
Chapter 13: Annoying Ex-Girlfriend

My entire week seems bright and sunny. I feel like I'm still quite nostalgic about my weekend trip with Lance. How I wish I can keep the time stand still. I don't want the day to end. But it ended anyway. I got back home feeling refreshed and happy. However I'm somewhat confused with his actions. Why do I feel like he is being extra affectionate? I was caught off guard with his embrace. Oh no, I think it's giving me false hope. What if he's already inlove with someone else? Perhaps that embrace is because of pity. Oh right, I remember when he was in highschool, he had a girlfriend. Even when he was young, being so good looking and a school genius made him so popular with girls especially pretty girls. Before he migrated in the US, there's this annoying girl who had finally won his attention.

The girl's name was Lily, she was his classmate and very popular in the campus because of her beauty. I was annoyed by her, because she keeps on pestering him. I was surprised when Lance introduced me to her finally as his official girlfriend. He was standing outside our classroom with her when he handed me over my lunchbox that I forgot to bring with me that day. I was so shocked that I cried all day. The next day I skipped school. He visited me that day thinking I was sick. My childish mind couldn't understand anything about love yet but I was deeply hurt. He brought my favorite fruit (strawberries) and asked. . . "I never saw you in school today. I got worried." He said. "I thought you are busy spending your time with Lily how did you noticed that I'm not in school." I pouted in annoyance. "Oh, my Little girl is upset. Are you jealous? Don't worry you're still my Little Princess. Actually, it's nothing serious, I'm just tired of Lily's following me around asking me to become her boyfriend. So I made a deal with her. I'll be her boyfriend, but she needs to stop pestering me everyday and agree to have dates only during weekends." He explained. "That's absurd. Is that a proper way to get a girlfriend? Do you love her?" I asked. My young mind and fragile heart cannot process the idea of love back then but I asked him anyway. "No" he answered. "I told you it's nothing serious" he assured me.

My mind goes back to the present after some bouts of past memories with Lance. I just got out of my car in the hospital parking lot and was on my way to his clinic when I saw him talking with a beautiful lady beside his car. She has a long, black and straight hair, charming and as tall as myself. As I walk towards them, Lance caught a glimpse of me and smiled. "There goes my patient" he said to that lady. When I finally saw her face, I was shocked. What is she doing here? Are they back together? That lady was no other than Lily. She's not just casually talking to him, it seems like she's flirting. "Oh, I'm sorry. Nice to see you again. I never expected that accompanying my Dad for his check up is a good thing even though I feel so bored, I got to see you again. Let's keep in touch, got to go". She said smiling widely before leaving. "Your early" he muttered to me, as I walk past him. "I'm sorry, I disturbed your sweet encounter with your ex-girlfriend." I told him with a bad mood. He stares at me looking amused. "So you remembered her, my highschool girlfriend. It's not even serious then." He said smiling. "Then are you planning to make it serious this time?" I asked him bitterly. "Whoah, what's wrong did you wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning? Wait are you feeling jealous?" He said with a teasing smile. "Hey Dr. Lance Villareal, don't be so full of yourself. I'm just not in the mood today because of my medications. Besides, why would I be jealous, we don't mean anything with each other anyway." I said with a frown but I did not expected his reaction from what I just said. He held my hand and look at me with pain in his eyes saying. . . "Even if I no longer mean anything to you now, you still mean so much to me." He breathed heavily. . . "Alright let's go together to my clinic now, he pinched my nose then we walked together towards the hospital entrance at the car park.