
I Level-Up in the Magical World (TBATExSL)

Marlow returns home after a long and exhausting day, hoping to unwind and sleep peacefully. He had the good fortune of being driven by a teammate. Who knew, though, that a problem would arise on the road… Marlow descended into the depths of the abyss and only by some miracle, he has found himself in a magical realm full of adventures and frightening dangers. (Now something from the author) "Solo Leveling" and "The Beginning After the End" are not my property, they belong to their respective authors. This was made only for the purpose of having fun. Just got my inspiration from (TBATE | SHADOW MONARCH), but this is vastly different from the aforementioned story.

A1ozz · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: I Lived

There is a beginning to every tale. My experience was no exception; it was really different from what people may think, and it wasn't particularly enjoyable.

It all happened on a rainy day.

After a routine day, I was expecting to just go home. Lay down in bed and fall asleep, as today's training was extra exhausting.

Perhaps, it was never meant for me to rest.

Oh, where did it all begin? Let me think about it for a moment.

"Hey dude, I'll drop you off today. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, coming."

As is customary, a close buddy and teammate approached me casually. He would occasionally drive me home because I didn't have access to a car. In general, he was a decent guy. Perhaps a little too daring for my own good...

We walked out of the building. You wouldn't be able to determine what was 50 meters away from you because it was raining fiercely at the time.

"Man, this is one hell of a rain today."

My friend made a comment about the obvious.

"Sure. Anyway, on three, two, one and go!"

We both ran towards his car at the same time. The heavy drops of water rapidly wetted my clothing as soon as we stepped out of cover.

As athletes, though, it didn't matter in what condition we ran. With our coach, things got even worse...

We dashed over to his car and jumped in as soon as he unlocked the door. We didn't give a damn about our already soaked garments soaking the seats.

"Haha, that was fun and … wet." My friend remarked.

His joke made us both laugh. Regardless, after drying our hair with the towels, my companion started the car and drove to my place.

"Whew, man, today's training was tiring. It feels like I am going to fall asleep."

On the road, he spoke with a big sigh. It made me nervous, so I asked him if he was okay.

"Hey, are you sure you want to drive?"

"It's alright, nothing special." He reassured me, but it didn't help much.

We continued on our path in this manner. During the voyage, I became fatigued as well, and I began to drift off to my dreamland. I forced myself to stay awake by squinting my eyes.

I'm not sure if I should be happy or sorry about it.

I looked at my companion, who appeared to be awake, yet there was something odd about him. As if he were in a trance, his eyes were fixed front, immovable.

"Hey…" I called out to him, but no response.

"Hey!" This time I raised my voice. Again it didn't work.

He didn't change his state. Fear seized me at this point... we were in a goddamn automobile at 40 km/h, and it was just getting worse.

"Hey, wake up!"

I yelled angrily at him while seizing possession of the steering wheel. I was in a panic.

I was aware of my friend's situation. He was completely exhausted from training, and his brain forced him to shut down, leaving him in a trance-like state.

People usually have an experience like this after suddenly rising from a sitting position, when their vision darkens and their body loses stability. Especially for those who have issues with blood flow...

But it gets worse: you can't function at all. You're in a trance and have no idea what's going on around you.

'What the fuck should I do?!'

Before he chokes himself out, I should hold his tongue for him so that he doesn't swallow it accidentally. But we're on the road!

I didn't get to make any decisions anyway...

The speedometer had already surpassed 170 km/h by the time I noticed it.

My vision was blinded by the brilliant light that flashed in front of me. Then there was the sound of something crashing into the car.

I lost consciousness after a violent tremor and colliding with the car's plastic inside.


I was lying on the concrete road in the next scene. The rain was pouring down on me, the pain was unbearable, and finally, my eyes caught sight of a friend lying close by.

'This… is… not … good...'

My mind wasn't in the best of shape. At that time, too many things happened to me.

I was attempting to keep a safe distance from the pit of nothingness. I didn't want to die; it wasn't in the plans for me.

When I heard loud sirens a few seconds later, my hope grew.

Nonetheless, my consciousness faded…

I was lying on the hospital bunk in the second scene. A dropper hung from above me, swaying crazily as the doctors sped me through the hospital's light hallway on the same bunk.

They were clearly escorting me to the operating room.

Their screams and cries were deafening. The woman who towered above me, her eyes filled with pity...


I felt completely despondent and powerless to do anything. I'm entrusting my life to someone I don't even know.

I was grateful to people who were attempting to preserve my life, but I despised the situation.

The final scene of me being here was after the successful surgery. Still lying on the bunk, with my vision dark.

I could hear the nurse's voice, who was looking after me. I could hear the doctor who was keeping an eye on my health.

I was, however, unable to move, see, or speak. During the drive, I was probably in a worse situation than my pal... So, how's he doing these days?

Is he still alive? I didn't hold out much hope for his survival, and I don't hold out much hope for mine. I've already been in this state for days, I'm not even sure how many days.

I'm sick of it already.



Finally, I submitted to the darkness.




I squinted open my eyes since the bright light was bothering me. Oh, yes, it was the first time in a long time that I opened my eyes.

Everything appeared to be bright, and the ceiling I was currently facing seemed like the gates of paradise. Only if…

I took a deep breath, the first and most unpleasant thing I have ever done.

As if exhaling the chilly-cold breath after the tough training, the scent of iron flew in my lungs.

'What the hell?!' I almost jumped up from the bed, because of this sudden sensation.

I looked around for anything I could use as a respirator, blocking my breathing passages with my palm. Could it be that they put me in a lab with deadly chemicals? Otherwise, I had no idea what was going on in my lungs.

There were still more surprises in store for me. I saw my reflection when I looked towards the window by accident. I saw my face, with my gray eyes and black hair. No scars on my face…


I lowered my gaze to my hands. They were still the same, with no signs of wear and tear.

Lifting the shirt I was wearing, I noticed the six-packs that I remembered so well. My ribs are in excellent condition and do not feel squashed. My legs are the same as ever.

I'm not sure how that's even possible. I recall spending a long period on that dreadful bed. My muscles have to diminish in some way during this time, yet I still feel incredibly energized. My brain was prepared to operate at full capacity...

Of course, if you smelled something like this, you'd stay awake. It works better than coffee.

What am I doing here? This room does not resemble a hospital; it is simply too outdated. There were no lights on, only sunlight streaming in through the window.

The bed I was on was wooden, which is unlikely to be a hospital's.

"But this scent…" I seemed to get adapted to it a little, it doesn't feel as suffocating as before.

"So you are awake now, huh."

I turned to the unknown voice. There was a man standing at the doorway, with some bottles in his hands.

He was probably around fifty and wasn't looking too old. His posture was straight and his figure was lean with visible muscles. He must be a retired athlete.

He wasn't dressed as a doctor by the way. I'm confused, shouldn't I be hospitalized?

"Oh, you haven't realized where you are yet. You're at my house because my daughter found you in an alleyway late at night and brought you here." The man explained.

What alleyway? What is he even talking about?

"Excuse me, but I don't understand how?" I was taken aback by how casually I spoke out. I was able to speak for the first time in a long time.

"Oh, you were conscious of your situation, then. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how my daughter was able to save you. I predicted that even expert healers wouldn't be able to save you because you were in such bad shape."

Even more perplexing information. Healers? Is he referring to doctors? I was in horrible shape, to be sure. But I recall being in the hospital... This is a whole different environment.

"Lay down for a few more days and rest. My daughter will bring a meal for you here, and here's water." He placed the bottles on the desk, close to my bed.

"Thank you…"

My mind couldn't fathom what was going on, so I merely thanked the man. I was completely perplexed.

"You can't put thanks in your pocket." He grinned and left the room.

The old man finally showed a true self huh? It doesn't matter, if they indeed saved me, I will repay them.

Anyway, I'm desperate for a swallow of that gallon of water. I stretched out my hand towards the bottle, but…

The blue screen popped in front of me, greatly scaring me.


[You have several unread messages.]


"Huh?!" I pulled back my hand instantly.

What was that, anyway? It was hovering directly in front of my eyes, and it appeared to be exactly like the futuristic technologies depicted in movies.


I slapped myself to make sure I wasn't sleeping, which I wasn't. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm fully awake.

The words remained floating in the air.

Have I developed any psychiatric issues, or have I gone insane? No, I'm not going to confess it. I'm pretty confident I'm a normal person like everyone else.

'But still…' Have I really developed some mental deviation?

[You have several unread messages.]

The blue screen still was floating there, constantly taking my attention. Okay, my curiosity is killing me. Let's check if I'm really insane.

"Open." I tried to persuade it to show me the messages I had not yet read.

"Open the message,"


"Show me the goddamn messages!"

As the screen remained in the same state, a tick mark appeared on my forehead. But I made a mistake; this wasn't my home, and I wasn't the only one who lived here.

At the doorway, the blond-haired girl with gray eyes stared at me. As if I was a crazy person,

How embarrassing…

"Hello…" In this awkward situation, I couldn't find the words.

"I'm v-very sorry, I brought this."

Before I could say anything, the blond-haired girl placed the lunch on the desk and hurriedly walked away.

'Man, that's embarrassing. With the girl at that.'

I turned back to the blue window that was hovering close to me, fearing that I might be mistaken for a psychopath.

It appeared to be the RPG game's UI, but how was it floating there... It went unnoticed by the girl. So it's possible that this is all in my head.

'Should I click on it?'


As they say, old ways never lie... Isn't it true that people say stuff like this?


[Congratulations on becoming a "Player" (Unread)]

[Daily Quest: "Preparations to become strong" is now available. (Unread)]


'Huh, this really looks like a game.'

Just like the mailbox in games, where you receive quests and rewards. Couldn't help, but think of it as a cool thing.

'No. I totally went insane.'

I had to read those unopened messages, anyway. Unlike the welcoming messages found in most RPG games, they might be crucial.



[This System will support the growth of the 'Player.']

[Failing to comply with the System's instructions will result in potential penalties.]

[Your rewards have been delivered.]



What is the progress of the player? That's quite intriguing. But that screen with the "Potential Penalties" is scaring me; I've already suffered enough punishment to last the rest of my life...

To summarize, this appears to be a gaming UI, particularly for RPG games. The features are identical to those found in an RPG gaming UI.

I decided to click on another notification.



[Daily Quest: Preparations to become stronger]

Press-up, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Sit-up, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Squat, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Running, 10 km: Incomplete (0/10)

Warning: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment.


After reading the content of the message, I couldn't help but grumble.

"Come on, man, I've just awoken after a long slumber."

However, I looked down on my body. My muscles were in great shape, it would be a problem to finish the task in a day.

"If this growth thing is real, I'll be the happiest man alive." Of course, if it is real.




I hurriedly consumed the supper that the girl had left for me. Then I put on the clothes, which were most likely left for me because they were the same size as mine.

Those outfits should have been discarded a long time ago. They are undoubtedly composed of natural materials, yet the overall quality is comparable to that of medieval garments.

The goal was to leave via the window and return fast, finishing the quest in the process. To see if I was on the first level, I opened the window.

I was. So I leaped from the window and successfully landed on the ground.

"Let's commence a little jog from here."

I started jogging out of this narrow alley, energized and motivated. Just when I thought there were no more shocks in the offer,

Just as I rounded the bend in the alleyway,

I was on the road, surrounded by medieval architecture, people using weapons, and some even performing magic!