
I Made Enemies With Everybody I Know Now They All Want To Kill Me

Dark, twisted, natural, and fun. If you like the title, cover, or where this shi(cough) is going let me know.

amateur · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Lad

In a quaint trailer park on the city's outskirts, nestled among the rows of trailers, someone had woken up in a good mood.

Charlotte, a youthful figure draped in an oversized azure shirt, wrestled with her unruly morning hair as she managed a sizzling pan.

Dancing to silent music on her mind, she rotated, whined her body, and raised her hands, jumping; revealing white underwear.

Charlotte was feeling her happiest.

The aroma of her prepared scrambled eggs soon captured the attention of a fellow occupant.

In the room, a strapping seventeen-year-old lad, shirtless and engrossed in a set of rigorous push-ups, couldn't contain his impatience.

"The… wait is kil… ling me," he huffed between each repetition.

As Charlotte entered, she emptied the pan, transferring the fluffy scrambled eggs onto a tray.

The young man hastened to complete his workout, determined to savor her culinary creation as quickly as possible.

Scooping up Charlotte in his arms, he swung her into the air, their intertwined hair obscuring their faces.

Their joy radiated the bliss that renders people senseless.

Depositing her on the disheveled couch, the lad rushed to the tray and sampled the scrambled eggs, astounded by their delectable flavor.

"You can have these; I'll whip up more," Charlotte offered, observing how ravenously he devoured them.

Munching with a mouthful, he uttered, "You're the absolute best."

"I know," Charlotte replied, her smile reflecting her self-assuredness.

He walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, leaving the smell and oils all over her.

Charlotte took his face in her hands, kissed him on the lips, and whispered, " I'm going to need all that energy. "


A knock at the door disrupted their tranquil moment.


Not repelled by the person's urgency, Charlotte raised from her seat

Charlotte made her way to welcome the unexpected guest, a cheerful tune escaping her lips as she hummed.

Her buoyant mood was palpable.

When Charlotte swung the door open, her piercing blue eyes locked onto a face she knew all too well.

Sighing, Charlotte said, "Ooh-ooh"

Upon witnessing Charlotte opening the door and the sight of her exposed legs, a resigned sigh escaped the lips of young Madison.

Noticing the shirt on Charlotte, young Madison's hazel eyes darkened with anger and her features twisted with anguish.

Taking a step onto one of the three stairs leading to the trailer, Madison erupted, "Charli! You bitch!"

Charlotte's neighbors, now awake and out to eavesdrop, whispered to each other. Some to their other neighbors and others to their families. "That's new."

They hurried the children inside, making sure to cover their ears so they wouldn't hear the harsh words.

With forceful determination, Madison shoved Charlotte into the trailer before leaping inside herself.

The young man, still in trousers and shirtless, halted his chewing as Madison's presence registered.

His face contorted in confusion as Madison confronted Charlotte. "You've been fucking my boyfriend behind my back? You treacherous, ungrateful little bitch! I'll kill you"

Madison was serious, her voice echoing and filling the trailer park.

Turning to the bewildered young man, Madison's eyes welled up with tears as she demanded, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?

My best friend? How long!"

Before he could respond, Madison redirected her furious gaze to Charlotte and struck her with a force that left an echoing impact.

Amid this violent confrontation, the young lad, transfixed by the unfolding drama between the two girls, took two startled steps back, pressing his trembling body against the TV stand.

His face a portrait of astonishment, mouth agape in disbelief, he waited.

As Charlotte raised her flushed face, she bit her lower lip hard.

Swinging her hand with resolute fury, she delivered a resounding slap to Madison, sending her tumbling backward, landing hard on her butt.

The young man, shocked by the intense altercation, released a loud cry, as if he had been the one attacked.

Fear for his safety consumed him, and he made a desperate escape.

Bolting from the scene, he collided with something, and stumbled down the stairs, but quickly scrambled to his feet, shirtless and vanishing into the distance.

In her trailer, Charlotte peered down at the tearful Madison and the ruined breakfast that lay scattered.

Unfazed and seemingly detached from the turmoil she had just caused, Charlotte coolly declared, " I'll have to make some more eggs."

Madison remained defeated, her face etched with agony, her sobs echoing through the room.

Her ears were ringing, like someone had put a bell in there, and her head was in so much pain that it felt like splitting in two.

Madison reminisced about that fateful day while sitting in her bookstore. The memories flooded back, and fresh tears welled in her eyes.

The pain of that moment, as If it were transpiring anew, gripped her heart.

Her hand instinctively reached up to touch her cheek, and she could almost feel the scorching heat of that slap all over again.

The doorbell rang, forcing Madison to remember that, and a calm figure was closely watching her get lost in herself.

Unable to wait any longer, he said, "Miss."

Prof. Michael was back again, his hand on the wooden surface holding the book she had sold him a few days ago.

Madison snapped out of her misery, trying to compose herself, putting on a chaotic show.

"Welcome back… Michael."

Her voice was low.