

"When she kisses me, it feels like my world stops revolving.", she froze after hearing those words from her husband. "Ruomei, why did you write this? Clearly, you wrote this song before the wedding so what makes you think we'll like kissing each other?", Meixiu thumped her chest because of the sudden change she felt on her heartbeat. She remembered their first and only kiss with the lyrics he just sang and the way he low key slipped a smile from his lips. ____ "I now pronounce you, husband and wife." Meixiu heard those words but she was stuck right there, she can't resist the charm of this man in front of her. She was shocked when Chaoxiang pulled her from her waist and tucked her closer to his body, her hands landed on her chest. "You have to kiss me lady, it's a custom.", he said. He drew his face closer, lowering his back to reach her height. She met her leading man halfway and locked her lips on his. His lips are making hers partly opened as he slipped his lower lip inside her mouth. Her heart's beating so fast. "Stop it already Chaoxiang or I'll die having no oxygen!", Meixiu thought. From her upper lip, he then ravished her lower lip. Meixiu was too nervous, she never kissed someone before. That's why she poked Chaoxiang's stomach with her index because according to his interview, it's his most ticklish part, hoping he will stop the kiss after but what he did shocked her. He bit his lower lip and after tasting her blood, he left her standing there. ____ "Are you that whipped for Chaoxiang?", she snapped out after hearing Lein. "Why? What?" "Give me your letter now, I'll give it to him at the back stage." "Oh I'm sorry. Here it is.", she handed the box she made throughout the night. "I'll go with the crowd so Chaoxiang will not see me.", Meixiu said and walked away. TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions blood, depression, abuse and suicidal thoughts. Book cover is from Google, just edited by the author.

Phantoms_are_true · Urban
Not enough ratings
85 Chs


(I am really sorry for my mistakes in the previous chapter. I meant to say sidewalk, but I used gutter instead. I apologize for it.)

"Thank you for the ride. I really enjoyed having my time with you. After I arrived, I feel like the whole China welcomed me.",

Suyin makes sure she is looking at Chaoxiang as she say those words. For some reason, even though he's only a set away, he feels so distant to her. She knows she is thinking of something deep. And so she realized it is her time to accomplish her plan. Chaoxiang suddenly laid back after he felt her kissing his cheek.

"Are you alright?", Suyin asked him.

"Yes I am. Just tired. I'll go home."

"Thank you. Good night."

He kept an eye on Suyin while she went inside her apartment. "Why isn't she living with Yang Sora anyway?", he asked himself.

Suddenly, Meixiu appeared in his sight with her wearing the wedding dress Yang Sora prepared for her. "Why is she bothering my thoughts? I even felt her hand in the crowd. What a stupid Chaoxiang! She will never attend your concert.", he shook his head then his phone rang.

"Is this a crazy fan again? Where did this human get my number?", he hypothesized before he answered the call. He saw nothing but a number so he initiated talking.

"Hey call it off you crazy fan.", he scolds the speaker on the other line.


He calmed down hearing Meixiu's trembling voice. The tone in her voice is screaming how she feels, she is not alright. With her seeing her stalker once again, with that person attempting to take her, she is really scared of what could happen next.

"Meixiu, is this your number?"


Her soft voice caused Chaoxiang to worry about her. She is always using that voice against him. Suddenly, that very same pitch and tone is cooling him down with his anger towards her.

"Why did you call? Where are you? You seemed scared."

"I'm a few kilometers away from the theater that just had an event."

"Is she referring to my concert? I guess she is. Wait, is she really from my concert?", he thought.

"My car overheated. I can't go home, it's dark here."

"Okay, calm down. I'll come and get you."

"I'll end the call."

"No. Keep talking to me. That way you'll not feel alone. Tell me about your day."

"My day is like what happened to my car.", she chuckled.

"Don't force yourself too much."

"I'm fine."

"You're fine but you overheated?"

"My car's fine earlier too but he retired just now. Everybody can have mood swings."

"Hey I saw you. Let me just take a U turn."


After a few minutes from the U turn slot, Chaoxiang parked his car behind Meixiu's. She is not talking anymore so he went to look through the windshield of her car but he saw nothing. He looked at the sidewalk and saw Meixiu, with her arms wrapped around her legs and her head's on her knees.

He rushed to her and took his coat off, wrapped it around her body and made her stand up. After he grabbed her hand, he saw she's not wearing their wedding ring which made him conclude she really didn't come to his concert.

"I'll ask my team to take this car to a repair shop. Are you alright?"

Meixiu nodded while hugging him tight. She is trembling, afraid being alone in the dark. With her attempting to be this close to him, knowing the possibility that someone might see them cuddling, she must be really afraid of something. Something that Chaoxiang isn't aware of, something that he wants to but is hesitant to know.

"We'll go home. Get your things from the car."

She grabbed her bag with her wedding ring and her big, round sunglasses in it and she made herself comfortable inside Chaoxiang's car.