warm smile crossed the man's face, he invited Xiao Mu into the courtyard, "Mr. Mu, good to meet you, I am Zhao Xuewen. Please come in."

Xiao Mu nodded, walked into the yard, but as soon as he entered, he couldn't help but frown.

The yard had a strong smell of blood.