
I Killed God

Last week, I killed God. Tomorrow, I have an assignment to hand in. Next week, who knows? Maybe, I'll destroy the world. Disclaimer: Lots of blood and killing. --- Word Count: 1000+ Per Chapter Upload Schedule: Whenever a chapter is complete. Currently 2+ chapter/day --- Entry for the WSA 2024.

Myara · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 - So Many Questions

Inside the room was completely void of light except for a singular item hovering in a glowing light in the middle as some tubes of white shimmering lights lined every side of the wall, channelling up and releasing out the tiny dots of mana into the realm.

My attention turned back to the item in the middle. It let out a soft blue glow as it slowly spun in a circle. Walking closer, I could make out its small, metallic, pointed cross-like appearance.

A wide grin etched itself upon my lips. Finally, this was it. I found it. The Archon of Creation. El's greatest masterpiece. The tool that helped him to design and bring the mortal realm from his imagination, into reality.

Reaching out my hand, I scooped it into my palm; its weight was heavier than I expected as I flipped it around, admiring its intricate details. Just by having it in my palm, I could feel the power surging out of it. Its mana's rhythmic pulsing flowed peacefully out as it coated its surroundings in a sense of warmness before washing it all back in.

Please God, tell me what to do…

… I,n his heavenly name…

Dear God! I want a computer for Christmas…

… in god's name, we worship….

Billions of voices echoed out from the Archon,

…sing to Him!….

…in God's name….

The continuous voices poured out loudly into the room, resonating around the glass dome as I watched the mana balls appear and fly out in sync with the voices calling through the Archon.

"So he was using the mortal's worship as mana generation!" I finally put it together was I watched each wave of mana formed in the pitch-black room, slowly growing into its small dots before congregating into a sizable ball and travelling down the tube, lighting up the inside of the dome as it passed through and flew into the sky. If that was the case, there was no need for me to tamper with this room as the constant stream of mana flowing out, the longer it would sustain this realm, keeping the balance temporarily in check.

I placed the archon back in its place.

"Did the sick bastard spend his time just sitting here and listening to people worshipping him?" I muttered with slight disgust as I noticed a singular small chair tucked away at the side of the room, "No wonder he'd become so narcissistic."

However, as I glanced around the room at the millions, no hundreds of billions of voices streaming into this dome, there was something wrong. How could there be hundreds of billions of voices when there were only 8 billion people in the mortal realm? Where was he obtaining all these extra mana generators from? I tuned into the voices more carefully.

Rozok, we hail!

Celestial Light, hear our plea…

…study under the God of Magic…

My eyes squinted. Those languages spoken were not from the mortal realm. At least not from the one I was familiar with. If so, had he secretly been creating more worlds to play with-. I suddenly remembered the phrase from the previous room.

Worlds within Words.

What if it was true? What if El really had created billions of worlds, hid their existence within the words outside this room and had been generating unlimited mana from their worship of him?

A wide grin escaped my lips as a laugh of complete shock and pure disbelief rocketed through my mind. At this rate, it would be extremely difficult to deny him the title of God, yet a God with such power died in my hand just a few hours ago. The irony of that would never cease to amuse me.

Yet that raised another question. With so much power and control over this creations, how was he so weak? With what I had just witnessed, if El had wanted to, he could have easily killed and erased me from existence with a wave of an arm, so yet why did he struggle to gain the upper hand during our fight? Why did he rely on releasing his full power to strike me down? Perhaps those were questions I would never gain the answer to.

I brushed those thoughts away, and I once again left the Archon Room, as I had dubbed it. I wearily walked past the words, down the stairs and out of the building.

"My Lord!" A voice called out in front of me.

I glanced at the calling figure, Eraiel flying over.

"I've received word that a demon is waiting by the gate." He said as he bowed, "They seem to be looking for you, My Lord."

"A demon?" I frowned as I glanced over in the direction of the gate.

It's been centuries since I last communicated with any demon. I had doubted they would still remember who I was after so long, but it seemed my doubt was unwarranted.

"Alright. You can leave now." I waved him away as I made my way towards the entrance.

"Boss! Boss!" A surprised shout echoed out as I neared the gates.

Below me, a familiar figure waved me down as I dropped down.

His black wavy hair swayed in the light breeze as his glowing red eyes peered over at me with much admiration. Upon his back sat two giant dark red bat wings, indicative of this demonic status as his crimson claws-like hands curled slightly by his side. On his chest two giant black scar marks etched themselves on his shoulders as they ran down his arms and to his wrist, creating a rough scale-like texture against his skin

"Mero." I acknowledged his presence,

"Boss," He bowed his head as his low baritone voice weaved its way into my ears, "The curse on our people has been lifted. We wish to enquire about the situation."

The curse he was speaking about was an ancient spell El had cast on the demon species after damning them into a pocket dimension for the rest of eternity. By the command of the curse, all demons were forbidden to leave the Demon Realm and must work to process human souls; cleaning, recycling, and reusing them for regeneration.

However, as the curse had now been broken due to most likely the death of its caster, all the demons residing within the demon realm had become free from their eternal prison.

"The King and Queen are currently keeping them at bay. We require orders from our creator before they emerge in the mortal world. Many of the demons are itching for a bloodbath, they all scream to be let free."


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