
I Made Beast-taming Widespread Across The Globe

“Boss. Aren’t you too greedy? You are selling this husky mutt for 500,000?” A cute girl in a ponytail held a husky puppy, whose eyes looked exceptionally wise, in her arms as she glared at Lin Ye. Her gaze was accusing him of being a dishonest trader. Lin Ye explained, “Miss, I have to formally inform you: this is not a husky mutt.” The girl retorted, “Don’t you dare trick me.” “I’m serious. It has the bloodline of Cerberus. Its potential is limitless.” The girl was stunned by Lin Ye’s words. After pondering for a moment, she realized that what he said was absurd. Agitated, she yelled, “Are you sure? I don’t believe it!” Lin Ye gestured at the husky in her arms as he said, “Little fella, get down and show your future owner what you can do. Go!” “Woof!” The girl shrieked in horror as she witnessed the little husky spit out a fireball the size of a fist. …… Many years later, Lin Ye has crowned the Father of Beast-taming of the Blue Planet. When he was interviewed, he said forlornly, “It all started with a husky mutt.” At the same time, in a mansion, a gigantic red dog with three heads sneezed. Then, it barked at the television before it. “Woof!”

Ubume · Eastern
Not enough ratings
931 Chs

Great Chaotic Battle (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When he saw that figure, Pan Feng subconsciously thought that it was the wild wolf that had been preparing to snatch his beast previously.

However, before he could approach, he felt a sudden punch to his stomach.

Then, a black shadow flashed and disappeared from Pan Feng's sight.

"Urgh ~"

Pan Feng, who had been beaten until he vomited bile, looked at the fog in front of him with a terrifyingly gloomy expression.

He was certain that the wolf that had ambushed him just now was definitely not Wild Wolf.

Wild Wolf was not that fast.

In other words, another group of people had sneaked in from the fog.

Thinking about how he had fought for so long and deliberately used the Blood Boiling Potion to make this Heavy Steel Bear manic and forget to use its skills, in the end, when he was about to harvest, so many people came to pick his fruit, his chest could not help but ache!


"Hawkeye, shoot into the fog!"