
I like fantasy but never thought this would happen to me

I'm a college student. Well I was one until I died in a plane crash. I wasn't particularly good at anything and I changed my major 3 times. I knew it wasn't a good thing to do but nothing really caught my interest. I had a great memory and could excel at everything I tried but in truth I was just a guy who longed for magic and adventure. Yeah it was cliche and unrealistic but I know that most people wanted it and I was just open about it. Well I died and never in my wildest dreams would I ever think to be put into another's body in a fantasy world. Now that I'm here might as well enjoy it right?

Jokesonyou · Fantasy
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22 Chs

True Magic

We walked into the waiting hall and found a seat in a corner. We waited for barely two minutes before someone came and took us to another room. When we entered I saw that the auctioneer was sitting on a sofa and with two boxes next to him.

"Welcome! Please come sit."

After we took a seat he called for tea before getting down to business.

"The cost of your two items is a total of 2400 mithril. If you are able to spend that much money then you must be someone of great standing. Would you mind telling me you name?"

"Maverick. Here is your money."

After handing him the money I took the checked the two boxes to see if they had what I bought and left. I ignored the auctioneer when he called out to me as I didn't want to waste time listening to him. I made straight for the nearest exit of the city because I wanted to test the orb and examine the egg.

We stopped a couple of kilometers away from the world tree city. I took out the orb and probed it with my mana. I found that the orb contained pure dark magic and pure light magic. The dark magic was surrounding the light magic but they were both there and weren't attacking the other. They seemed to be fusing very slowly which confused me because dark magic and light magic would always attack the other. Elemental magic was just branches of dark and light magic.

I continued to search through it because I hadn't touched upon dark or light magic yet. I was especially interested in the magic that was created when they fused. There wasn't much of that magic but it seemed immensely powerful. I didn't want to mess up so I focused on the dark and light magic before starting to on the fusion of them.

I studied dark and light magic intensely for the next two weeks and a half weeks. What I discovered was that both dark and light magic were just two sides of the same coin. To have one you had to have the other. This got me thinking about what that energy was in the orb. If people believed dark and light magic the origin for all other magic then wouldn't this be the origin of all magic?

I pondered about it and decided to investigate that strange magic inside the orb. The magic was so small but it seemed more powerful than any other magic I had ever seen. I studied this magic without sleeping for three days before I discovered the way to use it. The magic in the orb was formed naturally as the pieces fell into place by coincidence but now that I found how they fuse I could put the pieces in place easily.

I created the magic and felt a surge of power throughout my whole body. Using the magic was easier than any other which shocked me because if it was this easy to use why aren't people using it? After thinking about it I came to the conclusion that in peoples minds dark and light would always be opposed and couldn't accept the fact that they are actually just two parts of one whole.

I tested the magic and I could do anything that I could do with other magic but it was easier and the effect was greater. I knew why this wasn't discovered, it was because not many study or use dark or light magic and when they do they don't study the other as it is the complete opposite in their minds.