

Alexis Cresseda Elena Betchel is a very brave woman. She's so selfless. She puts others before herself. And one day, her dad and mom wants her to marry Gianne Chris Ivan Rockefeller. Her motto is 'who will be my first, he would be my last'. Are they gonna love each other? Or... They're just pretending to make their parents happy?

Maria_Katrina_Abad · Teen
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12 Chs


"Let's go to the office...." I told them and start walking towards the office while holding Anne. I pity her, I know she's hurting because the two important man in her life was fighting over her. We were right downstairs when we met our Prof. He raised an eyebrow at us so I spoke. He's still terror.

"Sir, we councils need in the office now. Ryan and Hedelson had a fight. I am sorry Sir, we will just chase later.... "I politely say goodbye. I hope it works, if my excuse doesn't work, he will probably just go there. Tsk.

"All right, just make sure you fix that. Clear? "He said and we all nodded. He nodded before leaving. I sighed in contentment when he allow us, I thought he's going to ask so many questions again.

We continued walking quietly. I know our aura has changed now because everyone we meet is just nodding and leaving. This is how we hang out, we have different moods. Sometimes we are naughty, sometimes rude, sometimes always angry, sometimes cold. That way, especially when things like this happen. This fight will not be tolerated no matter what year you are. Maybe this is normal. We are also graduating.

When we arrived across the office, I knocked on my door before entering. I saw the two guys sitting in front of Dean. I approached them and sat on a sofa there. They sat on the sofa's too. When they finally seated, I look at the two guys infront of me coldly, I saw them looking each other badly so I cleared my throat to grab their attention. Hey, morons! I'm here! Tsk.

"Who started it? "I asked coldly. They look at each other while their face is pale, they seemed scared and angry at the same time. They avoided each other then looked at me then avoid it again. What? Am I that scary, huh?

"I-it's Ryan, P-pres.." Hedelson answered while looking at the floor, he seemed to be guilty at the same time hurt. I think I know what's going on so I sighed heavily and shook my head at them. Boys.. Boys.. Boyss..

"I am fuckin nad at what I saw earlier. That's my girlfriend, dude. But what do you think my reaction will be when I see my girlfriend like that, leaning against the wall and you tried to kiss her? I'm a boyfriend, I'm not 'just a friend' I'm the boyfriend. In any way I do respect her, then I can just see that you are forcing her to kiss you? Who's that stupid boyfriend who doesn't react like that ?! "He shouted at Hedelson who was hiding his face over now. I was still a little sorry because I saw his tears welling up so I gasp. Anne approached him and she cried on his shoulder. But i'm pissed because he shout like he doesn't know that we're with elders.

"STOP! Where's your manners?! We're here in front of you, fuckin' asshole so how can you shout like that?! Respect the dean's here! Do you have proper manners or what?! Respect me as a President here! You can explain your side without shouting!" I shouted angrily at him so he bowed his head while crying. Hanzo tried to calm me down but I'm still looking at him so badly. How can he that rude infront of the dean's?! He can explain without shouting!

"Hedelson, is it true that you like Anne? "Hanzo asked gently but authoritatively so we all look at him. The dean's are quietly watching our interrogation, I know they trust us so they didn't bother to butt in. Hedlson looked at him, I saw the anger and pain in his eyes. I seem to know.

"Fuck it! Yes! It's been a long time! Not only do I like her, but I love her so much! I was the first, but look now, I was not chosen. I have been saying to Anne for a long time, yes, I love her, but she is laughing at me!" He shouts. Tears began to trickle down his eyes. He now turned to Ryan as if stun and could not believe it. He smirks and said , "You are my friend, but I did not know you could do this to me...You told me before, you don't like Anne, and you will never like her. I'm this idiot, pretending that what you said is true, I just found out, you're already flirting with her. You know Ryan, how much I love her, you know how important she is. 'You're not the man he's looking for' but me, Ryan. Anne and I have been friends since we were children, I am the child she has loved since then. I didn't just introduce myself because I wanted her to remember me on purpose. But I do not know, you will introduce yourself as I am. I am the child he calls Son-son. You yes, your second name is Gericson, so that's what you used. I was so tired of hiding, I was so tired of hurting. I am tired. Because you, the one I trust, snatch the woman I love the most..."Hedelson said while crying. He stood up and look at Anne who was now shocked."Riri, I love you. It's been a long time...." He said and left.

He left us dumbfounded. I can't even speak. Anne has been looking for her bestfriend for a long time. The man she has loved since she was a child. The man she wants to marry when she grows up. The man who saved her. She had been looking for it for a long time, just hiding in the dark.

I looked at Ryan who was bent over now while crying. Anne suddenly stood in front of him and look at him with a mixture of pain, fatigue, and anger in her eyes. I feel sorry for my friend. Even the deans were left speechless. Can't believe what was witnessed.

"Is it true Ryan? Is it true?! "Anne shouted. The pain in her voice made me close my eyes. What I don't want at all is that the people I love are hurting. It doesn't matter if I am hurt, than them. I would have spoken but Harry stopped me. He shook me so I nodded and looked at them again. I need to calm down. I look at Anne whose crying hardly, damn, I feel like a million dagger pierced my heart. I don't wanna see them in pain.

"Yes, he was Anne. I-i only did this because I protect you two... There was a psychopath obsessed with him, Anne... Everyone who likes Hedelson she hurts. She was about to hurt you but I told her I was your boyfriend and you were just friends. But, as I protected you, I fell for you. I did not think Anne, I had a girlfriend then, but, I did not realize that I was falling to protect you... "He said with mixed pain in his eyes, he smiled sadly and said," If you choose him over me, go ahead Anne, choose him. What I did to my bestfriend was too painful. I promised him that I would never like you because you were his only one, but look at me, I also fell into Cupid's trap. He loves you so much Anne. I-i'm setting you free, even the pain hurts me, even though I am crushed. But for my bestfriend, I can handle it.... "He said and stood up. He kissed Anne on the forehead and turned around. But before he could leave, he left her with the words, "I'm setting you free Anne, farewell my love...."He said and left us, wide open mouthed. When I realized it all, I stood up and look at Anne whose shock and crying.

I approached Anne and comforted her. I understand Ryan, he's protecting his friend. If it was me too, I would do the same. Even though he was crushed, he still managed. I adore people like that.