
I love my teacher

Jisoo is a student from a rich family who is cold in character and does not care about love since her first lover abandoned her until she met her teacher Jungkook and she became attached to him, then the story begins. Follow to learn the events of the story.

Ahmed_Benlahcen · Urban
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3 Chs

This is how my story began

Christofal: The father of Jisoo, who is the richest person in the world


_ After Jisoo slapped Jungkook, she left, but her words remained in Jungkook, "I hate swindlers." Jungkook thought about going to one of her friends to ask them, no one answered but her close friend

Jungkook: Why does Jisoo hate the raiders?

Elma: I am afraid to tell you and quarrel with me after you know that I am the one who told you

Jungkook: No, I will not know. I promise you this

Elma: 5 years ago, Jisoo was dating Jimin, but he never became famous, gave up his love for her and moved to America to complete his artistic career.

Jungkook: If she hates singers then why study music?

Elma: She thinks that she will become a singer in order to take revenge on him, after she knows what she wants, can I take a picture with you?

Jungkook: Go ahead ...

Jungkook took to call her, until she did not respond, thought a little, if he remembered

Cook: Why can't I find their location with GPS?

Cook went to her whereabouts ... after he found her, she was in dire straits

Jungkook: I am sorry for not telling you the truth about me ... I didn't know there was anyone leaving his girlfriend for fame.

JS: Why do you regret, whoever has to regret is now in Canada

- Jungkook hugged her ... I will help you get revenge on him ... and they spent the night together ...

In the morning they were going to university, so a journalist passed by Jisoo's house hurriedly took a picture of them and published it in the form of an article

"Article: Here is Jungkook leaving his mistress's house after spending an entire night alone"

When they arrived at the university, they found all the students carrying their phones ... As soon as the visions of Jungkook and Jisoo hurriedly whispered then what is being said is true.

JS: What is being said!

Student Student: Jungkook is said to have spent the night with you

- Jisoo got red when hearing the news and ran away ... So Jungkook quickly followed her

JS: Who took that photo

Jungkook: I don't know

Kristofal: I don't care who took the photo ... Is it true

JS: Dad, what are you doing here?

Jungkook: Is this your father; the richest man in the world

Christoval: Tell me quickly, is it correct

JS: Yeah, Dad

Christoval: If you consider yourself husbands from today

JS: What?

Jungkook: What?