
I love you, teacher

Itslilylovelys · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New Teacher

Ahh, Yes Domany, Institute of Magic, the university which I attend is a university for all types of magic, fire, ice, nature, even weather control, anyone can be here at the university aswell, humans, werewolves, vampires, giants, demons, angels, fairies etc. I'm a human shapeshifter omega, Everyone has a partner in this institution. What happens is that once you turn 20 you are transferred to this institution and the principal will choose a partner for you wether you like them or not, but if you have a rare type of power ( shapeshifting is a rare sight in this institution although it's kinda a weak power ) you get to choose your own partner, I haven't chosen mine yet at which there are a lot of great alphas here I don't really want to get myself entangled with them. " hey dude! "Oh it's my friend tyreek he's an angel omega with heat vision ( another rare supernatural power ) he's really sweet but most guys don't mess with him because they're scared he'll burn them to death. "Hey Tyrell.." I answer back to him in a low tone "What's on your mind?" He questioned as he noticed my tone, I looked at him and then looked back to the floor. "Nothing, it's just that my heat... It's in this month, i'm not sure when tho" he looked at me with a worried expression then patted me on my back... "Bro, you need to get a partner for this month" I looked at him as if he said something bad, I've never actually loved anybody before and i'm looking forward to loving anyone. "Nah, I'll get through it on my own, I'll just stay in my dorm room all the way through, anyways what were you gonna say to me earlier?" He looked mildly concerned but still proceeds to keep out of my business because he knows how private I am about my preferences and life. "Oh right... There is a new Math teacher. And I heard he was an alpha" I looked at him in interest but look back forward. The last math teacher we had died while trying to protect the school from invaders. It's very sad because he was loved equally by everyone. "New math teacher huh?... Did you hear what power he had?" I questioned in an exciting tone. "Yeah, the principal said that he had telekinesis" I looked at him disbelief and amazement. "Wow, another rare power encounter" our last math teacher had fire powers which is a common but powerful power, I was surprised when I heard him say telekinesis because that's a powerful one too. "All the teachers here are so strong" tyrell points and I totally agreed with him. "You're right, they only recruit the most powerful, so that when invaders are unto us they can help. Our principal has the ability to steal his opponents ability and use it against them... Meaning that when an invader uses their powers on him he absorbs it and use it against them. When we got to math class. He was already in class waiting for us.

"Why are you two so late?" Huh? Late? What time is it? I looked at my watch and see that it is waayyy pass the time ' oh snap... ' I thought in my head 'great first impression joshua' yes that's my name. "I'm very sorry sir, I didn't realise, but the bell didn't go off sir" he looked at raising an eyebrow and then turns to face the class. "Who in this class has the ability to control time?" Not one soul raised their hand so I had to step in. "It's that boy at the way back of the third row Brian he has the ability to control time" I said while pointing at him and he was obviously pissed when I said it but I wasn't scared of him. "WHAT THE FUCK JOSHUA!!" The teacher looked at him causing his mouth to shut. "No cursing in my class, ok young man?" He nodded but the teacher did not let his mouth go. Wow he really does have telekinesis. "Have a seat please?" We immediately went to sit down, we sit in a row like Tyrell sits behind me and I sit in front, we both have window seats. "Alright now that everyone is here, I will introduce myself and you guys will introduce yourselves to me ok?". 'Yes sir.' They All said at once. "Good, now my name is Clyde Francis or Mr. Francis ok?" . 'Yes sir'.