
I love my dad

Seiran a master thief caught in a forbidden love with a cold but warm CEO at the same time. The girl was not aware that the man was her biological father, a man who had been wanted for 17 years. What should Seiran do, when love has developed, it turns out that the person he loves is his own biological father.

IvanMaulanaRizky_9 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Episode 1: First goal

"Seiran, you look at this map." A man with short black hair shows a map of the company that will be the site of the first heist.

Seiran, a 17-year-old girl must become a master thief because of the demands of her father, until now she does not know who the woman who gave birth to her. Every time she asked her father, the man always answered that her mother was a great and most beautiful human being in this world. She was determined to find the whereabouts of the woman while asking the reason for leaving him with her father.

As she walked over to her father, she noticed the map shown by her father.

"This is the location plan where you act tonight, in that place there is a diamond worth hundreds of billions. The plan is that the diamond will be made into a cast tomorrow, you have to steal it. You take it easy, this time your father and brother will also participate," explained the man with short black hair.

"Father, I heard that the company is owned by a man named Fransis Lonenlis Do you have any information about him?" asked Sonia, a 25-year-old girl who is the man's adopted son.


His heart stopped beating when Sonia mentioned the name of a man who had been used as a guinea pig as well as a man who made his turn.

"Francis... Is that you?" His heart is full of longing.


A sapphire-eyed man got out of a hospital bed after having a routine checkup every 6 months. The tall, well-built man walked towards the doctor's desk, a sharp and cold gaze became his trademark.

"How?" Flat and expressionless.

The doctor with white hair with golden yellow mane smiled faintly, he was used to his friend's cold attitude so he wasn't surprised.

"Nothing has changed, but... Do you still have frequent stomach aches?" Calm and relaxed.

"Hn," answered the man with the black hair ambiguously.

"I don't know what to do when dealing with a patient like this, giving an answer with only two letters, even if there is no way in the Indonesian dictionary," Mind that doctor.

"Francis, why don't you just look for that person? he is the one who made you like this, i remember 17 years ago. You were lying in front of my house in a weak state, I thought at that time you were dead. Frans, I already think of you as my own brother, you know I care about you so much. Don't torture yourself, it's not your fault. I've been trying to find a way to cure the virus in your body, but I can't." The doctor was really very sorry for having failed to treat this beautiful man, he also did not know what made the man not want to find someone who had made him suffer.

"Van, you don't have to be sorry like that. I know, but you have to remember one thing.I will never look for him, if I meet him, I will kill him. I'll go first." Fransis got up from his seat and walked out of Mizuruky Ivan's room.

Ivan looked at his best friend's back sadly, on the outside he looked like a lion but actually he was weak and very fragile.


Seiran, Rino and Sonia started their act. They divided their respective tasks, Rino was watching from outside, Sonia directed using the computer, while Seiran entered the company.

"Dad, I'll go first. Sis Sonia, if someone comes, you let me know."Seiran prepared to enter the office.

Sonia and Rino nodded, after that Seiran entered the company very calmly. She disguised herself as a janitor so no one would recognize her.


A black maybach exelero car stopped in front of the Lonenlis company, not long after a man got out of the car and opened the car door for his employer.

A tall, sturdy body, a firm jawline, clean white skin and sharp eyes are a concern for women.

"Welcome Big Boss."

That's the greeting of every employee who passed but only responded with a sigh or two of his favorite letters.

The foot of the ladder walked to the special elevator for the president director.

Meanwhile, Seiran was walking with her face down but eyes full of alertness. She also got into the elevator in such a hurry that she didn't realize that it was the president director's special elevator.

The girl looked down, and saw expensive loafers characteristic of a man. That means that in the elevator there are other people besides her, if you look at the shoes, the person is definitely not a random person.

"Damn, looks like there's someone else in the uni elevator. But usually the CEO is an old and fat person, if he teases him a little, he won't be a problem," Seiran thought happily.

The girl turned her body, tilted her head to look at the beautiful face in front of her. Sapphire irises met brownish irises, a flat and cold expression with an eerie aura, not befitting any imagination.

"Apparently there's a new janitor here." Fransis looked down at the girl in front of him.

Cold sweat started to cover Seiran's forehead. "Who is he? Why does it feel so scary?" His mind was shaking.

Francis smirked.


The man cornered Seiran against the wall, imprisoning him with one hand. "Tell me, who are you?" he asked probing.

In the car, Sonia and Rino could see the tall handsome figure from the pendant around Seiran's neck.

Rino widened her eyes when he saw the figure of the man in front of his daughter. "Francis, you're still alive," he muttered.

Sonia frowned when she heard her adoptive father say someone's name, as if he knew who the handsome man was in the elevator with Seiran.

"Father, do you know that person?"

Rino was silent, he didn't know how to explain to Sonia about a man whose life had been ruined.

Sonia did not continue her question, from Rino's expression it could be seen that the man had unpleasant memories, maybe the sapphire man was not a good person.