
I love you till our last day

I story about to boys who fell in love on the wrong time cttro for the cover pic

Wo_yaosi · Realistic
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1 Chs


How far would you do for the one you love??

"Fang lui do you really want this? "

"You have bright future ahead for you. You don't need to sacrifice everything for A mere friend like me. "

"A-zhi do you really not understand?? "Fang lui said while holding his hands.

"What would I need to understand??"replied in confusion.

Fang lui giggle then look at zhuang zhi.

"Wha-why are laughing?!! I knew it you really think this is stupid aren't you??!"zhuang zhi said aggressively.

Fang lui holds zhuang zhi's face and started kissing him from his forehead, eyebrows,eye,and lips. And then smiled at him

Xhuang zhi stared at him in shock.

"whaaa..... What Are you doing!!"

"I love you."