
Late Night Talk

"Oh, to see without my eyes, the first time that you kissed me,"

~Sufjan Stephens



I stared up at the ceiling whilst I lay in my bad, covered by my blanket. Taking in steady breathes like Hestor was doing on the ground beside me. I thought about the kiss. No matter what I tried to do to forget about it, I just couldn't. It was cemented into my brain and it wouldn't budge.

I turned onto my right side, keeping my gaze on the bumpy ceiling. I glanced over at my nightstand, which had my phone charging on top of it. I thought about calling Liam, and there I was, sitting on my bed with my phone in my hands, scrolling through my contact list.


I thought about it for another second. Feeling my heart thump against my chest. What if he doesn't answer? What if he thinks I'm a freak that's so attached to him?

I took a deep breath in and pressed on his number.



"Yello," Liam's voice said over the phone. I couldn't believe that he actually picked up his phone.

"Uh, hi, Liam," I stuttered. I heard Liam chuckle over the line.

"Is that you Marco?"

My cheeks turned red.

"Y-yeah. How'd you know?"

"Well you stuttered. And the only person I know that trips out a lot is you!"

I laughed. Talking to Liam for less than five minutes made me happier. I felt fulfilled talking to him. Hearing his voice just put a grin on my face. Thank god we were talking over the phone, that way he didn't see how much of a tomato I became in the short one hundred and twenty seconds that we talked.

"So, why are you calling me this late in the night anyways?"

"I'm just... in a weird mood."

"What happened?" Liam asked curiously. I pondered about telling him.

"Well. Nothing really. Sorry for disturbing you," I muttered.

"Oh no! It's fine, I'm just drawing right now," Liam spoke. I smiled. He enjoys drawing too. "What're you drawing?" I asked him. He chuckled. "Heh, nothing much. Just a little thing."

I grinned.

"A little thing, eh? What is it? You can tell me."

There was a little silence.

"I'll show you when you come to the cafe. I think you'll like it Marco."

"Really? Well now I'm intrigued. So will you finish it tomorrow?" I questioned him. Liam sighed.

"Maybe, it depends on how much free time I get tonight and tomorrow morning."

I made a confused face. "Free time? What do you mean by free time?"

"It's a long story. I guess I'll tell you tomorrow when we talk."

"Or you could just tell me now Liam. You can trust me."

Liam sighed. I worried about him.

"Nah, it's alright. It's not that much of a problem. And plus, Abby is gonna scream at me for being on the phone for too long."

I looked down at my phone and sighed. I really thought that I was going to talk with him longer. But, I guess all good things come to an abrupt end. "Alright. Goodnight. So you promise tomorrow," I whispered whilst I grinned ear to ear, thinking about meeting him tomorrow.

"Of course Marco. I cross my heart and hope to die, I won't forget."

"You promise?" I whispered into the phone with my last bit of energy.

"I promise. Good night now Marco. I'll see you tomorrow."

The call ended. I rolled over onto my side and charged my phone. I looked up back onto the bumpy ceiling, smiling this time. I get to see those blue eyes again.


I slumped on the dull metal railing that hung onto the edge of the stairs in front of the school, looking down at my phone. My phone vibrated in my hand. A text. From Jake. Of course it's from him. I opened his text, since I didn't have anything better to do.



Thursday, October 8, 8:27

I scoffed. Of course the only thing that he had to say was hey. What else would a douche bag like him say? Especially if he just kissed someone that's... straight. I stared down at his pathetic text. Brewing something witty to say.

"Hey," I felt a finger tap my shoulder. I yipped in fear, quickly turning around to see who this person thought they were. I came eye to eye with milk chocolate eyes, staring back at my green eyes. Jake.

"Hey. You okay?" he asked. He looked at my hair and started to play with it a bit. I slapped his hand away. "What the hell is your problem!?" I yelled at him, in front of everybody that was making their way to school. Jake backed up a little bit, greeting people that looked at us while they went by. "You think that you can do whatever you want with me? And then go about like nothing happened?!" I punched his chest. He rubbed his heart area.

"Look, first of all, I couldn't help it. And second of all, why are you yelling at me where everyone is?" Jake hissed. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. No way was he going to make ME the victim. After what he did, there was no way in hell that I would ever forgive him. He kept staring into my eyes, I refused to stare back into his. I turned my head away and tried walking away from him. He grabbed my wrist like the time he did at the park. However, this time he pushed himself against me. He was so close I could smell is cologne. A woody piney scent. Oh how it made me want to punch him even more.

I gritted my teeth in anger. "Fuck off will you Jake?" I said, forcing him off of my body and off the brick wall. "I've had ENOUGH of your bullshit Jake! All of it! Now back the fuck away from me."

Jake stood there, crossing his arms. His face didn't have an emotion on it, he just looked blankly at me. "Fine. I'll leave you alone. Sorry," he sighed in disappointment. I looked him up and down and scoffed. "Prick," I muttered under my breath as I walked away from him.

"What was that all about?" a voice said behind me. I turned around. Just another random face. "Don't even bother talking to me or him. But if you really want to know, you can ask him."

Continuing deeper into the hallway, the footsteps of the voice trailed along with me. I stopped. "Okay, what do you want to know," I groaned. Turning around and looking at the stranger of a student that decided to follow me. I kept looking at him, waiting for a response. But he didn't answer me. "Hello? Is anyone home?" I said, waving my hand in front of his face. He stumbled back. "Oh, sorry. I was... Dazed. So yeah, what's that guy's name? He's kinda cute eh?" he whispered nudging my side. I slapped his elbow away from me. "Cut it out will you? What's your name even."

I couldn't believe that I decided to stop in the middle of a crowded hallway to have a conversation with a random kid I've never met in my entire life.


A sudden brute force pushed him into the wall.

"HAHA! Little loser! Talking to your boyfriend fag?"

The kid readjusted his round glasses. Hiding his face in the process.

I looked up at the tank and his friends snickering and hollering behind him.

"Dude, what's your problem. Chill out man, what's he ever done to you?"

All the other guys laughed. They kept laughing, and with every laugh and minute passing by, more people looked towards my direction. Usually I would run away from this situation, but something about this guy made my insides churl with hate. His smug look was even worse than Jake's.

"Be careful there dude. The little fag might suck your dick while your defending him," he cackled as he and his chums walked away.

I looked back at the kid who was on the verge of tears.

"My name's Prestion."

So like yeah. I know I haven't posted a new chapter in a while so. Enjoy this one since it might take a while for me to finish chapter 6. I've just been going through a REAL tough time with family issues and school projects. Hope you enjoyed the chapter though.

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